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Everything posted by magicmilner

  1. Wii U New Starfox - Sequel to Starfox adventures, big story mode featuring multiple planets to visit (think, Ratchet and Clank style) Also features a Mission mode that is typical SF style flight levels that can be played by up to 2 players. Finally, an online dogfight mode. New Metroid - Start of a new trilogy, made by Retro, FPS like prime New Zelda- Looks just like the tease from the Wii U reveal video, biggest Zelda yet with multiple towns and NPC's to interact with. Will also feature a Dark Souls style message system where you can leave messages in dungeons that will appear in other people's games New Pokemon - Would love a fully fledged RPG but this will likely be a fighting game featuring NFC with Pokemon figures More gamecube HD remastered titles Advance wars U 3DS Majoras mask 3D Metroid - 2D game that will act as a bridge between the end of Prime and the new Wii U title New 3DS model
  2. So, just got given this as an early Xmas pressie! Wow only on World 3 but it's got so much variety it's amazingly addictive
  3. How great is this console! I was never a massive Wii fan but this console has bought the great memories i had playing Ninty stuff from ths GC era
  4. Do we know if this will feature all the DLC on disc?
  5. From the latest issue of N-Gamer page 58 I take it they know it's coming in a future update?
  6. I thought alot of the members would have moved on from them but it's nice too see members are still around : D
  7. I cannot wait for this to come out only 20 Days left I had a quick go on one yesterday in GAME I love the look/feel of the console, Fits proper snug in my hands I had a little bit of trouble with the 3D but I was playing an AR shooting game with the card on the counter and only had a quick 5 minute play i'm sure it will be alot better when I get longer with it at home Game wise i've gone for Pilotwings and Monkey Ball i've not been this excited for a console launch since the Gamecube
  8. Back in the Cube-Europe days I was known as GBAKiNG it had the best community around and was dedicated to the best console around at the time : peace: Anyother members left over from those days?
  9. So heres the story I bought a Wii at launch and after a copy of the weeks I was bored of it I must admit motion controls are not as good as using a joypad so anyway my Wii has been pretty much gathering dust only coming out when I bought the occasional release (SMG, MKwii, SSBB, MP3 etc) But this last week I was having a look around and noticed some really cheap games so I thought I would take a punt and boy I was so wrong about the Wii being a 1 trick pony I've bought A Boy and His Blob Wario: Shake dimension Dragonball: Revenge of Piccolo Madworld Lets Tap! Punch Out De Blob Zak and Wiki Okami Metal Slug Anthology House of the dead: Overkill CE Some are being kept for xmas prezzies but the ones I've played are actually really fun and have actually kept me away from playing Modern Warfare 2 So I just wanted to check with you guys who have stuck with the console what other titles are worth a look on the Wii? any Hidden or overlooked gems?
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