Wii U
New Starfox - Sequel to Starfox adventures, big story mode featuring multiple planets to visit (think, Ratchet and Clank style) Also features a Mission mode that is typical SF style flight levels that can be played by up to 2 players. Finally, an online dogfight mode.
New Metroid - Start of a new trilogy, made by Retro, FPS like prime
New Zelda- Looks just like the tease from the Wii U reveal video, biggest Zelda yet with multiple towns and NPC's to interact with. Will also feature a Dark Souls style message system where you can leave messages in dungeons that will appear in other people's games
New Pokemon - Would love a fully fledged RPG but this will likely be a fighting game featuring NFC with Pokemon figures
More gamecube HD remastered titles
Advance wars U
Majoras mask 3D
Metroid - 2D game that will act as a bridge between the end of Prime and the new Wii U title
New 3DS model