Bundled with the actual system should be a demo disk to get you used to the new style of playing, perhaps even an updated version of duck hunt , same graphics as the NES version, but updated to use the Revs controller.
Besides that i think it should launch with the following first party games;
Mario 128
Smash Bros
Metroid Prime 3
At the TGS Iwata made a point about the Rev becoming a great system for FPS games, and i think to make this happen one needs to be available at launch, and what better franchise to launch then a new Metroid Prime game?
Then the usual first party games should be stagger over months/years (mario kart, fzero, zelda, pilot wings, star fox, donkey kong ect), but id love to see some new franchises made this generation, put metroid asside for one moment, cause it isnt really i FPS (more of a FPS), the next franchise i think Nintendo should make is of the FPS genre.
They need to make the FPS with a good story and fixed characters, like in mario, he is the hero and bowser is the villan, in zelda, link is the hero and gannon the villan, they should stick to the same plan and always have a set character and a set villan, that way the franchise should never die out.