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  1. Im just thinking out loud, but i think it would be a good idea if at launch or any time really, Nintendo made a 2D side scroller mario game (Super Mario World style) that you could only download through the Revs DL service. Then every couple of weeks or so release an update for it that adds X amount of new levels into it. On the same note think about if they made a 2D Super Metroid style game, then each month you got to download a new area of the world/planet. Given how easy it has become to make this sort of game i find it entirely possible, once they have the game engine (which they should already have, it would just need tweaking alittle) the biggest time consuming tasks would be to create the sprites and test it, which if we're talking about 1 area a month shouldnt take that long. This would get people to use Nintendo's online service and could possibly lead to more people buying a Rev in the first place, with the promise of an "ever expanding game". Like i said, its just a thought :wink:
  2. Zelda :bow: Just kidding I like my RPG's, but i like the futuristic ones, so thers my answer. A game im thinking of at the moment is a star wars game, how cool would it be to weild a light sabre in your hands and go running after ewoks
  3. Bundled with the actual system should be a demo disk to get you used to the new style of playing, perhaps even an updated version of duck hunt , same graphics as the NES version, but updated to use the Revs controller. Besides that i think it should launch with the following first party games; Mario 128 Smash Bros Metroid Prime 3 At the TGS Iwata made a point about the Rev becoming a great system for FPS games, and i think to make this happen one needs to be available at launch, and what better franchise to launch then a new Metroid Prime game? Then the usual first party games should be stagger over months/years (mario kart, fzero, zelda, pilot wings, star fox, donkey kong ect), but id love to see some new franchises made this generation, put metroid asside for one moment, cause it isnt really i FPS (more of a FPS), the next franchise i think Nintendo should make is of the FPS genre. They need to make the FPS with a good story and fixed characters, like in mario, he is the hero and bowser is the villan, in zelda, link is the hero and gannon the villan, they should stick to the same plan and always have a set character and a set villan, that way the franchise should never die out.
  4. Kinda a little off topic, but if you look at the reflection of the controller in the image posted at the start of this thread, the reflection of the 'a' button is 'Y'
  5. When i first saw the image of it i thought, what have Nintendo done this time -_- But after reading about what it can do and watching the video (in reverse order), i was sold on it. For years ive been screaming out for a new way to play games, i was tired and bored with all the games available, both on consoles and the PC, they were all just clones of each other. This controller is exactly what i wanted, and im greatful to Nintendo for giving me that. Thinking about how the controller can be used made me want games that i never thought id buy, like a tennis game, a golf game and a FPS, i never really liked console FPS's ever since PD on the N64, but now with the controller thats the main games genre i want to play. Cant wait will a get my hands on one.
  6. I think the same as as Sooj, the controller with the analogue add-on will be around £30, and i expect the standard controller add-on to be around £15.
  7. I find it funny reading all the fanboy comments that are currently flying around. They seem to dismiss it before they’ve even researched it and realise its full potential. I think what it is, is that these people are scared of change, they see a new idea and they instantly assume it isnt as good as the "traditional" way of playing games. Either that or theyre just stupid fanboys :lmao:
  8. Im in total agreement with Nintendo, games have gone a bit stale, time to make them new again. Every one has ideas floating around in their heads right now about how the controller can be used to enhance the way we play games, and thats exactly the way it should be.
  9. It opens up a whole new dimension in gaming. I find myself wanting to play games that never interested me before (i havent played a console FPS since PD for the N64, now theyre at the topof my list of what Rev games i want). Only one draw back however; I must remember not to throw the controller at the screen by mistake
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