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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    How about this for theories and speculation, read it earlier: Breath of the Wild = Wind = Goddess of Courage and Wind Farore Tears of the Kingdom = Water = Goddess of Wisdom and Water Nayru Game three = Fire = Goddess of Power and Fire Din ??
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    That's a great video thanks for sharing. Cool idea that the chunks of land found on the surface are how you'd get up to the sky, by using Link's new rewind power. After watching that I definitely think the 'tears' part of the title could relate to something in-game.
  3. This past year I've loved the recent 3D Kirby, and Metroid Dread and future-wise will pick up Splatoon 3 at some point + really excited for Mario + Rabbids, Pikmin 4 and obviously Zelda... but I do kind of feel like they're lacking in their action/adventure game category. Ok five of the above are + Bayonetta, but I dunno, it feels a lot of their Directs lately are RPG or Fire Emblem-heavy. Maybe that's just the impression I get because I'm not into FE/Xenoblade/most of what Square Enix puts out.
  4. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    The title was clearly chosen to relate/riff off of Breath of the Wild. It definitely doesn't stand alone. And it could easily relate to a gameplay mechanic, we just don't know yet. This looks pretty tear-like:
  5. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Breath of the Wild hardly screamed gameplay mechanic either. 'Tears of the Kingdom' riffs off the original's title nicely. Lovely artwork, logo and box-art. The animations though, looked rough af, to the point where I'm a little surprised they put that out. Obviously it'll get cleaned up and I'm sure will look great at release, but still. On the plus side, the game somehow feels broader in scale than it did previously, maybe because of those opening images?
  6. Wow another Fire Emblem game eh. Directs these last couple of years feel like 75% FE or anime RPGs. This one especially was filled with the latter, it was getting ridiculous imo. Massively hyped for Pikmin 4 though, and obviously Tears of the Kingdom!
  7. They always give a time frame to manage expectations and they always, without fail, show stuff further out.
  8. Be great to finally get some proper BOTW2 info. Crazy how it's been 5 and a half years since the original.
  9. The Star Wars Thread

    Good trailer but the one at Celebration was different and even better. Looks like they're still holding things back. I agree I'd like to see new things now (which I think they are doing a bit of that too tbf), but I think that's just a sign of the times tbh, not just Star Wars. I know I say this a lot on here, but modern day audiences have just been conditioned to want what's familiar. That's why everything these days seems to be a sequel or reboot or remake, or thing that gets an old cast back together.
  10. General Switch Discussion

    He did more than predict a September Direct, he predicted the content as well.
  11. Stranger Things

    I'm currently in pieces after watching S4 E4.
  12. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (29th July 2022)

    That's pretty much what most of YouTube seems to be these days, it's really sad. Also Jim Sterling lol.
  13. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (29th July 2022)

    You did better than me, I only lasted 20 seconds.
  14. General Movie Thread

    I think the over-arching narrative is why all the films blend into one, each one doesn't have as much of a unique storyline like the previous Bond films do. I think around the time Craig was hired, "gritty" was the big buzzword when it came to films and tv shows so they went in that direction and like you say, copied the Bourne films. Hopefully the next set of Bond films strike a good balance. I think Casino Royale did that pretty well. It was fun but also down to earth.
  15. General Movie Thread

    Saw it a few months ago, can't remember much about it. I've struggled with the last few Bond films, Casino Royale was amazing, and Quantum of Solace was watchable, but everything since I just find way too bleak and depressing. I really miss the more fun Pierce Brosnan days, but I'm probably in the minority.
  16. General Switch Discussion

    Regardless, they made a statement so I thought I'd post it.
  17. General Switch Discussion

    Nintendo has joined Microsoft in responding to this week's shock PlayStation 5 price hike, and said it had "no plans" to similarly bump up the Nintendo Switch's cost. https://www.eurogamer.net/nintendo-responds-to-playstation-price-hike
  18. Playstation 5 Console Discussion

    I just find this whole line of reasoning really strange. Like you've totally been a jerk here about a pretty positive announcement, and instead of acknowledging it you're basically resorting to whataboutery. Because I'm being accused of being the reason this forum is apparently dying, so forgive me for pointing out when others such as yourself dismiss literally anything Xbox does that's positive, or someone else I've already mentioned often trolls the Nintendo board throwing console-war grenades, then acts all outraged when someone says Microsoft did what Playstation is doing now, seven years ago. It looks like a great controller, but to suggest it's going to change the industry, I very much disagree.
  19. Playstation 5 Console Discussion

    Gamepass is amazing and you are constantly poking holes in it, as well as almost anything Xbox ever does. Your anti-Microsoft bias or @drahkon's OTT Playstation bias and constant comments about how he "forgot we aren't allowed to criticise Nintendo on here" or that "Mario 3D World is the worst 3D Platformer in existance" or that "Nintendo don't make good Zelda games" are as glaring as anything. So I'd suggest you both look at yourselves a bit more before accusing others. Again, it's a really nifty controller, and it's great to see such cool tech being released, but 'Incredible and game-changing'? It's long overdue.
  20. Playstation 5 Console Discussion

    There's fanboys everywhere. It's a cool controller, but "incredible" is pushing it just a tad.
  21. Playstation 5 Console Discussion

    Or Xbox, seven years after PS?
  22. I know, point still stands though, its not a very nice looking game imo. A lot of Japanese development studios seem to be (at least) a generation behind technically.
  23. *Google Images Harvestella* Pass. A step up from Game Freak visuals, but just barely. cool re the Splatoon treehouse though