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Everything posted by tissuetown

  1. heh. I used to work at HMV Trocadero. Why did they pick that store? The game section is tiny.
  2. Cheers yo. Well next up in around two weeks time, is a building in low poly using a bunch of 256x256 textures. Fun times.
  3. I think the shadow is somewhat proportional to the strength of the light that is being produced. I darkened the image in post for a more moody look rather than a photo-real look ( I abandoned photo real a week back). The scene is basic because it's 2 planes and a texture. That's it. It was a last minute thing lol. Oh also, shadows are in one direction because I used a directional light ;p
  4. What's wrong with the shadows?
  5. I actually decided to change it due to the complete inconsistencies in the shadows. So here's a much simpler version.
  6. All done.
  7. I got the first Wii Sports and have played it for all of 1 hour. I have no interest in Golf Games. And I know nothing about Zack and Wiki, and I don't do blind buys.
  8. Animators don't model.
  9. No limits at all. 11 textures in total all 1k. Model is over 300,000 (tires and chain). Next projects will have limits though. No animation from me yet. I am concentrating on one thing atm. Also, the animation tutor at Escape worked at Pixar, and he said that unless you're talented, it could take up to 7 years to be good at animation.
  10. Sarcasm was applied to the posts that you quoted mate.
  11. All I know is that it didn't sell as much as it should have. I don't know the exact numbers so I'm not gonna make it up. I suppose I should go find out then. Yeah. A paltry 1 million (rounded) In Japan and 8 mil worldwide. Should have sold more than everything else on the Wii.
  12. Why don't you find out?
  13. My final project at Escape is to do an entire courtyard (that exists, so loads of reference needed), and it must include foliage, wood, bricks, water, etc and an interior. I cannot wait to do this actually. I am coming close to the end of my current project that has lasted almost 4 weeks now. Will be finished this thursday. Here's how it stands thus far.. Ignore lack of lighting and decent shader set up.
  14. I went to Westminster University. Shitty course, full of shitty modules, and all I did was get pampered for the "good work" I did. Most of the teachers didn't know anything. And I was naive enough to think I was getting a job soon after Uni. Hah.
  15. It will sell more than Galaxy.
  16. Well at least your Uni sounds like they know what they're doing. The thing is most Uni's don't. And most students just don't know that. Not a fault of their own mind.
  17. Ok fine, Zelda as well, and I bought Mario Kart which I regret. Why should I care about the rest? I would rather play UC2, MW2, Bayonetta, Alan Wake, Ninja Gaiden etc. And frankly, that's all I have time for. So there you go. And frankly, I feel far too spoiled. There are far too many good games. I hardly see it as a disadvantage that I own all the consoles.
  18. Cool. Well just a question. Have you or will you be studying the following: -Generating Normal Maps, Spec Maps, reflection maps and other maps, and not just knowing how to, but being able to generate good ones? -LODs? -Zbrush (this is one of the most important program and one of the most used programs in games. If you don't know it, well get started ASAP!!!) -Edgeflow, vertex and face normals. -Have you ever used or heard of crazy bump? ?? Also, good luck getting a work placement. You think you are the only ones? There are hundreds of Unis, each having about 50 students doing games courses, all wanting to probably do a work placement at a games company. It ain't happening. Very few companies do now.
  19. Does your tutor know much about 3D? Or does he merely know how to use the software?
  20. There are loads of other games that will gather as much as interest as NSMB.
  21. Well I was asking Nightwolf actually, but it helps that you answered anyway. My advice is to pick a field. Env Artist, Character artist, etc and concentrate on it. Generalists seldom exist in games. In fact Generalists only exist in advertising.
  22. I have all platforms, and I don't have the money to buy every top game on every console. So I prioritise, and in all honesty, every good game that the Wii may have, there has always been a game on another console that will appeal to me more. I am not rich, but I like having access to the games I like. And all consoles offer that. The Wii is my Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Metroid console. That's it really. Same could be said for x game on x system. I see a lot of dismissing of games on other consoles from a lot of users here. I don't see why they should feel persecuted when someone does it to their game. Just buy whatever game you enjoy and stop moaning that other people don't like it.
  23. They don't. I got top marks for all my 3D related models at uni. Looking back at it, and it sucks. In the end it's your choice. Out of curiosity what Uni you go to? Also what exactly do you want to do? Animator I assume right?
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