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Everything posted by Matt
If you want to sell it, I'll EASILY give you £25 for it. Please let me know if you decide to get rid!
I really, REALLY want Just Cause after playing the demo! Even Saints Row got good reviews.... I haven't managed to get Dead Rising, Saints Row OR Just Cause yet! Argh! Doom XBLA is good, whoever asked! It's essentially the same as the CE Xbox version, but looks slightly crisper (try the demo) and yeah, the Live play is pretty sweet. I'd say if yr a big Doom fan then its worth a few quid to get good Live play from it.
Ooooh, got my first Market Place Points today and promptly spent them all on Street Fighter 2, Doom and Geometry Wars. Good times!
Well duh... But STILL. How is it even WORSE than the other tripe they've slapped the Sonic name on to?
The new Sonic demo is absolutely terrible! The controls are disastrous and it looks like an Xbox game. Oh dear, Sonic Team...
I'm getting Dead Rising for FREE! But it's a damn US copy, and by all accounts it won't work on my PAL system. What a bitch! I got Full Auto, too, but that was region-free.
Oh yeah.... buggers! I got BFME2 the other day and I'm absolutely in love with it! If anyone fancys a little Live match sometime, add me! I really need to get back into the swing of playing on Live again. I haven't had a proper match in aaaages. Maybe since I stopped playing Halo 2?
I think the Ninety Nine Nights demo is fucking toss. Rubbish!
I have to say, I really, really like the Gamerpoints system. Trying to get all the points from games is keeping me playing them long after I would normally give up. The one example I'd give is Call of Duty 2. I think they got the points SPOT ON. I'm currently finishing the game on the hardest setting and it's great to get little awards each time you progress a little further. If I knew I wasn't getting anything, I probably wouldn't bother. Some games are harsh with the points though! I've got hardly any on Far Cry or Table Tennis...
£399 ...............
Yep, exactly what I was gonna say. And Indians in space? If someone pitched that idea to me for a game I'd slap them. Bad story, TERRIBLE acting, generic FPS... hmmm. No thanks.
Ha! I'm loving what I've played of Table Tennis so far... Really lovely. I bet they've sold LOADS more units due to the price, too.
I'm sure the new ones are great! I haven't seen those, and know nothing about them, so can't comment. But the demo pod ones ARE pretty lame compared to other models you can get for a similar price. I only mentioned it because I know a lot of people just get the demo pod one because they assume i must be great, when it's actually not. Cheap, cheap.
Yeh, honestly, they should do!
Your best bet, chap, is to take your 360 along to a Currys/Dixons/whatever and try out all three. You'll notice the differences/pros/cons then, won't you? Do it!
Oh no, they do look ok, just not great. I've go no quibbles with anything else about them (as I don't have one) but the picture quality IS inferior to a lot of other makes. It's FACT. I was gonna go with one, because I assumed they'd be the best (being on the demo pods and all) but I read a load of reviews, got a load of prices (did my research, basically) and lots of places said what I said above. And when I play the demo pods, the quality really is noticebly different, honest. The only thing shitty about my Panasonic is the fact that it doesn't have VGA input. Grrr.
Because they're the cheap, cheap, cheap HD-TVs and you can tell if you compare them to other ones. The picture quality is just baaaad.
Mmhmm, I picked up a Panasonic and I'm pleased as punch with it. DON'T go Samsung.
Shouldn't have thought so! I'll give it a whirl, though.
FIFA World Cup Demo now on the Market Place, if anyone cares.
You have to load up the disc and choose 'uninstall' from the PlayOnline Viewer. I need to do it too! Less than a gig left!
They're the Samsung models. Don't know the exact model numbers but there are LOADS of higher quality HD-TVs out there for around the same price. If you're really strapped for cash, then the Samsung ones will do but, seriously, look around. I tried a Samsung and a Panasonic and the Panasonic blew it out of the water as far as the picture quality went.
Surely a strategy game would be perfect for the FHC. You'd just use it like a pointer and point and select things on screen...? I reckon racing games will be weird. Beat 'em ups, too.
Yeh, to be fair, Metal Gear visuals are ALWAYS spot on. They've never, ever looked any different in the cut-scenes to how they are in-game.
I would, but there's been too many good games out recently! I'm still playing GRAW, Oblivion and Far Cry... Really want Tomb Raider too.