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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Serebii

    Wii Fit

    I stand by my "ouch" Good thing it does good exercise, as I wont be goin out with my friends any time soon after gettin it cos of the price lol
  2. Watch this http://youtube.com/watch?v=yYPPZfaAxCc Its well impressive, especially the second one Its a Home-Run Contest
  3. Agreed I gotta make sections on it, I hate doing that before I play a game HATE HATE HATE
  4. They probably have been But don't forget theres loads of stuff they have to do...menus, character names (such as the pokemon which change region to region) and sounds to accompany, trophy names, trophy details, dates etc.
  5. Oh everything looks bad if you remember it
  6. Logic and Optimism :p
  7. Chances are though, that the UK disk will just have English on it I hate being part of europe ¬¬
  8. It wont be Autumn I can guarantee you it It will be July at the VERY latest But I'm hedging bets now on May to Early June
  9. It wont be Autumn. It'll be 6th June
  10. Yep. Both Electivire and Magmortar are sitting in a box now lol
  11. I am, its not a case of one or the other...its both :p
  12. Why would a Nintendo of Europe representative (albeit a french one) state the date as June 6th if it was gonna be in Autumn... Oh what a tangled web we weave
  13. Its just the same thing as what we were discussing earlier, doesnt make it true just because CVG reported it citing the same source we were
  14. For once, I hope the Nintendo official at that french place was right :p
  15. I dont use other websites, we go by the in-game stuff that my pic taker gets, and by the file dump for the list
  16. Characters yes, Pokéball ones...not yet, its taking a while for Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys & Manaphy to appear for pictures to be taken...
  17. My site is the worlds #1 Pokémon site and as such contains details from everything Pokémon. Deep within that is the Brawl section At the moment it just has Character & Stage profiles...all in-depth with a variety of screenshots and details, but soon we'll have a lot more. Doing Assist Trophies and Items next
  18. Interestingly, Gameplay.com have changed their date from March 28th which would have been awesome, to June 20th
  19. Keep trying. It'll load I wasnt expecting people to be flocking this much. I gotta resort to more thumbnails to lower the load....and cost
  20. Ironically its in the top of the top update on my website :p
  21. Its also case sensitive
  22. Lucario owns your soul Cube!
  23. I told my pic guy that i wanted a Pokémon, probably Lucario, to be in as many pics as poss to keep the section Pokemon related Be happy tho, after the amount of punishment, the Aura Sphere it sends out will be the size of the moon and will kill everyone else
  24. Examples please. Wing me a PM with them in
  25. Its logic. Reggie never reveals stuff like that in interviews...
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