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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Very tempting... I'd love to meet the guys who were so instrumental in the direction of my life
  2. Unity Tower still remains a mystery even to me. They've not announced anything about it
  3. Yeah you do as it follows on from the main plot
  4. It's not necessary. It's just a fruity extra for some
  5. Only in one area unfortunately
  6. The post game is comparable to the post game in DP (and by extension Platinum). While there is no Battle Frontier, there is the Battle Subway and that's every bit as tricky, if not more. However, there is still narrative in the post game and a decent amount to do There are no Gym Leader rematches, which I'm annoyed about, but there are Elite Four rematches and they sure can get a bit tricky if you aren't overlevelled The northeast of Unova opens up, opening two new cities as well as Black City & White Forest. It also gives you access to various areas like the mysterious Undersea Ruins
  7. Lol, Seriously. The games are the best Pokémon games I have played. While they have their issues, like all games (RB had no postgame, GS had balance, RS had oceans, DP was slow, BW is a bit too linear), they're amazing. They're a reinvigorating of the franchise, essentially rebooting it, while keeping the nclassic stuff in. Well there's no Contest stuff, no way to enhance the Beauty stat. It's an ancient relic of a bygone age
  8. Now it's just a simple trade evo Best games I've ever played. Strong narrative. Imaginative Pokémon. Great changes to the metagame. Triple Battles. Rotation Battles. 3D envrionments. Multiple differences in versions. Not only is it Pokémon, but places and even battles http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/exclusives.shtml'>http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/exclusives.shtml http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/versioncity.shtml'>http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/versioncity.shtml http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/versionbattle.shtml'>http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/versionbattle.shtml http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/ for more
  9. Feebas is MUCH easier to find and evolve in Black and White :p
  10. Entei is on WiFi until the end of the day and Suicune for the next week. There's still a chance to get them! Just fiddle your router settings
  11. Yes they have, but no it's not.
  12. There is going to be a difference in events between BW in US and UK from now on. I'm unsure if US BW will be unable to get UK events, but the WiFi system is different, they're running off of different servers which is why we're getting the Liberty Pass for two weeks longer than America
  13. Who spiked whose drink with rohypnol?
  14. Well that really shouldn't have happened. The gifts are typically language locked, not region locked
  15. It means untrained. People tend to want it so they know they can EV train without any problems
  16. Well the pain is subsiding now so it's looking like it wasn't appendicitis but just a slightly inflamed appendix for some reason. Still awaiting the results. What's worrying though is that I've lost about 4lbs since Thursday. While sure, I ate little on Thursday and threw up what I ate, it's a bit worrying
  17. So, Masuda has confirmed that the "No Grey" stuff was never said http://www.gametrailers.com/video/overview-interview-pokemon-black/710753
  18. My doctor said so
  19. Get the Pokédex and have Mystery Gift I really want some of these t-shirts; http://store.uniqlo.com/jp/store/feature/ut/pokemoncard/
  20. No I wasn't lol
  21. You know what I mean. Things can only enter through the correct orifices. No additional orifices can be made
  22. No. My body is not to be entered. Doctor says it may be it, but as I don't have a fever, it is likely to just be an inflamed appendix so she's hooked me up on loads of drugs. I wont know for sure until the test results come back
  23. I may have appendicitis. FML
  24. Japan only at the moment. We'll probably get them in September
  25. Ah, the thing is, there are no 6 top Pokémon in the Unova dex. It's so varied. It's ridiculously varied
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