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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Remember the good old days when the post came in time for you to read it while eating breakfast before school/work I'm getting old
  2. Did you order from ShopTo? If so, when was it dispatched?
  3. This is my first order from ShopTo and you guys are making me nervous
  4. I agree. I never understand that statement. It seems to just be that people feel that "negative" views tend to be the more truthful, partially because as a society, we only really make a big deal over things when they go wrong. As a journalist, I respect other people's opinions and reviews, EXCEPT when they're poorly researched or just make stuff up and unfortunately, the Zelda one at Gamespot falls into that category
  5. If mine doesn't come tomorrow after the ravings I've received about ShopTo, I may just cry
  6. With this, it isn't the review score I have an issue with. It's the fact that they clearly didn't play it right. They imply waggle is used and he complained that the IR stuff wasn't responsive when there was no IR stuff
  7. Mine from ShopTo said it dispatched today, didn't come in post though...wasn't really expecting it to, but alas
  8. It reads as if he had no idea what to do with controls. It appears he was "waggling" with it and using the bow with IR which isn't possible, hence poor controls
  9. The reviewer apparently posted on NeoGAF in regards to the IR comment
  10. Was so hoping it'd be like my friend and Assassin's Creed. He gets the e-mail the same day as he gets it delivered
  11. Oh man, I totally called it. Almost every other publication giving it nothing but praise and Gamespot jump in and give it a majorly low score Love the complaints though, makes me laugh
  12. Mine is also like that...can't wait
  13. It does say it. It says it'll be completely removed from the current show and are starting from scratch so there won't be Matt Smith or whoever the next Doctor in the show is.
  14. This is a terrible idea. Pure terrible. I'd be fine with it if it was a Time War movie. I'd be fine with it if it was in current continuity. However, doing a reboot of it. No. Fuck off.
  15. No no...I was noticing their lack of logic. I apologise if my sentence made little sense, my point is that they were saying that Skyward Sword should just do things like the competition but then says to wait for the Wii U one which would innovate. It's just contradictory...that was what I was getting at
  16. QUOTE DELETED AS IT HAD SPOILERS So, they want it to meet standards and do what others do, but then say to wait for the Wii U one and wait for it to innovate? They're just bitching for the sake of bitching, to try and get hits/viewers
  17. It's only Monday, and ShopTo aren't exactly that up for saying "We've sent it." My friend got Assassin's Creed from them. Money didn't get taken from his account or Shipping Notice until very early Saturday morning and he received it in the post on Saturday
  18. Are you seriously judging this game's quality based solely on that it's not in HD?
  19. Read loads of people complaining about the 10/10s in that the scores should be knocked down a couple of points due to the lack of a left handed mode People make me laugh
  20. They're bad when you go in and think simple waggle will work like it did with past games. This game requires proper motion and people won't accept that
  21. Everyone else is saying it's amazing and that the motion controls really aid in it. This game couldn't be controlled with the Gamecube controller, not even a hack on a dodgy copy of it would make it possible. It's just not designed for it
  22. I saw one person say they should have let someone from another IGN division rate the game since "clearly" they are biased. Don't see that happen with other games
  23. I read that review. It seems that the reviewer was just trying to do it like Twilight Princes and "waggling" in order to get it to work I lol'd
  24. GamesRadar apparently spent ages wondering why Mario was so slow, and then realised it had a Run button...and the run button is their chief complaint for it
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