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About Bitolas

  • Birthday 07/12/1989

Personal Information

  • Location
    Sintra, Portugal
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gameboy Color, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, GameCube, Nintendo Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    Gaming pc
  • Favourite Game?
    TLoZ: Wind Waker
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    6856 5097 2921 8294

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  1. Looks great, do you know if this is going to be retail or wiiware?
  2. Tinha de ser, um avatar à pervert! --'

  3. Nope, this addons for the X360 and PS3 are coming to late and won't be the main controllers, I look at them like the Eyetoy was, it's just an accessory with a hand full of games that support it, nothing more. It's too late for MS and Sony to win this console war, it simply won't happen. Also I still don't know what is for you a hardcore game? Or a hardcore console? A hardcore gamer is someone who plays ANY game, no matter the system (Wii, PS3, X360, PC), if you're a hardcore gamer you should have all the gaming systems, to play all the exclusives, if you don't then your just a normal gamer. The concept of "Hardcore Console" or "Hardcore Game" was made up by some retarded people at Sony/Microsoft to keep people away from the Wii.
  4. After seeing the trailer I thought to myself: It's time for me to finish Mario Galaxy for once! Here I go!
  5. This FF is looking really good, me wants.
  6. Don Flamenco on Title Defense is a bit hard, everyone is damn hard on title defense... I'm getting sad with all the losing
  7. Looks good, I actually loved the other 2 Mario RPGs.
  8. What we need is a combination of OoT great main story, alot of dungeons and secrets AND MM npc interaction, playing under stress of knowing that something will destroy the world if you don't do something about it... Also something different than the joke of a Zelda game TP was, it sucked so much when compared to the other 3 3d Zeldas it almost made me cry.
  9. Beating King Hippo on Title Defense is taking me a good while, in the meantime I'm doing the challenges.
  10. I can't defeat Sandman, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd, I'm going mad with this game!
  11. In MM you should do all of the side quests, that's where the game's beauty is! Playing MM in strait line, from dungeon 1 to 4 without doing side-quests will make you miss almost everything.
  12. Same here, can't wait for it.
  13. Gawd! I want this game, and I want it NOW!
  14. Here's a question for you. If I equip a unit with one of those special weapons, and the unit dies, do I love the weapon forever?
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