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Everything posted by lindsey

  1. Yes you do need to add the friend code , mine is 0387 8767 5076
  2. Oh the exotic wasnt for you just anyone in general, I haven't got much but I think David has the goal pole I'm sure he'd do a trade with you David has the goal pole, he'd probably trade that for the hero's boots
  3. I have an exotic chest in my town , someone was after that , one of the residents is selling for 1260 bells.
  4. @Thiophen I'd like the shoes if there still available
  5. Only on a Sunday , and they stop selling at 12pm I think. There is a warthog that walks around your village and you get them from her
  6. Hi Guys, Here's my friend code , looking for some more villages to go in on animal crossing. Pm if you have added, thanks 0387 8767 5076
  7. my friend code is 0387 8767 5076 ive added dazzybee, and fused king. let me know if you add me and i will add you back!
  8. Never have to speak to eachother again Were like that through google chat! I have only ordered nintendogs & cats at the moment, our 5year old girl wants her own Blue 3DS with nintendogs & cats,( she knows what she wants!) mmmm maybe not! So she and I have agreed to get the game and she can play it on mine, i quite like nintendogs aswell, I probably wont get a look in thou. I have got the second professor layton to complete and the third thats still in its wrapper! So that will keep me going untill some others of interest come out. I cant wait to hook it up to my Wifi hotspot! Not sure what david is getting to be honest.
  9. I got my 3DS from game and I got my 3DS game from the hut, I only ordered the game last night.
  10. well My 3DS was despatched yesterday and one of my 3DS games have been despatched today! so hopefully they will come together!
  11. Yes it was the blue one! why? it says there using express 24. does that mean i will get it tomorrow if it was sent yesterday?
  12. My 3ds got despatched yesterday from GAME, had the email around 3pm.
  13. Thank-you!


    It was RedShell who did it, and the signature! :hehe:


    Where have you dissapeared to on MK... i mentioned to david the other day you havent played in the league for a while and wondered where you have gone!...

  14. there selling dewys adventure for £5.99 on shopto...
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