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Pantsu Man!

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Posts posted by Pantsu Man!

  1. I recently bought the new Prince of Persia from play.com for £20 and so far it's been a very good game. Graphically it's beautiful. Storywise it seems quite good. I like how everything is so smooth. From the wall climbing to the sword fights. Also how you can stand still, press LT and talk with Elika with the camera sometimes making it look like a cutscene.

    Although I do feel as if the story is really quickly paced. I don't know if it's good or bad yet. First I'm following a girl, then I'm escaping from guards, then I'm running into a building for some reason, then escaping it, then going to these places to do something to the land whilst fending off some demon type creatures. All of this within about 2 or so hours. Then going to the next area to do the same.

    The only thing that's breaking up the quickness of the story is having to go over the whole 'level' again to get the light orbs.

  2. Crackdown was overhyped, it was just that there was nothing better out at the time, it was the game of the moment so some people will have a soft spot for it I guess depending on when they got it, I picked it up cheap somewhere down the line and I got a small amount of enjoyment out of it.

    It's not that it was that there was nothing out at the time. It's that there was a Halo sticker on the front of the box with that in game thing that was related to Halo in some way. Everyone bought it for that.

    I bought it for the game and loved every minute of it. Especially with a friend. Blowing each other up with rocket launchers from on top of buildings.

  3. Your lesson seems... controlled?

    Very controlled yes. I sat there one screen with videos, the other with the work I should have been doing. Not once I was asked if I was doing work.

    Although my colour changing thumbs got appraisal by one of the lecturers.

  4. yes a girl. my name suggests otherwise but I am a girl!

    unless... my parents didn't tell me something. can't really ask them though.


    edit: I rang them up just to confirm. I am in fact a guy. sorry for the misunderstanding.

  5. If you go to Lincoln you can have my room during term time! My mum will cook for you.


    And clean.


    And... well... I'm not proud of the other things.

    I hope it has something to do with a certain word in my name ;)


    hihi I'm new here. lurker of 3 days so I though I'd sign up.

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