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About Andyliini

  • Birthday 03/26/1987

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    Playing, reading
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GBA SP, NDS, Wii
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    PS2, 360
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  1. Mine was shipped yesterday. On the other hand, EU-shipping takes longer, so maybe they just send those first.
  2. Yusuke Hashimoto retweeted the Direct announcement, so I'd take it as Star Fox Zero is sure to appear.
  3. Some stuff I didn't know, like you cal lose parts of your Skell in battle, but it still functions, you only lose abilities linked to that part. Interesting.
  4. Change only applied on Lin.
  5. Developer confirms IARC system has now been implemented on eShop. Now, a developer can release games on many different territories more easily. The system has been previously implemented on Google Play and FireFox Marketplace, but eShop is the first dedicated gaming channel to adopt this new system. Note that the traditional age markings are not going away, IARC just makes it easier for digital publishers to sign up for them.
  6. I'd say Nintendo account is kind of "extended" NNID, where aside from NNID username and password, you can now use Facebook account, Google+ etc to use it. One account to rule them all, so to speak. Should help with casual users, who would prefer logging in to their smartphone apps with Facebook. At least I think that's the catch.
  7. So... Purchase games and play games in order to earn gamerscrore, and actually use it to buy add-ons and stuff? Sounds interesting.
  8. That was me, BTW. :awesome:
  9. New trailer:
  10. Nah, not interested in PC games.
  11. At that price, I can't resist Resident Evil: Revelations.
  12. Shows some english voice acting, too.
  13. Natsume said some time back that Nintendo does not want to release any more SNES games on VC. It seems like it's not true, though, as we just got a SNES game last week. Maybe they still think so, who knows.
  14. Free DLC coming soon, says KnapNok.
  15. There's a some kind of campaign going on at Shin Megami Tensei IV's Official page Looks like they are teasing a new game. Dengeki Nintendo also retweeted this, so there'a a change it's Nintendo-related, probably 3DS as SMT IV is for the console.
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