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Everything posted by timypeg

  1. eight quid and its allso limted edtion from blinks 182 merchendise./
  2. my days been quite good. spend more time on halo wars, cant wait for it to come out. the rest of the time though been watching the sport and have had a lazy day. problay going to watch the return of the king in a bit which means most of my night will of gone seeing as its over 3 hours long.
  3. my day yesterday was pretty good seeing as i was off. spent majority of the day playing halo wars demo doind skirmish matches. cant wait for it now, its easily the best strategy game on a console. oh yeah i finished too human, good ending but could of had more levels.
  4. my day wasnt to bad, college was boring as always. although we had a new lectuer today to replace another one, but im pretty sure he knows nothing about computers. other than that their nothing else to report. its finaly the weekend for me though seeing as i dont have to be in college on mondays and fridays.
  5. i have yet to try some alcohol as my parents think i should drink when i become the legal age. come on march the 1st.
  6. the cd was £2.99 from zavi clearout sale
  7. hello people, im new here so i thought that id introduce my self here and i hope you acknolege me into the forum. so here it goes, people know me as Tim and i come from middlesbrough. i play alot of games mostly on my 360 though. i also hope to go to leeds met universty in spetember to study games design. glad thats done. so my day, today was realy rubbish to be honest had to do some more work on my I.T project in college but it means listening to the most borring lecture in the world who is obssesd with binary for some reason. but after that the day was okay as i came home and played more too human, which by the way is great.
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