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Posts posted by Marshmellow

  1. haha nah i dont have xbox live i actually suck at halo 2:D but i play halo for pc online and im not to bad haha


    ROFL. Interesting Marshmellow.


    I myself just got back from a three-day long party down in the New Forest; I'd show pictures, but they are pretty XXX rated. ;)


    HOOK ME UP! haha well at laest let me see how the "Pc Guru" parties:D lol

  2. ok im kinda of just "borrowing" this thread cause i dont really need to make another since thier are so many threads on graphic cards

    now should i get the nVidia PCI-E 6600 card for $140 http://cgi.ebay.com/XFX-Nvidia-GeForce-6600-256MB-PCI-E-16x-Card-no-6800-GT_W0QQitemZ8712040577QQcategoryZ80192QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

    or the nVidia PCI-E 6800 card for $250 http://cgi.ebay.com/6800-GT-pci-express-video-card-Nvidia-SLi-rdy_W0QQitemZ8713144436QQcategoryZ40161QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

    or the nVidia PCI0E 7800 card for $315 http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-SEALED-GEFORCE-7800-GT-OC-PCI-EXPRESS-256MB_W0QQitemZ8713519112QQcategoryZ40161QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


    basically which one is gives more for the price?

  3. Here are the pieces of the two out of three computers i took apart



    Here are all the pieces the motherboards, the drives, the fan, the HD, the CPU, the RAM, and everything else haha the things in paper towels are pieces from the first comp i took apart and are already wrapped up:D and i actually took it apart w/o breaking anything!!!


    here is the CPU i know u want this beastly CPU!!!

  4. I'm more impressed that he manages to add 'lol' to every sentence with a 99% success rate. That's pretty heavy, man.





    Oh and happy birthday :p


    lol but yah thanx for wishing me happy birthday and everybody else that did too


    Right, I can think of a million better things to do on your birthday other than playing Halo 2, rolling around in the gutter blind drunk is just one of them.


    idk man we had a crazy-ass game of twister going in the kitchen haha and when u and one ur best friends and whole bunch of girls are playing it gets pretty damn cray haha lots of Kama Sutra lol








    Definition of Kama Sutra-in Sanskrit literature, a treatise on love and sexual techniques :D


    so yah one of the best games of twister ive ever played:D

  5. I havent tried them yet... since all my other computers at home have windows running on them imma buy Linux and put it on the one and the other i will use for spare parts... the specs for the one im keeping is a Intel Pentium 3 800MHz, 768mb RAM, sadly only a CD-ROM drive (will be upgraded) and im not really sure on the HD capacity so yah A PRETTY DAMN GOOD DEAL!!! lol i cant wait to start up them up with LINUX!!!

  6. actually sadly about one of those trophies are mine... thier mostly all my brothers lol

    yah im from america

    haha the glove actually is a mickey mouse glove i got when i went to disney land lol

    well for the two side small tvs we had couches on either side and sum chairs that arent pictures for the middle tv

    the guy with the peace sign he is eric and pretty weird lol

    yah i wish we had bigger tvs but i dont have room in my living room for 4 big tvs lol

  7. Oh oh!

    I got a better one!

    Hire a Succubs.







    Succubus Definition: Popular creatures in mythology that drain the tesopherone out of men by having sex with them and adding it to their lifeforce, making them even stronger and a better than before. While they were having sex, they would stick their tongue out and it would go down the throat of the man, nearly killing him. It was believed (although not proven) that there even a Lesbian Succubus, that hunted and thrived on women.

    They are basically demoness' from Hell whose sole purpose is to drain the souls of men by having sex with them while they are asleep.


    wtf?? ?

  8. So i went to this city auction thing where they aucioned off old city equipment in big lots but for low prices. So i ended up getting a big shelf 3 monitors and 3 cpu's for only $30!!


    here are the pics



    The 3 CPU's



    The 3 Monitors


    haha yah their pretty crappy but imma take em apart and make one relativley good one but for $30 they aint bad

  9. ok my actually birthday isnt for another week but i had my party early so my dad wouldnt be home so here are sum pics from my awesome party haha



    here is the 3 small TV's with xboxs playing halo 2.



    here is the 1 big tv with halo 2 playing and to the right my router lol



    and here is both of em while were all playing halo 2 idk somehow 1 person got the big tv all to themselves...


    hmmm well at one point we had all 16 people playing against each other on all 4 tvs with halo 2 it was pretty crazy...


