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Posts posted by Cube

  1. I would go back to the year Franz Ferdinand was killed, save his ass, therefore saving millions of people's asses because the First World War would never have taken place.


    And at the same time, caused millions of deaths due to lack of advances in medicine, technology, etc.


    Another thing I could do, is go back in time to Roswell (the "ufo" crash), kill my grandad, sleep with my grandmother. Then go forward in time to the year 3000 and save the universe from giant brains with the help of guinea pigs.

  2. I would go 10 years into the future, buy a load of technology, come back and make a company faster-growing than Google and bigger than Microsoft, making me billions.



    edit: Or I would wait around a month or two, and go back today, and give myself the time machine (as I got it from a future me in the first place). But then, where did the time machine originally come from???

  3. According to The Seattle Times, Microsoft are currently working on this media player:



    It boasts Wi-Fi compatibility with the X-Box 360 for both downloading and streaming music. It will also (apparently) be able to play games.


    No information on price, but its set for release this xmas.

  4. The power of a console has very little impact on its success. The public's perception, however, carries much more weight, even if it is often misguided. Every PS2 owner I ever knew claimed it was more powerful than Gamecube.


    The weakest console has always been the most sucessful...NES, GameBoy, SNES, PlayStation, GBA, PS2, DS...


    I think that shows that people don't buy a console for it's power.

  5. I started my "summer" job 2 months ago. Cleaning in my School. £5.90 an hour, 10 hours a week.


    (oh, and they got my hours wrong when they paid me - i got around 6.5 hours extra. YAY!)


    Only problem: as they want fewer people working over the summer hols I'll be having 6 weeks unpaid holiday forced upon me.




    I'm gonna try Somerfield (which "officially" opens on wednesday) soon, if that fails, then pontins.

  6. If you mean the series finale last year, the Doctor set it to do that that one particular time.


    And in the Satan pit it fell down a hole and was found down the bottom of a hole, if it did transport itself there it wasn't shown.


    You're just making up explanations which have no standing factually.


    So the station that it was inside at the time it fell just vanished then?

  7. Lets look at this from a buisness view.


    PS3 costs sony a lot of money to make, this probably means that retailers will have quite a low profit per console sold when compared to Wii.


    Also, it is very likely, due to the price, that Wii will sell more units.


    So, higher profit per unit + more units sold = much more money.


    It's likely that other retailers will do this, and will put Wii at the front of stores.

  8. The TARDIS can transport itself and the Doctor's companion to the companion's house when it's very likely that the Doctor will die, so why can't It keep itself still?


    Also, the TARDIS clearly trsansported itself to the Doctor in "The Satan Pit".

  9. nope, i don't know either, but i don't really care. only found out the result of the match by accident when loaded up yahoo to check my emails. only knew the match was even happening today because i saw something about it on bbc world when i was trying to catch up on important world events (EI not the world cup)


    Until yesterday, I thought the final was on Saturday, and I didn't know about this incident until just now.


    I hate it when people asume that everyone watches the world cup - I havent seen a single match this year, because of my opinions on the industry (its no longer a sport) called football.

  10. Actually, about the TARDIS....that thing than not just withstand the pull of a black hole, but it can fly away from it at high speeds.


    The "pull" from the void was clearly nowhere remotely close ot the gravitational pull of a black hole, so it could easily withstand it.


    Haven't listened to the commentry, but it looked to me like the cybermen were pulled into the void through the faultlines that they came in through.

  11. The TARDIS seems to go where it wants to in quite a few episodes (like "Tooth and Claw" and "The Idiot's Lantern", in both the Doctor was expecting to be somewhere/sometime else, plus ones like "The Impossible Planet" where the Doctor had no idea where he was, just that is was "far away"), this is normally heading towards danger, so why can't it stop itself spending an eternity with Daleks and Cybermen?

  12. Who saw it? I was really dissapointed with it, its been one of my favorite TV shows for years and the way they finished it off made it feel like a normall episode, nothing special.


    It's not as bad as Enterprise - they decided to finish it off by making the last episode "The Worst Episode Of Star Trek Ever"

  13. What happened to her though, and all the other cybermen who were created in that reality, none of them had traversed the void so none of them would have been sucked in.


    The cybermen "suits" had to be made in large factories - Only the "conversion chamber" was made at Torchwood, so the cybermen must of brought loads of spare "suits" with them to use, which would of been covered in void stuff.


    Buit what about the Tardis, that went to the other reality but wasn't sucked in to the void, you could argue it was too heavy, but they were carting it around on the back of a truck in the previous episode.


    The TARDIS has a mind of its own, it could probably sence the "danger", travel to somewhere else in Time/Space, then back to Torchwood when the void was closed.

  14. Pretty sure twas a black one, and it's just the light on it thats making it look a bit lighter. The ark was sucked into the void though, so they'll have to come up with another way of bringing them back again, which is a shame, 'cos that was a good way.




    Actually, it was errors in the CGI Black Dalek.


    Anyway, I liked the ending, and not knowing who Tate is (I dont pay much attention on the actors, just the roles they play), I'm not complaining.
