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Everything posted by SkinnyMap

  1. Since my heritage is from both Hong Kong and Italy, I'll be rooting for Italy to win. ITALIA!
  2. Yeah that's true, maybe a second season wouldn't be wise because it would kill the flair of the series and ruin the formula of it. Anyway I'm just starting to watch Gurren Lagann today, and will start Mushishi later on, anybody seen Mushishi before??
  3. Will do. Moving on, I know masses of people who all agree that there should be a second season to BECK, any verdicts on that BECK viewers??
  4. Okay I will do that, I was already considering to purchase the manga so I think I'll go ahead with it.
  5. BECK is an awesome series, I enjoyed every episode of it to the fullest. As for the other three animes you're watching, I have not yet seen them but I will commence in watching them so I can prevent you from getting confused of which thing happened in what anime.
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