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Everything posted by gARYgREATIE*

  1. How to Tell You're an Aging Gamer

    14. If it was Crystal Cracked, it was fucking awesome.
  2. killthenets Post A Fake Movie Plot Thread

    Working Title: Danny Dyer: The Mercury Man In my film, Danny Dyer becomes obsessed with mercury, due to an accident where a massive thermometer prop in a film starring himself and Sean Bean shatters sending mercury flying everywhere. Cuts to Desperado-esque editing of Danny Dyer with mercury fountains and odd lighting effects. The film essentially tracks his descent into insanity, as he suffers from mercury poisoning whilst other famous awful british (for british sakes actors i.e. Sea Bean, Bob Hoskins, the evil guy from The Business) try to bring him back from the brink. He becomes obsessed with his neighbour (played by Becca from Hollyoaks) and eventually kills her. He is then beaten to death by Sean Bean, who commits suicide afterwards.
  3. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    Loving the Star Wars theme, background photo looks sweet. Shame the font doesn't look as awesome, probs cos of the size restraints. 8.5/10
  4. Ultimate Diplomacy Thread III

    Huzzah. I hope I get to be a good country. Come on Sweden!
  5. Castlevania Wii Rumour Resurfaces

    I remember quite liking castlevania 64 but I think I also remember it getting pretty bad reviews. Portrait of Ruin on the DS is amaazing so if they can do something like this for the wii that would rule. hahaha imagine watching someone playing constantly making the whipping motion with the wiimote.
  6. Rogue Trooper Heads To Wii

    I like the sound of the storyline, I hope its a decent port. Hopefully they'll give it a RE4:wii edition style update.
  7. digital cameras

    I used to work in John Lewis selling cameras I'd definitely recommend Canon cameras. There are so many budget cameras nowadays, and although they all do the same thing to a relative extent it is always good to pay a bit more for a well established brand. Canon are the boom: Great photo quality Straightforward menu layout Well manufactured Good customer care Look Cool Buy Buy Buy Hmm after reading that back I sound like a bit of a dick. Anyway, I heart Canon, and Canon hearts me.
  8. The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz

    Is it the centre of the Water Hemisphere?
  9. The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz

    The first sentence to the quote. "One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently...etc"
  10. The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz

    *recieves hi-five* LOLZORDS!
  11. Indiana Jones 4

    Hmm, I hate to be a negative nellie but I was thoroughly underwhelmed by the trailer I saw a few days ago. He's far too old, I can't begin to find it believable. I hope it won't ruin the good name of Indiana Jones. I only wish that River Pheonix would have had the chance to reprise the Young Indy role, what a shame. Also I'm always gonna be forgiving of Shia as Even Stevens was amazing.
  12. Scrubs!

    I didn't like the special where they went to JD's home town... Oh wait that was Garden State.
  13. Comic Book Discussion

    I'm a huge batman fan, pretty much the only comics I'll read. Batman Vs Predator II: Bloodsport has been in my bathroom for about 5 years so I think I must have read it as many times as I've pooed.
  14. The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz

    done done and done
  15. N-E Picture Caption Game

    "Wait, did you just say you don't like TOTO?"
  16. Favorite SNES game

    In no particular order: 1) Starwing 2) Street Fighter II 3) Donkey Kong Country 4) Home Alone (I know it was kinda shitty but I loved it) 5) Ren and Stimpy
  17. The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz

    it was more a figure of speech, my calculator is somewhere under some old A-level maths books in the darkest reaches of my bedroom. I've just been trying to remember how to solve this kinda integration. Quite fun really
  18. The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz

    ah ok sorry i didnt realise it was one at a time. I'll have to fish out my calculator in that case.
  19. The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz

    1) The area is infinite as it doesn't cross either axis. unless you mean between two certain points, i.e. a=1 and b=2.
  20. Rate the last film you saw

    Agreed, both of the sequels are crimes against cinema. I was never massively taken by The Matrix in the first place but in comparison its a relative masterwork. The Wachowsky Brothers can eat my shit. They suck, big time.
  21. The Music Thread.

    It's super-awesome. I think you should cut weezer some slack, the blue album (was it self titled? Who knows, I can remember it being blue) was a non-stop hit machine.
  22. The Music Thread.

    This Charming Man by The Smiths has an absolutely awesome bass line, better than that gossip bullshit. Joking, I'm not gonna be a dick about your music taste. If you want to listen to the lame music of an American Apparel sponsored Manatee thats your divine right. HELL AWAITS
  23. New Diplomacy game starting

    hoi noblord, let me know when you start a new game. ta