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Posts posted by faz99

  1. I'll give you all a hint i think that made a big difference to me, and i don't know why.

    I remember i used to try and try and try to finish the first cup in master, its the only one i ever finished, or maybe it was the last cup on expert, either way, i tried and tried and didn't get anywhere near.


    So after about a week of this, i went back to try some more, and instead of selecting 60hz mode, i selected 50hz, and i did it in my first go. The game was strangely ALOT, i mean ALOT easier. Master is STILL hard, but in 60hz is impossible. Also when in 50hz, i finished most hard bits of the story that i was also stuck in.

    I can't understand how the hz effects the game, but i do know there is a speed difference, but when i played in 50hz, the computer seemed easier and layed off more regardless of the speed of 50hz.


    Weird eh?

  2. Faz, where is that place in the world? And why was it destroyed?


    somewhere near the middle east, muslims destroyed it because it was deemed unislamic, even tho it was 2,500 years old, older than islam itself...


    Tha Taliban destroyed it to "cleanse" Afganistan, so it was in Afganistan. It happened in March 2001, and it was mainly statues of or related to Buddha, which the Taliban seen as "Hindu heresy".


    Ok ok, im just taking it off about.com hehe.


    I did know where it was tho! And i knew who did it. But everything else is new to me. It still should never have happened.. It looked amazing before it was destroyed.



    Now Another. Shuttle Challenger.


  3. i remember the offical mario ice cream about ten years ago. it was massive, the hat was strawberry, the face was vanilla and the mustache and eyes were chocolate...now that was a tasty ice cream...yummy


    YES! I remember them aswell. I used to eat them, but i remember thinking that the ice cream was a bit weird in it, the coloured ice cream, like red and stuff.

    And even though the shape posted here from Kuwait is no where like the one that used to be here that we once licked, the colour is strangely the same. Red = brown, and other colour blindness fun.

  4. The smell of cigarettes has never offended me, even before I started smoking. And I don't know anyone, apparently apart from yourself and Faz, who has a problem with it.


    Thought someone else on here also complained about it. No one complains about it there, because they are used to the smell. Once the ban comes in, they will notice when they go foriegn that their clothes STINK. I never minded it before, but now its like yuck.

    I'm always around at my friends getting stoned and in a room full of smokers anyway.


    tbh from the way you come across on here, I'm not surprised you don't know anyone like me, you don't exactly seem accepting of anyone with views that don't conform to your own.


    Yeah, your right, i know loads of people like you.


    Anyway, the ban is coming in right? So lets just sit back and watch all the smokers go crazy, while nothing much changes in our lives, but a little smell and clear air. :]

    Oh and the fact that passive smoking seriously effecting our health has decreased.

  5. Fair point. But I refuse to believe that anyone actually complains about sore eyes and smelly clothes. Particularly not the sort of demographic who'll contribute to this forum. Old people. Delicate people. Yeah. But if you're in the pub long enough for smoke to be a problem, you're only gonna go home, hammered, and take your "smelly" clothes off immediately anyway.


    Have you honestly ALWAYS disliked bars because they're smoky? Or, actually, has it never really crossed your mind, until now...




    Didnt mean to double post :D

    Gotta log.

  6. Or are you arguing because there's a thread on the topic of a smoking-ban, and it's given you the opportunity to get on your high horse, and bang on about how awful smoking is. When actually, you're not that fussed...?!


    Jesus, your fuckin opinion is annoying. Stop going on and on about bandwagon and all this bullshit. He has an opinion he said it, you said this one around 3 times by now.

  7. Nah. I refuse to believe that smoking in pubs offends anyone below the age of 35. I simply cannot imagine anyone leaving a bar, because there's people smoking in it. I've simply never seen it happen. If you go out, with the intention of having a good time, because people have always smoked in pubs, it doesn't even cross your mind. Unless you're totally precious and lame.


    Once it comes in, bringing it back will be hard.

    Because when it does come in, and person X goes to Spain, and person X doesn't smoke, he/she will realise that they're throat is fucked the next day because they are no longer used to it, their clothes stink, and they're eyes were probably sore when they were out.

    Before i didn't really think about it, but if they brought it back now, i'd be like NO WAY. Wayy better now than ever.

  8. cool. yeh there should on the spot fines and stuff... although that never caught on with the littering thing, shame really as alongside chewing gum cigarette butts are the worst offenders for littering our streets.


    I remember people tried to not let it get implemented, so one pub said NO, and more said NO. Sure they were all shut down for awhile, and the people that smoked in them got fined, along with the owner.

  9. faz99, is the smoking ban in ireland just in pubs and clubs? or is it any public place, like even outside on the public street like it is in new york?


    Pub, clubs and other public venues. Outside you can smoke as much as your like.

    I think there is a hotline for you to call if you see people smoking in a pub. So they get busted. And here there is always checks, if they find butts in the toilet, pub screwed.

  10. Can anyone help me figuring out what game im on about...


    There was this game i used to freeakin love, you started at the bottom as a weee wizard man or somethin or another, and you made blocks or blocks fell or something, but you had to get to the top... I remember it was quite hard, but maybe it was just because i was young and had retarded coordination... I remember alot of purple..

    Does anyone know it!?

  11. no one care when it's Famstu scan



    Sooooo true, why is everyone moaning. No one should be allowed to look at the pics of a famitsu scan if they are bitching about these scans, cos i never see anyone bitching about scans off famitsu, go buy it if you are bitching!


    I'm going to read these scans, and im going to keep looking at famitsu scans :laughing:

  12. I smoke. And I enjoy smoking.


    I also live in a pub. So I consider myself particularly qualified to comment on the subject. My father is a non-smoking landlord, and he's extremely concerned about what this means for the future of the industry. As am I. I hate the thought of groups of smokers going outside for a fag forming seperate cliques of smokers/non-smokers. And obviously the thought of people not wanting to come to the pub, cos they can't smoke, is quite frankly terrifying.


    I'd be very interested to see how many of you are:


    a) old enough to buy cigarettes and understand the addiction

    b) able to understand pub and bar culture, which has run hand-in-hand with smoking since tobacco was first brought to England over 500 years ago!


    It's totally hypocritical for a non-smoker to enter a pub or bar, and then complain about the smoke. The two do, and always have, run hand-in-hand, and everyone is perfectly aware that with pubs, comes smoke! If it REALLY offends you that much, you wouldn't go in. Would you really be so concerned about smoke if the media hadn't banged on about the dangers of passive smoke so inanely for so long? If you're delicate enough to be made physically ill by passive smoke, you're gonna be a kid, really old, or terminally ill. Otherwise you're just jumping on an anti-smoking bandwagon, cos you're a nob.


    I'm all for non-smoking restaurants. No-one likes the smell of smoke whilst they're eating. But drinking? Fags and booze are best mates!


    I'm not massively happy about a bunch of tossers in suits deciding that I can't smoke in my own leisure time. Particularly in clubs! But the kids proclaiming the idea is GREAT!!1!!1! honestly can't understand the situation sufficiently to comment objectively...



    Ahh, ok lets let you smoke in your lesiure time! Why don't you smoke in Shopping centres, at the hairdressers and in the cinema aswell? Sure we won't go there then because if we don't like smoking, we should just "Not go in".


    I think that in terms of the ban coming in effecting business is a bit of an inflated view. When it came here, it didn't effect business's as much as people expected. And if you don't want to go to a pub because you can't smoke in it then fair enough. But let's see how long you can stay away.
