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Everything posted by Mundi

  1. Photoshop this #2.....Sarka

    Sarka The barbarian
  2. User Image Gallery

    Purdy me, about a year old picture of me
  3. Funny videos, flash games, etc

    http://albinoblacksheep.com/flash/mariocommunist Proof that mario is a communist!
  4. Whats your favorite scary movie?

    decisions decisions.... What comes on top is Dark Water (i went yuck when i heard about the american version) Event Horizon (Seen that masterpice 5 times still scares me) and The Thing
  5. What's better new Punk or old Punk?

    I´m not very familiar with punk but i´m starting to get into it, only thing punk i´ve listened to is Mindless Self Indulgence and theyre freaking awesome
  6. Favourite pick up lines

    Hi i´m a lvl 17 wizard and own a horse worth 500 gold in D&D. I know you want to go out with me
  7. go back to 1960 and copyright the name "Death Star"
  8. Favourite pick up lines

    Does this rag smell like chloroform?
  9. The R-E insomniac thread

    Sleep is for the weak!
  10. One Bullet

    Then shoo! shoo! This aint no place for you pacifists
  11. One Bullet

    Queen Latifah That woman annoys the fuck out of me
  12. Transformers Teaser Trailer is out

    Orgasmic! (10 letters yatti yatta)
  13. Guess the band!

    The picture of the ship is of a certain type of ships known as a Man-O-War Manowar :Þ
  14. Power Metal and/ or other music.

    I´m kinda new on the death and melodic death metal metal thing, just mostly Suidakra, Bloodbath, amon amarth and In Flames. Have always gonna try listen to COB just never started Never had any desire to listen to CC theyre album and song titles are kinda off-putting to me
  15. Guess the band!

    heh no, give up? I´m dieing too tell here :Þ
  16. Guess the band!

    Nope, not even close :Þ
  17. Guess the band!

    You aint never gonna get this one
  18. Power Metal and/ or other music.

    It would help the thread a hell of a lot if peeps wouldnt constantly be picking a fight over everything with The Bard, most of you are making the same boring points when your quoting and "making your really smart point about him". Shooting a dead dog wont make him any deader... Oh and to keep on topic, anyone here listened to Suidakra? These guys are fucking epic!Theyre a melodic death metal band. If in doubt listen to Pendragon´s Fall
  19. Inventions you want to copyright

    I would copyright a new sport i´ve been thinking about. Fire Tennis! It´s like normal tennis but with the tennis ball on fire! I´m gonna try it one day
  20. GameCube: invincible?

    Next time i´m bored with a sledgehammer i´ll know what to do
  21. Nintendo on Iceland

    The last recent years being a Nintendo fan on iceland is expensive... very expensive because of the bastard company that has the rights over nintendo products on iceland. The thing is that most games cost over 5.000 ISK wich is about 36 pounds and the prices havent changed in years! For example: Eternal Darkness: Sanity´s Requiem 5988 ISK (43 pounds) and the game came out 2002... Luigis mansion: 4990 ISK (36 pounds) and it came out 2001 Sonic Adventure 2: 7416 ISK (53 pounds!) Came out in 2002 Sould Calibur 2 5939 ISK (43 pounds) and one last price i found on a rather bad game that was just plain silly: Simpsons: Road Rage: 8860 ISK (64 pounds!) and came out 2002 Just a couple of old games, most games are priced at this And of course there´s always ordering from outside the country but the proplem is it´s a bit of a nuisance if you dont got a credit card and takes a long time but we shouldnt have to order things over shore..... But one thing ONE thing just really ticked me off! I just found out that this "brilliant" company distrubing (spelled wrong i know)nintendo products here arent getting the DS Lite for about 3 weeks! and the same thing with other stores and it´s most likely going to cost 13,900 ISK (100 pounds) no games including... Couldnt think of any other place to put this, so sorry if it´s the wrong place /Rant off
  22. awesome music videos

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3435468188474233742&q=shut+me+up Love this video
  23. Power Metal and/ or other music.

    I am a big fan of Power metal. I mostly listen to Dragonforce, Hammerfall Manowar, Rhapsody and Blind Guardian Hrm Manowar aint much about dragons, there are a couple of songs involed with nordic myth but not the huge part of it. Most of theyre songs are about battles pillaging and drinking beer and riding horses made of steel! (Motorcycles if yer daft :Þ)
  24. Summer 2006

    Got one of these family meet up thingy next week should be fun.. And next month i´m going to Norway for a wedding, and spending a couple of days in Denmark *cough* legal drinking age 16*cough* and Sweden
  25. Funny videos, flash games, etc

    Trigun gone bad :Þ