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Posts posted by Pete

  1. To be honnest ive only ever heard the phrase Hardcore Gamer on the internet and maybe TV, never from anyone that actually plays games.


    How prevlent the idea of the 'hardcore' outside the media I have no idea but Im not too keen on it as it seems to spring up the image that if your seriously into your games you are 360 owner playing 3rd person shooters -on line - every night.


    Now this isnt the most important issure in the world but ive been playing games for years.


    Ive gone long periods when I have not been games, times when I have played on a very casually level (if you will) (a little 2 player on something like crash team racing, a few rounds on fighting game before a TV show I like comes on) and times when they have been a serious source of entertainment for me.


    Over the last 3 or so years games ive discovered games like smash brothers Melle, Metroid prime and Soul calibur 2 on the Cube, Fifa 07 GTA san andreas on the PS2 the DS and all its class games and now the excellent Wii.


    As ever I play lots of different games in lots of different ways BUT at the end of the all the games (and all games in general - on all platforms) come down to being presented a chanenge playing to beat that and getting a reward - from a high score to a new level. I dont think playing Wii for example makes you any 'less' of a game player. As a bit of a seasoned game player I guess I find the phrase hardcore gamer a little dumb.


    So what do you all think?

  2. Great show-allways amde me laugh and at times wince at the situations they get in, loved the new ep but I was quite out of it after a big sesh at the pub ;) so it did kind of all drift over me, oh dear, lol.

  3. Late getting back on this one... but Retro Games aside (and that is a shame) the service I have recived at GAME has been awful and the staff seem trained in the hard sell to clueless parient types leaving those who know there games with a nasty taste in there mouth (if its the way there trained however its not there fault as such I know) the totally opposite to Game station. To me Game are the PC WORLD of gaming.


    Case in point (heres a wee story) I went to Game and bought a second hand PSP, when I got to the counter I was told ''these (the 2nd hand ones) normally come with a memory stick but this one does not have one but we can sell you one for £20'' Anyway I say so no they offer me a second hand one for £12 (only after of course) I get this down too £2 as I remembered I had Pro Evo DS to trade in at this point. They should have put the memory stick in with the PSP for nothing as the other 2nd hand PSPs has been sold at the same price with them. I just didnt think too say at the time. I leave the shop only too see they had over charged me £20 anyway (im not kidding!).


    I go back and expain ao the girl who served me and she does a refund, chuckling as she does ( I just thought it was really iniproriate- I can have a laugh but it was not the time -maybe you had to be there- any way I was polite though out).


    I got my Wii at Game Station and it was a totally different and better service.


    I get most of my games online but this is sad day for highstreet game shopping.


    Ive read there keeping the brands seperate for a year then proberbly mearging them, it will suck.

  4. Pete has joined the party. Give a nickname to Pete? Pete will be sent to Bill's PC.


    Lol, welcome Pete. Good work on getting Galaxy, what a game indeed! How are you finding the House of the Dead? What were you doing up so late playing Wii Sports? So casual of you... :heh: But like someone else said, now you have Galaxy you will be up both day and night messing about in it!


    Lol well it was House of dead from most for night but Wii sports is great :). House of the dead is great simply fun Arcade action love trying to find those hidden lives and score coins and getting them.


    You should also get:


    Metroid Prime 3

    Mario Kart

    Smash Bros (when it comes out)


    Yeah Ill be getting those in time :)


    Natwest is probably Solo so no fun there.


    And you'd right :( oh well.


    Well im off now to play a little tennis then fly round the universe lol :).


    Peace every one ;).

  5. Awesome! :awesome:


    Enjoy your Wii Experience! :D It's a shame Mario Galaxy didn't work!


    Were you up all night just playing Wii Sports? :)


    I have Mario Galaxy now, What a game! its class im sure you'll agree, I play a little Wii sports and quite a bit time playing house of the dead 3.


    what debit card do you have? The obscure Visa Electron cards go through if you select VISA in the WiiShop. Meastro may go through as Mastercard.

    And, welcome to Wii World. Have fun.


    Its a Natwest one Ill try later. Thanks as well.


    By the way it seemed Game Station had dodgy batch of that game, its sorted now though :) .

  6. Ive just finshed on playing my Wii I bought today!!!!


    I got Wii sports in with the console and Mario Galaxy for £210 at Game Station (sadly Mario Galaxy does not work :( ) I got the Wii zapper from Game (well the 'game' shop version with a couple of quid off using my store card) and house of the dead 2&3 at a local video game shop (Great Game -as is Wii sports (ide played that at my mates a couple of months ago)), Well im off to sleep now, up at ten then off to vist my parents (via town to get a new copy of Mario Galaxy), no Wii tommorow for a few hour :( lol.


    Shame the Wii shop only takes credit cards and not debit cards (what I have) as I want to buy Mario Kart 64 and there no cards 'left' on the NOE website I could get for club points (I have just enough for an N64 game).


    Anyway Wii Rules!!!! lol im now in the club :).

  7. As much as the West just loooves to romanticize with ancient Greeks and Romans (the latter who slaughtered and enslaved a lot of Britons), being Greek or Roman doesn't make him anymore English.


    His still a foreign patron saint of a country riddled with high levels of xenophobic 'anxieties'.

    (because thats not the most stereotyping sentence in world - oh the double standards).


    Bit late getting back on this but felt this had to be said.


    Jesus! See this and your other post 'some of you spit on and mistakingly call "Kosovan".' (who are they? and should that not be some of 'us' or do you not consider your self English?.- If you mean racists should that not be 'some' of 'them'? after all im sure you dont think members here racist?) get the chip off your shoulder. 'xenophobic 'anxieties' - how? an over generalisation of other views different to your own perhap?.


    Its no wonder the TV is a thunder with fanfare on saint patricks day but not a wimper on saint Georges theres not a national flag to be seen and half the population not knowing it Saint Georges day. We have had it instilled into us to feel gulity of being English with people of a certain mind set bashing the country with every given oppitunity (still in your case at least you were doing it in the name of defending a theoretical Kosovan who works in a kebab now safe from the hoards of English biggots just waiting duff him up, - very noble ;) ). Im not saying be blindly paterotic im not saying dont critise the country (but perhaps a little less generalising may be in order - just a suggestion) but it was meant to be a day to unite us all - shame you coundnt embrase that mate.


    Oh and it is an occasion to celebrate being english/pride not to 'espouse English pride' and theres nothing wrong with that.


    To claifiy I hate right wing nutters as much as the next guy but im also sick of the 'nu ultra left' wing attitude that steam rollers over anyone elses sensiblities with out any care as long as it 'protects' its perceived minority.


    Edit - Oh and (general comment) it should be a national Holiday- suprised no ones said that.

  8. I watched the 1st series of the Apprentice, when the 2nd serie came on I felt ide seen it all before soon got bored and stopped watching quickly. I was channel hopping last night and saw the program where they talk about the show , show clips and have the fired applicant on, What a slimley bunch tossers the male team seem from the clips I saw! from what I remember the teams (both men and woman) in the 1st series were over all quite likeable bunch but this lot (the blokes at least) I would not trust as far as I can throw. They seem like the kind of odious wessels we will all have met at some point in our lifes who'll probebly allways land on there feet and proberbly dont deserve too.


    I can be a bit judgemental, haha.







    I Swear they should put that picture in illustrated dictionaries under 'prick'.




    Nicholas de Lacy-Brown...







    And that picture could give kids nightmares.

  9. This arguement really annoys me. People in Saudi want to live there, they agree to the laws of the country just like you do by living here. You obviously hate the fact that they "do that to their people" but you have no right to make any judgement on how they live their lives.


    They just have different life philosophies to you. You can't just say that it's wrong because its different.


    Yes he does you might not agree with his conclustion (and fair enough) but he has every right to form an opinion on any thing given the infomation he has and change it at any time.

  10. It's against Islamic law to portray Muhammad in an image - so what?


    Sorry Fish, I can't agree with you here. Just because it's called Islamic Law and the West doesn't follow that law system doesn't mean that we shouldn't respect the philosophy that Muslims live by. In this case though, it is stupid beacuse these cartoons were not drawn by Muslims...


    Yes as far as im concerned not my faith not my problem, I respect anyones right to follow any faith they wish but of course I also respect anyone not to and that includes people who live in majority Muslim countries. As far as im concerned Religition in general has been given ideas above its station. Faith should be a personal thing.

  11. Question: is The Bends from Radiohead worth getting? I know there was a big discussion about this not too long ago, but I'm not sure I should get it, seeing as I think I only know one song from it. X3

    But I can get it cheap so yeah...


    Also thinking about getting OK Computer, cause again I can get it for quite cheap. Worth picking both of them up?


    Man I am so loving in rainbows right now. Yes my friend you have got to get

    OK Computer and The Bends, you'll have some wonderfull music there and ide get in rainbows after that, it is fantastic.


    Ide say check out the other albums after that, Ive never hard two though (apart from the singles) Pablo Honey and hail to the thief.

  12. well, i think that if i want to draw mohamed riding a motorbike with a a shot gun in one had, and a glowing red eye with the words "turbinator" beneath i should be alowed too.


    its a cartoon. is islam that weak.


    Ha ha, Anyway Re 'Its a cartoon' It seems groups within it are that imiture. Not sure the of numbers with this mentality but I do know of course know there are plenty of reasonable muslims - I have a friend who happens to be muslim at work.


    It's against Islamic law to portray Muhammad in an image - so what? It's against humanist principles to ban people from doing stuff harmless to others (you know, like go out unaccompanied by a man whilst female, or drink alcohol), and yet humanists haven't "declared war" on the Middle East.


    Bin Laden should be informed that a majority of Danes are anything but Catholic. For the most part, they probably think the Pope is a bit of a knob, being protestant and heathens, mainly.


    Last but not least, if he insists that the war in Afghanistan is "evil", and yet wants to declare war on Denmark, someone needs to suggest to him the the west sees harbouring known criminals (specifically mass-murderers) is seen as at least as bad as Islam sees drawing a cartoon of Muhammad. If they don't want the West to fuck with their business, his funders, Saudi Arabia, should stop fucking with basic human rights (like said going out alone or drinking, or funding terrorism).


    I have a theory that he's doing all this to make himself look tough and manly, as he's got a really, really small penis. :indeed:


    (What you said) Completely right as far as im concerned.

  13. Lefties love using the state to bully people to go along with their ideology. This is why I can't stand them.


    Lefties love using the state to bully people to go along with their ideology. This is why I can't stand them.



    Also its seems to me that before it was the same crap but from a far more right wing adgenda from the conservatives. Now you have lefties that push binked OTT attiutdes regards racism (rather than laws/atttiudes to protect all now all you hear time and again is about laws that seem to be completely biased in atttitude and balance against white people (I am NOT racist (it is WRONG) but I feel this the case with the LAW -see positive discrimination) the environment (now im in two minds on this one but hey I know if your a motorist your going to be paying even more to drive, like to smoke and drink as well (like me)? bet you loved the budget! ;) ) and imirgration, now this is not a people issue for me either, its an issue of being far too liberal in our imigaration policies in a country with finate resourses. You should sort out the economy of your own country (and im sorry but YES look after your own first) before letting in new imigrants (we are not fully complete back on feet after 18 yrs of tory rule -were getting there IMO but were not there yet).


    There areas of great poverty and unenployment still the UK where high amounts of imigrants have been re populated (or so is my understanding) I dont know how anyone can think this to be a good thing. Its not about the people, its about the circumstance.


    I voted labour in 1997 and thought left wing thinking was the only way to think, now I see why its not.

  14. The media has it's own agenda, both political and financial and due to them being stupidly powerfull in this country they have way too much influence on policy.


    Bang on the mark sir.


    Much better having free will than the alternative we have now. Fathers not being able to see their kids because of the state says no when it's none of their fucking business, ideolgies being enforced instead of being a choice. Free will is gone, and has been replaced by the bully state telling every one what they can and can't do.


    Lefties particulary piss me off. They love the state and want to use it as a weapon to bully everyone to go along with any horse shit they come up with.


    Fuck them.


    Need to mind their own fucking business.


    Back off state.


    I agree with this a lot as well.
