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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Well when at home I'd mostly be on my PS4 so it's going to be more of a handheld for me, so games needn't come thick and fast. I buy fewer PS4 games than I'd be looking to get on Switch I just don't tend to play on single player games when I'm home. But in 2017 I'd be looking at picking up Zelda, Xenoblade 2, Mario, Rime, Snipperclips. I may then pick up, dependant on their online features/service, MK8D and Splatoon 2. All in all, that'd do me for 2017! The thing that's sways me back and forth is this:
  2. Advertising at the Super Bowl is the right move, very aggressive from Nintendo, exactly what they need to be doing!
  3. On the Portuguese advert, apparently someone forgot to photoshop in 1, 2 Switch on the screen... but the system itself doesn't look to be switched off... Go to 3:00 on the vid: [tweet]826764669377531905[/tweet]
  4. I'm not desperate for one, but the portable aspect of it is handy as I travel 3hrs each day for work. I like that I can continue what I'm playing on the TV too, so glad it's a hybrid... this sells it to me over keeping my 3DS. There aren't too many PS4 games I want so much at the mo too. I think the PS4 is going to be my multiplayer console and Switch my single-player... as much as there's decent single-player games on PS4, I'd rather play Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 over them whenever I switch the PS4 on... I still haven't carried on much with Witcher 3!
  5. Sleep mode looks to be swift... [tweet]826118162496290817[/tweet]
  6. On reflection, a fair result last night, but I can't believe we spurned the chance with the pen! Thanks to Arse and Spurs for doing worse though!
  7. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    I was actually not thinking of that thanks to @Ronnie, I'm taking up his challenge of not talking about it for 3 hours (I'll try for as long as I can Ronnie). I was more talking about the lack of a party system (getting a group of friends and playing outside of private matches), a custom class system and the changing of said classes in game or even in the lobbies. It really is very basic option-wise.
  8. Right, so if I trade my Nintendo stuff in, which doesn't get played at all, I could get Switch plus Zelda for maybe £20 at most. The only things stopping me are the lack of info about this online app and not knowing if we'll need our WiiU or 3DS for any reason to do with Virtual Console and eShop purchases... What do you think guys?
  9. Right, so if I trade my Nintendo stuff in, which doesn't get played at all, I could get Switch plus Zelda for maybe £20 at most. The only things stopping me are the lack of info about this online app and not knowing if we'll need our WiiU or 3DS for any reason to do with Virtual Console and eShop purchases... What do you think guys?
  10. Side by side it really puts the design into perspective... although the Gamepad was a fairly comfy fit in my hands. One thing I do wish the JoyCons had was the slight offset setup between the analogue and buttons that the Gamepad does, even if it made them slightly wider. I think they'd probably be more comfy overall then.
  11. I wish I had a stronger will sometimes. I see this and I desperately want it!
  12. You're right. Previously posts show who's the antagonist, I needn't carry anything on. On another note, it's about time Mario Kart had a decent Battle Mode in it again... I'd hope this lives up to the SNES and N64 Battle Modes!
  13. The above aren't all you posted. Typical Ronnie... don't know why I bother.
  14. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    The gameplay was top notch, typically Nintendo in quality. If they've corrected the flaws in the first game (nothing to with gameplay, moreso options) the sequel will be one of the best multiplayer experiences to be found anywhere!
  15. I've attacked back. I'll take that 3hr challenge! Haha
  16. Oh god, I would attack if it was just on some games! Haha And I do agree with you on the issue at hand and the sales it will attain in its first few months. In the end I just want Nintendo to do well but also, because I've been a Nintendo gamer for about 30years, I don't want them to lose my custom but I'm finding it hard to warrant continued purchases with them... and it saddens me.
  17. You and I discussed it, but go back and read Ronnie's posts, they were inciting. It's not that I was "fighting" it, what I was doing was explaining why I thought it should have it. It was a discussion we were having, look at the posts between you and me, we both were saying we had points etc, we were discussing not fighting. However, your last post is a jump down the throat mate, read it back! It's inciting, I'd expect it from Ronnie. I care about Nintendo and would like them to do well, I think that including said info in their adverts would help with their messaging as well as be better for people who aren't in the know. I agree that the other games' adverts could do with having it in, but I'm not going on about those games because I don't care about those games. When I post on here I'd expect discussion, like you and I were having (not for snarky remarks like Ronnie's). When I post on twitter I'm posting to make a point. Nintendo say they listen to fans so I'll post my thoughts. ...really, go back and read the last few pages, the conversation between yourself and me was exactly that, a conversation. It's only thanks to Ronnie's posts that it's been blown out of proportion and as a result you've got a bigger focus on the negativity and thought it was an "attack". Without his inciting it would've been a good conversation in the thread.
  18. Yeah, horrendous attack by me! Absolutely horrendous, how dare I! People are too quick to jump down your throats on here. The above was all I asked, people commented and there'd been some discussion but the only attack was by Ronnie's inciting posts. Also, about FIFA/Madden/CoD, I've not "attacked" their adverts because I don't care about them... and again, why have I not "attacked" those adverts... seriously Dazzybee, "attacked", you're just being stupid suggesting that. "Attacked"... deary me! Haha
  19. For us, yes. But for people who aren't in the know, like I'd said, it's another matter. My mrs wouldn't have known if the next Mario Kart is online if it wasn't for me, her kids could've been asking about the Switch and she'd not have known, she could've bought it only to find out later that online then charges... it's a mess, they need clear messaging!
  20. Well maybe for those that aren't entirely clued up on things (parents buying for kids, for example) you'd want to know what games will be online before buying the Switch, especially considering you may have heard they're going to be charging for online going forward.
  21. I meant the bit I said how if it's multiplayer it needs online for me because I game with friends. Or, try discussing things constructively perhaps..?
  22. This is what I mean by blowing things out of proportion. I've tried not to say it but I'm starting to agree with the general consensus... that you are the rotten part of this forum! You never listen to arguments and never post constructively.
  23. It's like you didn't read the start of my post that you quoted at all. Haha
  24. @dazzybee you raise a good point but then again, why mention split-screen when that's always been in? It's to provide detailed information for your consumers, to put out a message. For me, a multiplayer game has to have online. Not because I'm obsessed, but because I game with my mates. I don't get how this is hard to understand..? If a multiplayer game doesn't have online, I don't get it and I may criticise it for that... but what blows things out of proportion is those that then give you shit for doing so. They're obsessed with people not having negative views. Here's an example (borrowing from @Ronnie): I criticise about online, Ronnie bitches and moans at me. Ronnie criticises the PS4 Pro, I didn't bitch and moan at him. I'm not the one obsessed. ...and "muddying the message"..? Seriously?! All it needed was a quick graphic or something when it was saying play 4-player split-screen and 8-player local, another one could've said play online with up to "x" number of people. That isn't muddying the message.
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