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About corkcrumbs

  • Birthday 07/12/1982


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  1. 1:1 is horrible. The reason: the wiimote doesn't exactly stop in middle air if an enemy blocks your sword with his (his?) sword, so you can't have 1:1 sword fights. I've written about this in another forum before...
  2. Just wanted to tell y'all that.. SO happy, very happy indeed. I also hate my game ideas.. boring as hell..
  3. But does it matter whether or not ure left or right handed? Aiming.. no Swordfighting.. it ought to matter, but since the sword fighting doesn't follow your hand movement exactly it really shouldn't matter whether you're left or right handed. so if Link is right handed shouldn't matter to a left handed player..
  4. I'm just curious.. are they any good? And if good, how good? Do the controls elevate the game to a new plateau of greatness, or do you feel it's more like nintendo just added on some o.k. funny motion sensitive controls to the game?
  5. That's the nintendo strategy: new peripherals = fresh take on old games, and open up a market of new games. The Wii Fit board will make snowboarding games, skiing games more fun, and it can be used as an exercise tool. When you refer to playing "games games", do you mean action adventure games and platformers specifically? Wii will see Galaxy this year and Resident Evil UC... Nintendogs, Big Brain Academy, Brain Training, PPL (the multiplayer aspects of seeing what the other/s are doing on the left screen), Elite Beat Agents (maybe put to weak usage here, I haven't gotten it yet, so I don't know, but having a story play out on the upper screen while ure playing is kinda funny I guess), Metroid Prime: Hunters, Zelda: PH and a bunch of other games, but I agree.. Nintendo should have made both screens touch sensitive for DS.. since as it is now it makes the upper screen static in some cases..
  6. Yes, next Zelda could end in the same way as Zelda TP.. in between two consoles..
  7. magazines are dying, yes. EDIT: the only reason why game magazines aren't dead yet is because the videogame companies haven't given the fan sites and serious sites as much time as they ought to have, considering how popular they are.. ok, so maybe the "serious" sites have gotten the videogame companies attention, but have a site like N-Europe gotten nintendos attention for example? ok, so N-Europe is a bit difficult to categorize, it's inbetween fan site and serious, but it's definitely more serious than fan.. right?
  8. But right now, the only console that has the new controls is wii, thus nintendo didn't need to focus as much on the graphics this generation as sony and microsoft. Ok, so actually they didn't focus much on the graphics because they felt that the whole horsepower race was pretty saturated by now, which I in a sense agree with.. at least if the kind of products you want to sell are more like creative flair and less "mimic our reality as precise as possible"... So nintendo has the controls and sony and microsoft has the graphics BUT... :P nintendo also got the imagination, which means they can come up with mario galaxy, zelda wind waker and titles like that, which places them close to sony and microsoft on the graphics front even though they don't have as much horsepower...
  9. It's ok. It's ok. No, I didn't get that offended, it would have been weak if it really would have hurt me, lol :P Your point was good, so I'm glad it got mentioned.
  10. f**k me apparently, but hey, I'm getting used to it... Make fun of me, but at a cost, since I know what I'm talking about... see, sony will actually be able to lower the price of the ps3 pretty quicky since more or less everything that's underneath the ps3 shell is made by sony, yes, the cell processor is almost solely sony, so they wont have to pay much royalties to other developers... hence, "in the not too distant future"... Ok? Are we happy, or do people still want to try and burn me? Underneath the wii hood I think, if I'm not wrong, it's almost only IBM.. i think, or maybe it was some other developer. Right now sony is taking a lot of money for the ps3 to pay for one time costs in constructing the big factories that shurn out the ps3s around the world, and the development cost for the cell processor... But sure, not regarding that, the ps3 is still a much more expensive machine to produce than the wii. But they will be able to lower the price of the machine significantly in the not too distant future.
  11. I just thought it was a strange statement.. I have nothing harsh to say about the guy.. thought earth worm jim was fun the short time I had with it.. and Shiny did some interesting experiments later on as well.. I don't agree with him, and also this thing with nintendo saying that they're not in competition with 360 and ps3, that's of course a honest statement, they mean that, but of course.. reality says otherwise, since they all want to attract the hardcore gamers out there that still buys most consoles and increasingly are becoming a larger group for every year. Nintendo aren't stupid.. if the wii at some point started to sell really bad compared to 360 and ps3 they would revise their strategy and probably ship a "wii 2" early with better graphics.. But I don't think nintendo looks at the console the same way sony and microsoft does.. wasn't the deal from the beginning that nintendo was just supposed to add the remote on to the gamecube as a peripheral? They just don't look at the console as the main factor, which sony and microsoft does, the main factor for nintendo is the things you use to interact with the games.. the game interface (or whatever you'd call / describe it :P ) That also means that it's easier for nintendo to just ditch a console like wii if it proves to be too "weak" for the gamers and hardcore gamers but still keep the remotes you had from the first wii and have the new console be backward compatible... what I'm getting at here is.. a lot of things.. but mainly that nintendo can replace their console with an "updated" version before the generation is old.. before the 10 year old life span... without any particular problem.. the consumers can't complain: after all they pay very little for the consoles.. a cool thing (or maybe not so cool) would be to ship the new console as "Wii 2.0".. boring name but funny considering what it implies... so that's just my point of view, I mean, nintendo wont be this radical since they wont need to.. but I'm just saying, they have a good escape plan.. :P
  12. if nintendo turned my metroid game idea into a game i would definitely buy a wii, definitely... and yeah, it wouldn't need 68 billion transistors to look cool, it would just need 1.. 1!!! u know like zork1, zork2 and all those other terrific games, it's alllll about artistic style and none about horsepower, do i like an alpha romeo bc it's a car with a lot of horsepower or because it's got style? huh? babaaa!
  13. Yeah, Shiny's Dave Perry EDIT: did a bad joke here, so.. but I edited it now :P sorry
  14. I think it's a bit strange of him to say that the wiis future ain't bright because it lacks the technical prowess (prowess is that the word?) of the ps3 or 360... It's of course a fact that if sony and microsoft in the not too distant future lowered the price on their consoles a lot, they would start selling in the same quantities that nintendo is currently enjoying with the wii, probably even surpass wii on "units per month"... but nintendo can easily lower the price on their console as well, so it would probably still be a big difference between the three consoles, but of course, if sony and microsoft came into the same price range as the wii is currently in, it would still mean that they'd start selling a lot more consoles than they're doing now, and get a larger shunk of the market share. I still don't understand Perry, he's going on about how much gamers like pretty graphics... of course they do, but wii is catering to a larger market, the "non-gamers", and the "non-gamers" don't care much about pretty graphics, they want an accessible experience with easy controls (remote...), so I don't follow his logic, but of course, if he was talking about which console that would sell most to gamers in the future, well then he would of course be right. One thing that could prove him right though (if he meant "non-gamers" as well) would be the introduction of the eyetoy for the ps3 that can detect the players full body movement in 3D. Then you wouldn't even need a remote (although a remote makes some tasks easier: tennis etc.).
  15. EDIT: I take it back.. she is apparently not using her right arm in that sequence, so... im a sucker.. but that wasn't really news..
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