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Everything posted by Colin

  1. I need a new TV for Wii!

    Nice. I didn't know they existed at all. Someone else here may be able to give you a firm answer though as to if it'll screw the colours up or anything. But for the price there you could prob just buy one for testing purposes with your cube at the mo.
  2. I need a new TV for Wii!

    That only has DVI and a VGA connection on it. The analogue interface section mentioning RGB is just VGA. Unless Nintendo or some third-party release a VGA adaptor (like what's available for the 360) then you wouldn't be able to connect straight to that monitor with them connections. I think the only cables that can change to DVI with adaptors are HDMI and VGA.
  3. Wii: Revolution countdown

    It's definitely not connected by phoneline, and it looks the the messege being displayed can be changed. I doubt that any of staff in-store were told how to change the scrolling text (as the bloke who set it up didn't know much either apparently).................most likely a rep will come in and put the date on a few days after Leipzig. I'll check it out in more detail tomorrow if I've got time.
  4. Wii: Revolution countdown

    My store got its countdown clock last Friday. As nothing has been revealed yet concerning the date of launch, it currently just scrolls on the LCD mentioning that the DS Lite is released in both Black and White.
  5. PSP Memory Cards

    I'm sure they ship worldwide. They've also got a forum there for customers, so I recommend that you sign up and ask yourself how much extra it would be for postage.
  6. PSP Memory Cards

    I've heard there are alot of fakes on ebay, and you can't really tell until you get it delivered. 4GB memory sticks came out a few months ago, and they've gone down in price quite abit. I don't know what size you're after, but you can get a 4GB Sandisk one here for £83. 2GB ones are going for around £50 nowadays aswell.
  7. Exam Results Thread

    I didn't do A-Levels this time round (as screwed them up before), but I did a BTEC National Diploma and got straight Merits. Certificates came through yesterday so I'm well pleased, and also get into my top choice uni. In relation to A-Levels my grades would be BBC (I think). And good luck to all those getting results today. :awesome:
  8. Plus you posted the news wrong, as the way you worded it looks like the whole games free.........and that's not the case.
  9. Welcome To Chavsville

    Well in the years to come I hope to either move to somewhere else in Europe or to Cali. I live in a place called Gravesend, and it's rough as fuck. Last weekend some of my mates were down our local (genuinely an alternative pub), but there was also a pikey birthday party in the bassment below.......and so there was trouble after with the pub staff kicking out alternative people from upstairs and the gypos downstairs at the same time. Someone who is quite well known down there tried calming it all down outside, and ended up getting a brick over his head. But yeh, society in the UK has been going downhill for quite a while now.........and I doubt soon there will be any nice places to live what so ever. I don't know if it's like this in the rest of Europe, but I would like to hear anyones views if they've got any.
  10. Film Four - Studio Ghibli Season

    Watching Porco Rosso at the moment. Fantastic so far compared to all the other Ghibli Films that have been on this week.
  11. Rumour: Bonk Wii?

    The info is already all out there. I doubt very much that the art has been posted there is ment to signify a new Bonk game..................I rekon it's just to drum up hype for the Bonk VC game as it'll be there available on launch day for sure.
  12. Harvest Moon Wii: First scans

    Now give me Legend of the River King...........and I will be a happy bunny! I never bothered with any of the GameCube Harvest Moons, so I might pick this up.
  13. My existing router with Cable internet

    It is possible to get an adsl router working with your cable internet, but it wouldn't be worth the hassle imo, as you would then need to have a computer on constantly so the router can send and recieve. If you're looking for a Cable router, then you can't go wrong with either Belkin or Netgear hardware. Look on amazon or ebuyer.com for each of their latest models, then compatibility should be fine. And if you want to make sure if will definitely work with your DS, then check the model no. of the router you're buying with the listings on Nintendo's WiFi site.
  14. Anyone fancy a pint?

    I'm going to have one in about half hr it looks like, but cheers for the offer. :awesome:
  15. YouTube Your Favourite Show Openings!

    Good thread. Alot of the good ones have been done, but I decided to look up a memory from my childhood. So here's And the Magic Roundabout one aswell.
  16. Siteseeing

    Thought I'd bump this up! Eenuh - I know you'd definitely like to see this site (although I'm sure alot of people would love these animations). Psst! Pass It On... There are 6 seperate videos, which have hyperlinks on the left of that page I posted above. Check them all out, as there are some awesome visual effects in there.
  17. Wii on PC monitor

    Cheers. I am interested, but aren't they quite expensive in the first place anyway. And I haven't exactly got that much disposable income. What sort of amount are you looking for? Edit - Don't worry, I've looked into Hauppauge WINTV cards, and they do the job.
  18. Wii on PC monitor

    I know it's a bit OT, but does anyone know where I can get a cable like that 360 one above for a PS2 at all?
  19. Rate the last film you saw

    Street Fighter: The Movie - Was on Channel5 tonight, and there was nowt else on to watch, so I just left it on. Seemed like it got my attention with more "lol moments" at just how bad the film actually is. I remember watching it when I was younger and I used to love it...........but that may of only been because me and my cousins used to play street fighter on the Snes all the time. Gets a rubbish rating of 2/10. And Kylie Minogue shouting out "THRUST KICK" just made me cringe.
  20. Metal Slug coming to Wii...

    Metal Slug 6 is in the PSP version of the same game, so I would have thought it would also be included with the Wii release.
  21. I wish I didn't bother with Donkey Konga, and instead should have waited for Jungle Beat............because that's where it's ment to be at apparently!!!!
  22. N64 kids is selling his N64

    It is definitely him btw. As he's got a myspace page aswell I believe. He seems like just your average kid, and props for him with cashing in on his N64.
  23. Cars!

    I saw it a few weeks ago, and really enjoyed it. I didn't really have high expectations of it before I saw it (as alot of people do with Pixar films)........so that may of boosted my enjoyment of it. Characterising cars and any other non-living objects is a really hard feat to pull off anyway, and I was pretty amazed by how well it all came together. And like usual, the animation and visuals were all up to the Pixar standard.
  24. Cadburys Caramel Rabbit...Whats the Deal?

  25. help me build a workstation ...please

    The thing is the Quadro's are usually more reliable over the FireGL cards with artifacting in the viewports. I'm not going to get into a real tech discussion like you have above, as people just get confussed and it's too much effort, but currently the majority of people opt for the Nvidia option with regards to workstation cards.