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Status Updates posted by Patch

  1. 'old Patch'? Ouch, that hurts. If I could stay awake long enough, I'd give you a taste of me walking cane.


    I'm doing fine thanks. Still working through the backlog of games that started when I was 11. I'm going to finish it one of these days. I just need Nintendo to perform a little worse in the next few years...


    How are things with you (Pete I know about)? Still not finished Metroid Prime?

  2. I know, I know. It's outrageous, but also quite liberating. A bit like weeing in public.


    I'll get my coat.

  3. Happy Birthday! I know I'm a bit late, I've not been on the boards much. So Happy Birthday for next September while I'm at it!

  4. Cool. I didn't play that many. Others I can remember are Revs (F1 game with insanely realistic handling), Thrust, Ricochet and Stryker's Run. I suppose I was a Superior Software nut.

  5. I think I borrowed the Micro games from someone. I don't remember ever buying one! Repton Infinity is the only one I haven't played, though it looks to be a completely different beast to the rest. What other BBC Micro games did you have?


    The three Repton 3 expansions were 'Around the World in 40 screens', 'The Life of Repton' and 'Repton Thru Time'. 120 levels of pure madness. I never finished any of them!

  6. Hey, thanks! It's great to find someone else who appreciates the green skinned one. The original games on the BBC Micro were tough but fun, with Repton 3 being the best.


    I've been playing the PC remakes on and off for a couple of years now and I still don't get tired of it. They've created some new levels too. They're worth checking out at the Superior Interactive website if you haven't already.

  7. I loved your old avatar, showing what game you were currently playing. It was refreshing to see someone actually playing lots of Wii games and probably having a blast too. Bring it back I say! ;)

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