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Everything posted by D-Day

  1. Would you rather be ugly or stupid?

    No joke, and I honestly don't mean it in a mean way (so don't take it like that) but I really thought of the story of the ugly duckling when I read that. But it is great that you have a high self-esteem now in comparison to before . Well, knowledge is power as they say, so I guess I'd say I'd rather be smart, (although looks are generally important in terms of other people) but I'm pretty sure any well-rounded person would just like to be adequate in both . If I actually had to choose and I picked knowledge, I'm pretty sure I'd be sad with my decision somewhere down the line, because I totally lacked the looks.
  2. Why aren't our fingers the same size?

    I remember reading somewhere that our feet are naturally supposed to have similar functions as our hands, but over time (minor evolution) for different reasons (such as wearing shoes amongst others apparently), out feet are as they are. Uuuummmm, maybe thats the reason. Lately I've been thinking about walking the streets with no shoes, but realised that it's not such a good idea. I'll just have to let the dream of using my feet just like my hands slip by
  3. Then it's official, more casual games are on the way, I mean, aspects such as vacations provide the inspiration for them right? OK jokes aside, that new Kirby title (as Dante said), is the one I'll throw in that no one has really mentioned. But it's true, the problem with this is this is predictions and guess work, I agree with davidredge, and as a result, we may even be disappointed because the stuff we conjure up may not appear in any shape or form.
  4. n-e mixtape mixup!

    Didn't some people say they were going to state it was from them? But I thought it was supposed to be a mystery too. Personally, I don't know. Btw, jay7, have you done the rounds and sent out the addresses yet? My CDs are itching to fly into someone else's disk drive.
  5. Soul Calibur IV

    Oh yeah, I know they've been tinkering with the characters, especially after the imbalance issues became really noticable in SCIII, even the new characters may be victims of it too (from what I've been reading), but testing it out is the best way to see (as you say), and nothing is going to stop me from buying this game. Fingers crossed this all comes together as it should.
  6. Sonic and the Black Knight

    This thread has gone two ways so far: 1. Those slamming it (without seeing it) 2. Those taking the 'let's see' stance. Well I'm placed in the second bracket. Sonic games may not have been the most impressive of late, but this could see Sonic recapturing his magic... this time wielding a sword (to some capacity). I firmly agree with ShadowV7
  7. This is a pretty interesting thread with a wavering point (because it has managed to go a few places within these few posts). Err Maase, I see what you're doing, but in life, everyone will get criticised for something, regardless of who they are and what they're doing. There is an uproar amongst a load of people because of the dedication of Nintendo fans in general and they don't feel that they're dedication is being paid off (mainly lack of 'core' games). But after the initial post, I don't really see where this thread is going now As baffled I am about what seems like a conversion from Nintendo (even though it isn't), I pretty much agree with Emasher here, we know what teams are working on things, and I'm pretty sure too that there are teams working on things we have no clue about! I'm kind of disappointed too about how this year is shaping up in terms of Nintendo games, but there are others being released, more to catch up on and doesn't mean this is the forcast for Nintendo forever. I think I'll leave this thread alone now.
  8. Soul Calibur IV

    Great, I'll add you (just realised your sig too ). Been playing some SC II just to kick back ahead of the release for this, excellent stuff. I hope this brings that 'something' back that was kind of missing in SC III (not that it wasn't a great game, but I believe it is the worse in the series so far).
  9. Animal Crossing: Lets Go to the City

    Low Blow indeed! Well if that is the release date, that is brilliant, but I am waiting until we officially get word of it too. And I agree with Emasher, there is still plenty of time before this is suppose to hit Japan so there is plenty of things for them to steadily reveal about this game, including new features. Either way, I know I'll end up buying it and I am looking foward to this in different ways.
  10. Soul Calibur IV

    Good man Flameboy . I have two friends on my PS3 so no you don't Mine ID is D-Day_Dazzla (which I believe I have up on the side anyway). What's yours?
  11. Sonic and the Black Knight

    I agree, the 2D to 3D ratio in terms of how good Sonic games are definitely lean (maybe saying lean is an understatement) to the 2D side, Sega just hasn't seemed to have cracked the 3D universe with Sonic (although there have been a couple which have been decent in my opinion like Secret Rings and Sonic Adventure 2) But, I still think they can take the blue fury wonder to some heights in 3D, which is why I'll be following this, although I certainly wouldn't complain if we got a 2.5D game in which we see Sonic doing his thing; running at top speed! Oh, and RickRolling just isn't the way to go!! (considering when this was announced, I can't believe I clicked the link)
  12. Soul Calibur IV

    Someone has to get it on the PS3!! If it's a selling point, the PS3 cover looks better , besides, I'd love to play some people on the forums on this. Less than two weeks for some Xianghua ownage!!1!11
  13. Sonic and the Black Knight

    As much as I'm for expansion and don't really mind Sega pumping out quite a few Sonic titles (like stated earlier, its the quality issue here rather than quantity) something I'd be quite confident that wouldn't really work is a on-rail Sonic slasher. Well, we only have some cover art here so everything is just speculation so I really think we should wait till we atleast see some footage. This could be Sonic's revival, who knows, I'm just saying its ridiculous to totally shoot down a game just because we've got an image (not even an in-game image) of Sonic holding a sword.
  14. Arnie Season?

    True Lies. Haven't seen that in a while so I'm there. I owned it on video, but who knows where that is now.
  15. n-e mixtape mixup!

    Cheers guys. Well I'll download them anyway, give them a shot and see which one works best for me. Got to give props for the names too, but is sexier always better...?
  16. n-e mixtape mixup!

    Ah yes of course! Cheers MV Now I can sprinkle the delight of this song on someone's ears!
  17. n-e mixtape mixup!

    I wouldn't mind a Shabbamix Does anyone know a kind of like dissecting audio programme? I have a song that I really want to put on to my playlist, but the track is 15 minutes, whereas the song is only 6 minutes (wasting 9 minutes of CD space!!)
  18. Wii MotionPlus- 1:1 add on

    I don't know why, but I read that and kinda felt... sick! I wonder what Ubisoft games could be with this (I'm honestly not ripping on Ubisoft here, its just a thought). But this has ignited the most amount of ideas, I can't wait to see how and with what they show it off with at E3.
  19. n-e mixtape mixup!

    So I'm not the only one planning to really stretch genres!! Well I wasn't sure about this, only because it'd be kind of sad if someone just discarded your CD... which I reckon could happen with mine, but what the heck, I'm in (if it's not too late) I already know the song I'm going to start with and end with, now to fill in the middle and make it flow.
  20. Universities and shizzle.

    I got a 2:1 for the first year like a few others here, but it made no difference as I'm changing courses, I only continued to make the most out of my first year and for personal satisfication (in a way). Well on to being a first year again!!
  21. OK, not that its the most important thing, but weren't two in East London and two in North London. Anyway, I feel it is good that it is getting coverage like this, because lives are being taken away, and as Fierce Link said, it could all be prevented. That's what is most important, the lives being taken away. Now, what really bothers me is that the coverage should be good, due to priority etc, but everytime it's bought up, it's just statistics rather than any active stance, and when you bring up statistics, it just makes the people watching more scared and those potentially drag more people into the cycle. So with all that being said, the media coverage at present time is pointless. I was impressed with disarming Britain though, seeing that there are people out there actively doing something, and I believe that is the kind of thing that should be bought to light, so hopefully others can follow suit. See that's great, an active stance, but ever since heard about that whole Knife check thing that they did in a week and more than two thirds were just given a slap on the wrist or fine when they were carrying a knife, it was obvious the system is ridiculous. But hey, that's great things have ramped up then. And I'm sorry about your mate's brother's friend
  22. Fatal Frame 4

    Oh Nicole Kidman could definitely be utilised in advertising for this. Her acting skills and a little Nintendo imagination can go a long long way... but the family image will have to be scrapped for this one. Lol, some American high-school actors could do quite a job too (cue something like... The Faculty)
  23. Mushroom Men: The Spore War

    It reminds me of the later Rayman platform games for some reason (not a bad thing), but it is looking pretty cool. Another one I need to keep up with, but this is definitely one of the more positive ones for me
  24. SPRay Unveiled For Wii

    It's nice to see a company whose previous ply was elsewhere to try their hand on the Wii and not releasing what would seemingly be just a quick cash-in title. In all honesty, I'm not too impressed by the screenshots but the idea of an adventure puzzler where you need "SPRay" liquid to solve things and progress seems like it could be quite cool, especially as it's different liquids (could bring a real puzzle element to things). We'll see how it develops.
  25. Football Season 2008/2009

    Yep, I'm exactly the same, infact, this year has been the first time in years that I haven't bought the new kit on the release day (and it would be a totally different story if I had a job ). Can't wait to see the guy in action! The Carlos Queiroz thing is certainly a bit of news. I have a friend who was 100% convinced that he would be the next in line as Man Utds boss. Not that it's still out of the question, but the chances of that have taken a hit!