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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. My Movie Pick


    Toss-up between Melancholia and Drive. I thought both were sensational, in different ways.


    Oh wait. Actually I think We Need To Talk About Kevin, actually. At the top of this little pyramid.


    My album pick

    So hard! I'm planning my 'year review' for after the new year so have been listening to all my albums the last week or so. Hmm.

    I think in terms of...being a WHOLE thing that stands out in enjoyment factor *not to say it's the best of the year*, it'll have to be



    Other VERY notables:

    Lykke Li, Kate Bush, Laura Marling, Bon Iver, Kanye/Jay-Z...but I just love BTW. I ROFL inside when people crave Fame-era Gaga instead of her current sound.


    My song pick




    I LOVE this song. Best chartpop song of the year. I find Calvin Harris an insufferable *thing* and this song just proves that he shouldn't sing his own songs. He can't sing, so stop doing it. Let Rihanna/Kelis sing them.


    Anyway. So euphoric. A brilliant pop song to close out the year with.

  2. I heard that records were no longer like... mass produced.


    Instead we have these things called tapes.


    Oh wait no...


    EDIT: Sorry, we have CDs now, not tapes.


    EDIT2: Ok apparently no one buys CDs, they just pass around data.


    Whatever the hell that is.






    I only kid though.


    The other day I was looking at my see through In Rainbows record thinking about how pretty it was.


    I then jizzed all over it.


    I don't have a record player so why not.


    Don't judge.


    I have a thing about being limited - and I miss the concept of having to like...sit down and LISTEN to music. I'm railing against the overabundance of MP3's/facebook photos replacing photo albums etc. For now anyway.


    Plus album art is made for vinyl.

  3. A turntable that also plays CDs and Tapes, and can record to both from vinyl, and has something to do with mp3's too...and comes with (basic) external speakers.


    £53 (reduced from £90 or something)


    An xmas present from my dad (I asked for), but he said to just buy it while I'm in London rather than having to drag it back down here post-yule.


    I love, though I'm less stunned if I can't attach my good speakers to it (which may be the case? I'm confused by it...will need more investigation, but it's ultimately secondary to the point). It's not hugely bassy, but at a good volume, it's fine.


    My record collection needs expanding.

  4. I crossed a new slut line last night. It was really awkward walking around the club trying to avoid everyone I met.


    Hand in other person's pants for a prolonged period is the worst to remember the next day, when you realise that's why all your friends walked away from the dancefloor/you.

  5. I'm currently going through all the albums I've got/listened to many many times this year in my 2011 review. Worked out I only got:


    Adele - 21

    Beyonce - 4

    Bjork - Biophilia

    Bon Iver - Bon Iver

    Britney Spears - Femme Fatale

    David Guetta - Nothing But The Beat

    David Lynch - Crazy Clown Time

    Florence + The Machine - Ceremonials

    Jay-Z & Kanye West - Watch The Throne

    Kate Bush - Director's Cut

    Kate Bush - 50 Words For Snow

    Katy B - On A Mission

    Lady Gaga - Born This Way

    Laura Marling - A Creature I Don't Know

    Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes

    Patrick Wolf - Lupercalia

    PJ Harvey - Let England Shake

    Rihanna - Talk That Talk

    Tori Amos - Night Of Hunters

    Tyler, The Creator - Goblin

    The Unthanks - Last


    I've really not been as up for listening to new/upcoming bands or artists these past 2 years or so. More into exploring the back catalogues of older artists. So this list hasn't got (m)any 'bright new things'. Nor is this a list of the best of the year or anything (David Guetta...).


    EDIT: Femme Fatale may end up being dangerously high on my '2011 Fave Albums' list. I enjoy it so. I feel she's come full circle, and the fact she's a puppet for producers is now her 'niche', and that's fine/cool with the cool kids.

  6. Bjork's released Moon as a single (I think).



    As a song it kinda does nothing to me...but then as an album, Biophilia is still opening up to me. Chair and I were discussing (and the critical concensus too) that the album feels like this pristine thing, but not THAT moving a listening experience. Like...it's good...in it's way, but not like normal albums.

  7. I should think that a better saying would be to draw attention to lips, not mouth (which includes teeth, gums, tongue, tonsils, etc.) :p




    I'm often to be found in the canteen doing just this, glaring at whoever should walk by.

  8. This one was cool in it's own way..very different to the first, which is a good sign.


    I really like the premise of this series.


    Also, HEY JULIA DAVIS. I hate when she only does bit parts, as it's never representative of her comedy genius.

  9. I found out that my "date" has gotten out of a 4 year relationship, 4 months ago.


    I would normally think that he would probably want to have some single life fun for a while. But then I know these two people who were in a relationship for 3 years, and they each had another relationship within 2 weeks. I dunno, could be either.


    Be careful of anyone who "Just got out of a X-year relationship..." and their smiling eyes.





    Nobody likes being played

    Jus a byutiful lyre

  10. ^ Exactly! :p


    It's more the self concious side too, of how you look to them as they watch you eat.


    Yeah I do actually agree. I realise I become really self-conscious, and like try and make cheeks stuffed with food look really attractive. As though that's possible.

  11. Food's not a great idea... eating isn't really an attractive thing to watch someone doing, and it's awkward trying to talk during/finishing your mouthful in a polite way whilst they're waiting for an answer or something.


    "Sometimes you have to show a little skin. This reminds boys of being naked, and then they think of sex. And anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good."



  12. I need to see all 3 of those.




    I did the film quiz at Cinema society the other day (I won the previous one and got Into The Wild and Black Swan on DVD, which was stunning as I wanted both!), and this time I came joint second/did a sudden death thing and I won The Game by David Fincher, which I'd never even heard of.


    It was of good quality as it's Fincher, but wasn't stunning like a lot of his work. Parts were "Ah!" and it had an appealing concept/was fine.

  13. A rollercoaster week ends in me in the angriest state I've EVER been in. I mean..I describe myself as someone who effectively never gets angry (at most frustrated/annoyed). And I've just calmed down after slamming doors/knocking over stuff/throwing my phone around (though tbf that was cause my phone is a piece of crap and if it broke it would give me an excuse to get a new one - not actually like screaming and tossing my phone around or anything...). But yes, I was seething.



    Never been so simultaneously humiliated, offended and disrespected in one night. To top it off was freezing cold, paid a few quid for the pleasure of this...my goodness. *backs away from keyboard to seeth/have a sharp intake of breath*



    I never get angry.


    And this is the angriest I've ever been I think. How dare someone make me feel the way I did earlier tonight? I'll cut a bitch if pressed. Or just rip out your fucking ugly-ass snakebite piercing. Or whatever it's called.

  14. I've had bad vibes all day, emanating out of the possibility of a positive relationship potentially soured.


    I hate texts. We read so much into them. Or overlay our own feelings on top.


    I've not really ever felt like this before. Hmm.


    I'd rather know for sure than let my mind/ own anxieties run wild.


    I know - no one's going to show me everything.


    *plays guitar and perches on end of bed, hair tucked behind ears, expression unclear, but eyes squinted as though searching the horizon for something*



  15. [Preface] First of all, watch this:


    What perfection. A guitar, a voice that seems to come from nowhere - good lord. Such a 'simple' little song too. It's all so effortless and unpretentious. [/Preface]


    I'm in a Joni Mitchell phase. Loved Blue for years and had her 'Hits' albums so know all her famousies, but it's taken me a long time to get into Hejira truly. I'm planning on getting one of her compilations of later/more experimental material too.


    This really brings the first song from Hejira to life:

    The 'spoken' lines are always in my head. I just say them to myself sometimes. No regrets, Coyote.


    And I was listening to the title track and had to like pause in the street, the lyrics are amazing.


    But you know I'm so glad to be on my own

    Still somehow the slightest touch of a stranger

    Can set up trembling in my bones

    I know - no one's going to show me everything

    We all come and go unknown

    Each so deep and superficial

    Between the forceps and the stone





    I love her mouth too. So big.

  16. I had a stunning night.


    I had a stunning morning.


    I felt awful this morning, head swimming with all the beer, but it was fine. We found hope in a loveless place.


    What's it called when you can't wait until the next time you see someone? As in...it physically itches, the waiting/anticipation? Argh.


    I was content to just lie there. Or I would've been if my head wasn't pounding.

  17. TTT is nowhere near Loud as an album, no cohesiveness, too much relative filler. Loud was really well-rounded, every song had it's place.


    Birthday Cake ruins the album for me, as it's clearly NOT an interlude, just a really random (not in a LOL way) cut-off song.


    Still some great fun songs, but I'm a little lukewarm to it as a thing.

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