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Chris the great

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Posts posted by Chris the great

  1. Can't decide what game to get next. I'm leaning towards wither Uncharted 2, Dragon Age: Origins or Darksiders. I'm curretly favouring DA: Origins due to it's longevity, but i've not entirely made up my mind.


    ive not played darksiders yet, but out of the outher two, uncharted is EASILY the better game.


    the longevity of dragon age shouldent sway you, after all, 16 hours of AAA gameplay beats 50 hours of decent but ocashionaly dull gameing any day.

  2. That really is something I don't want to go through again.


    really sounds like your making a mountain out of a mole hill man. sure, some bint was annoying you, but haway, we've all been there, you just have to laugh it off. a few weeks ago i was out an some 50 year old woman kept trying to snare me, but i laughed it off.


    as for walking home, yeah, thats always a bad idea. i woke up with bleeding feet in the summer after doing that, still, didnt have to pay for the taxi.


    sounds like you have outher issues at the moment, and that these things are setting you off.

  3. I'm having so much fun on Uncharted 2, it really does live up to the hype, doesn't it? On the roof of a train at the moment, chapter 12/13 maybe. Hope it doesn't end soon - will the first game still be enjoyable after playing this one? Assassins Creed 2 is in the post, god I love my playstation.


    the first one is still a great game, though its not as good as 2. id say give it a little while before playing so the visual step down isnt as big.

  4. That's not funny at all




    There are actually a lot of normal sized people at WWs contrary to ignorant belief


    shes right, we shouldent laugh, fat people have feelings too.


    hungry is a feeling.



    i am of course jokeing, i realise that weight issues can cripple people confidence and arnt always caused by greed and overeating. still, your mind does make the connection weight watchers equals heavy people and heavy weights break the floor. the fact that there was probeably too many people in the room and a structural weakness take a back seat


  5. I love it personally. Really heavy too. Only one dodgy bit of paint on mine (the back gold bit on the handle)


    Ill do a YouTube video of it later.


    its the gold thats bad on mine too.


    is it me, or it that stand a peice of crap?

  6. They've asked me in next saturday for a group interview!


    ^_^, this makes my day, however, given I've just had two weeks off with work, I now have to tell them I'm going for an interview for another job and need another day off.


    But hi-ho they can bugger off. I is happy. :laughing:


    group interview tips


    • follow all instructions. if they say to work alone for the first 5 mins, dont talk to an one for that 5 mins
    • be forcefull but not controling. make sure you put your thoughts across regularly, even if its just to agree with some one
    • include people in the disscussion. this is possibly the most important, ask outher people if they have any thoughtsto share, if any one is quiet, talk to them directly. its about the team, not you.
    • be prepaired to compromiser. even if your sure your right, if the majority of the group want to go for one idea, dont insist on your idea, simply say your happy to defer to their judgment
    • some people are natural leaders, and some are followers. if your a leader, by all mean, take up a leadership role, as long as your not overly controling this will be seen as a possitive
    • simlarly, if your a follower, follow. just make sure you voice opinions and act with confidence.
    • and the single most important tit for any form of interview: CONFIDENCE. even if you have no idea what your doing, act confident. it gives a good impression and you will feel more confident your self.
    • be friendly. even if some one in the group is an utter moron who will ultimatly ruin the task, treat them respectfully and allow them a voice


    i got alot of tips on group interviews on a jobs course, the main idea is that team work is more important then success. as long as your contributing well to the group, it'l be fine.

  7. so my scarbrough fair replica came in the post. the actual modle is pretty good, just a shame its not a great paint job when you get up close. obviosuly its consigned to a draw as i would like to have sex at some point this year and dont belive that a bright pink toy gun is the most arrousing item to any willing whoopi partners.


    i'll stick it on ebay i think.

  8. currently "playing" super paper mario


    i wish this game would shut the fuck up already and let me play


    good luck mate, the game decides to litteraly natter on for 30 mins before anything fun happens.


    my day was alright, more compliments at work, which are amking it back to my boss, hopefully he'l priorotise me with outher work from now on.


    also had some great calls, really feels nice to tell some one there luggage has been found, or just getting told you've been supportive, its a nice feeling in whats outherwise a very depressing job.


    got home and played bayonetta. i think i'm in love.


    just a bit gutted i have a driving lesson tommoro, been invited out clubbing and i cant go as i dont think my instructor would be pleased if i was driving whilst still half drunk. oh well, cant win em all.

  9. If you had an awesome name like Dino Contostavlos why the fuck would you go by Dappy, which just makes you sounds like a lame child cartoon character?


    cos hes a festering cyst on the putrid vagina that is modern culture.


    i was to punch him till my hands broken, then kick him till my feet break, the head but him till my skull is cracked.


    im not fond of him at all.

  10. some of you may rember that i recently scored a new job by being picked as one of the best operators from my recruitment agency


    today, i was told i was the best operator there, yesterday, the site manager said i had excelent phone skills.


    im the best of the best!


    hoping i can at least get a reference, if not a more perminant position out of this. it may not be a fun job but some job security and a chance to earn some money are difficult to come by these days.

  11. Hated it to be honest, just screamed of last gen in terms of design. Felt far too much like there will just be different objectives to do, blow up, and never have any amazing or unique scripted sections or special moments etc.


    i guess i was just looking at potential. sure, the demo wasnt the most exciting thing ever, but its early on, so im gonna get it rented. wouldent gamble my own money on it



    Why does Nolan North seem to be the generic action Bourne look-alike in games?


    because he was nathan drake, and gave one of the best vocal performances in video game history.

  12. so, i cant be arsed to find a link buuuuut


    ac3 is apparently well underway with mostly the same team, and the game will once again focus on ezio.


    most of the same staff from 2 and the game is set to be released before march 2011, with a christmas release possible.


    is it me, or does this sound like bad news?

  13. first day at new job. bassicly, im going to take calls for people whos baggage has gone missing with BA. its going to last 2 weeks. i have two weeks of being shouted at ahead.


    still, not all bad, theres a nice girl there, looks kinda like a female jay from the inbetweeners, but in a realy hot way.


    my day was made furtherly shite by having to walk home in the ice, and finding out bayonetta had still not arrived. see, this is why we called you dicks for striking royal mail. if you actualy delivered my post on time, id happily pay a little more for stamps.

  14. In other news, i found out in a few weeks or earlier i shall have no money at all. My JSA shall be directly given to my parents and what is left shall be used to pay my phone bill of £20 and the Sky Bill of £15. Isn't that awesome guys!!!!*


    *By the way, this comment is sarcastic. I think it is basically a bunch of crap to be fair. They did this last time to attempt to stop me going out with my mates. This time, they intend to do this again.


    my parents did the same to me. this was how the conversation went:


    me: I'd be happy to give you some of my dole as rent. £10 a week sound fair.

    Dad: We won't ask you do do that son, you can chip in when your earning.

    me: really, i don't mind, i want to pull my own weight.

    dad: no, its ok. fancy the pub in a couple of hours


    fast forward two hours to pub.


    dad: your mother and I have disscussed this dole situation, we will want some money after all.

    me: like i say, I'm happy to give you £20 of every instalment.

    dad: were going to want a bit more then that son.

    short silence in which both my parents stare at me strangly-

    me: well why dont you tell me how much then?

    mam: £40 a fortnight

    me: but that like, half my dole!

    mam: Its not alot of money.

    me: you say that, but its HALF of my income. look, I'll meet you half way, £30.

    mam: thats not enough.

    me: i won't budge on this.

    mam: you know, i only give myself £30 spending money a week, i don't think its fair you get more spending money then me when i work.

    me: so you dont even need the money?

    dad: no, we don't

    me: mum, do you count the wine you buy in the supermarket in that £30 spendign money?

    mam: *flash of rage* i EARN my money, what i do with it's my own bussiness.

    me: im just saying, you spend more then £30 on luxaries.

    mam: FINE! I can't be bothered to argue, £30 it is.


    this led to me running up my overdraft t0 over £1100, and my mother no longer being invited to the pub.

  15. the road


    ok, now the film was as bleak as a christmas episode of eastenders, but still enjoyable.


    was reminded a bit of fallout 3, and how awsome it was, throughout the film.


    biggest letdown was

    the end was a bit of a cop out "yes, we are a family, we have been following you for a while, waiting for just such an occasion. we also have a dog, despite the fact we havent any were near enough food for our selves.



    aaragorn just gets nude in every film now, huh?


    9/10 a great envisioning of the appocolypse

  16. hope it arives today, start a new job on monday and i dont see my self having that much time free for games what with early starts, trying to see friends and my internet porn addiction.


    still, cutting down on the amount of time i spend on the PS3 can only be a good thing.

  17. when we found out a class mate had just had a baby, my first reaction was "i fell sorry for the drs, having to work around her stinking cunt"


    my friend almost crashed the car giggling.


    we both decided that we were far to immature to have kids kids.


    true story.

  18. I ordered the one with the gun, and GAME said the gun was delayed due to high demand, and will be sent as soon as they get it. They've sent the game, but I've not received yet.


    A) Has anyone else received gun edition at all?


    B) Do you reckon a chance they'll say "No gun, as too high demand" and if they do, do I have any kind of rights, cos I genuinely would have just waited a month and got it half price, but I wanted to guarantee the gun.


    the game was sent out before the gun for me, same thing happened with resi 5 and the little chris figure. i cant say i really care about the gun mind. i imagine its quality is in the region of "seriosuly sub par"

  19. dark void (demo)


    well, its kinda fun, got to fly, shoot some shit, run around, shoot some shit, walk through boring coridors, shoot some shit.


    very short demo, but enough to get my interest, a rental me thinks


    6/10 intersting, but will need further assessment.
