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About aenaos

  • Birthday 05/25/1979


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  1. in some moves there is some lag but in some other moves there is not... I hope it is not a motion plus problem but its beacause of the game wich they have to improve..Otherwise Virtua tennis has got great previews so.... The graphics look bad or is my wrong??
  2. Wii motion Plus 1 to 1 video
  3. You mean about editing badges logos kits teams and correct names? I dont deal with such editing issues but yes we can do it. check this link http://pes-patch.blogspot.com/2009/03/pes-2009-wii-option-file-by-pitbull09.html
  4. No GC controller isnt compatible.You can play with a clasic controler or ..with wimote(only) horizontal.
  5. I played today 6-7 online matches which were completely Enjoyable. All matches were almost lag free and i played with oponents form italy germany and spain.My connection is 8mbps and have to say that in pes2008 the lag was a big problem when playing with foreighners.Now the situation seems to be very good about online games but lets hope that will remain and after the oficial game launch. The good is that there are some statistics that were absent in pes2008.So when you touch your mii in wfc you se basic information as your favorite team,records like your consecutive wins and losses and generally the number of wins draws and losses in free matches,rival and friend maches. But the statistic that i think is very nice is a cool diagram which show you what element of the game you use and how much you use it..You will find your statistics about Average dribling distance ,avg shots taken,avg passes made,avg free- run distance(!!),avg bal possesion and avg fouls.This diagram also you can see it in random matches in the oponents statistics before the match..its useful and you can understand litlte of how he plays.Also you can see it on the rivals statistics.Before the mach begin there are prereset phrases like "Good luck" or "lets play with Club teams" etc..No chat unfortunately which is bad.There is also a match history aidtion.When you click on the match result against any oponent you can see this cool diagram of your random oponent too. And as you have understood after matches you can invite your oponent to be added in your rival list or call him for a rematch immediatelly which is also a positive element. So i think the online also has been imporved especially in terms of lag.The matches as i say was lag free but the final word about that will be after the oficial launch. Have good games.
  6. haha is this a "trap" question or something? hehe yes of course you can lol Kalispera!
  7. I picked the game today.(nice and speedy local helllenic/greek shops bring games 2-3 days before) I am Excited about it.Honest speaking. This game is the most Adictive football game i Have ever played in terms of the Gameplay and the way you can create Football.So is also the most Creative Football Experience.The last game that was adictive for me was the underestimeted "DisasterDay of Crisis". The comment about pes6 on pc is right..I till this day thought that pes 6 is the best soccer game ever but pes 2009 for wii is in another level. Pes 2008 for wii was a revolutionary game but with some wrong strokes in the gameplay that made this game not so Addictive as its revolutionary existence promised to be.. (1st improvement that made me Excited.) THe way you defending was one of these..ALways when the oponent was made ofence you had in mind "oh shit" now he will drible 2-3 defenders with on of his players and he will easily score..I played some hours today and have to say that the whole gameplay is improved and especially the way you steal balls in defence..I found my self easily to steal balls and i play from the start to the hardest mode(in pes2208 i was just an average to good player,not something more or less).You can control one defender when..usually the one who is closest to the ball ..That plus the fact you can just click the d-pad button to call a defender to go in front of the attakcer first and steal the ball, are the two things that help me a lot in terms of defending in pes09.have to say that in pes2008 for the Wii was almost rare to steal a ball from an attacker in the way i wanted..most times in 2008 the stealing the balls was random..But have to say tha generally the defending system continues to have a Team spirit but Its improvement 1)Make SENSE and 2) Is Usefull 3) Helps you to enjoy the game more. (2nd improvement that made me excited.) I have to say that the move "one two" is maybe my favourite in terms of ofencive game and in pes2008 i tired to master it but never did it!i dotn know maybe was my fault or missunderstanding or maybe was justuncomfortabel the way that you didso,so after some time i just stop to try the "one two move".One of the first things that is in Advance tutorials is the "One two" move and the Give and Go".I focused on the 'One two" and have to say after make the tutorials some tiems and test it a lot in matches i feel tha i got it and now i cn use it and to improve it after some matches.Its clearly for me now how it works somthing that wasnt in pes 2008 as i said.ANd its very useful and makes your game more creative and beautiful. (3rd Improvement that make me not exactly excited but anxious to train and put this new characteristic in my way of playing) The shot also expept of the almost random nuncuk shoot have improved by adding the ability to send your shoot in the point of the post you want by pointing the wiimote and click the B..Have to say that its usefull and add makes the game even more realistic but needs some time and training to understand the way it works.Its good,it feels ok but needs also training.So when i am near the golakeper ready to shoot i dont prefer the nuncuk quik shoot but i try to use the Pointing shoot..Some times works some times no buts as i said its matter of training and you can feel it.You can use the pointing shoot when you are little outside or inside the box. I dont have played any other modes(online,master league etc). played some friendly and league games and make soem training.Also have to say the advace tutorials are neccecery for players who have played pes 2008. Generally i Felt the Improvement in terms of Gameplay and want to repeat that in my way of play/view this improvement makes Sense and makes Pes2009 the most Addictive soccer game i have ever played.Also i have pes2009 for pc.They are completely diferent games in terms of category and quality.Pes2009 for wii is much more Realistic and much more quality as a game.
  8. There is also a review from the bigest Greek video games site gameover.gr 8/10 I put the closing coment: "The fact that the piece of Monolith Soft offers a generous checkpoint system, and makes it accessible to casual players, while the hardcore will remain satisfied with the multitude of possibilities and the incredible atmosphere possible. Despite its problems, the adventure of Ray is a unique and novel experience for gaming, the upload data at the top of the Wii games for the current period. We, the only problem we have at the end of that waiting is the start forward work to create continuity! " Positive -The absolute use of motion controls to date -The film action movie atmosphere Negative - Lack of identity because of too many kinds of gameplay -To character animation of Ray is below par http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient&hl=en&u=http%3a%2f%2fgameover%2egr%2fDisaster%2dDay%2dof%2dCrisis%2e6220%2ehtml%3farticle%5fpage%3d3
  9. Poly oraies oi entyposeis soy file panmusic.Isoun poli katatopistikos. An thes kane ena kopo na tis grapseis kai sto elliniko topic tou paixnidioou http://www.ninty.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=506&page=10 Yparxoun poloi ellines pou endiaferontai giaytto to game.Ego tha to paro diabazontas aytes tis entyposeis. (hehe just something in greek to my greek friend) Thanx for the impressions!I think this game will rock!
  10. Best Wii News Ever?
  11. I Think Wii Wheel isnt enough for an Formula one game or Racing Simulation generally..Its good for arcade racing like Mario kart or excite truck but we need a good Peripheral Wheel with throttle like this
  12. The News is that Sony will not have the Exclusivity For the Formula One Racing Games from now on.The other News is that "Codemasters' deal will see F1 return to a multiformat platform for the first time in many years. The game is set to be available on all major home consoles, as well as handheld and PC gaming formats." http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/67228 When its says All the Major home Consoles and Hanheld gaming Formats i think The Wii and Ds are including.. But Traditionally Codemasters Dont Deal with nintendo Home Consoles I guess.. I would like to See A Formula One Racing Game on the Wii..Are there any Chances?What do you think?
  13. hey the random online matches arew worldwide like mario kart?
  14. Most Funny online game ever??yes i vote for this!!
  15. i had some big lag problems online but the last 5 games are almost lag free!!i can say now its very cool to play online in this game!!but se many players try with dribling to make chances to score..thats not the games philosophy..its all about passing game ball possecion and movements to the spaces!thats football!this game rocks!
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