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Coolness Bears

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Posts posted by Coolness Bears

  1. You have no idea how hard it is for me to not open these spoiler boxes.

    I've really gotten into the HP mood after 10 chapters of OOTP.

    And I really just want to get onto this one.



    I managed to avoid this thread today and yesterday as i new the spolier boxes would lure me into their secrective trap.

    It must be worse for you if you have a long way to go. Have you still got to read half blood prince as well before you get onto the final book?



    It feels great to have finished it i can back to resuming my normal activities i've pretty much only reading the book. :D

  2. So are me and Coolness Bears. It will be majestic.


    It shall be a most glorious occassion. i shall wear my finest robes and tallest hat. I shall walk into the cinema majestically and sit most graciously into my seat waiting for the film to begin. :)


    I can't wait for this movie!!!

    I hope it will be good and give me 86 minutes of non-stop action, comedy and emotion all rolled into a clever plot that won't dissappoint.


    It will not be as good as episodes from the classic era but not as dire as some of the ones now(although there still a lot of excellent ones from the newer seasons)but like Bluejay put at the start of the thread"somewhere in the middle"


    Anway bring on Wednesday. :D

  3. I had them for a whole week in Italy for breakfast (along with a croissant). They were tasty. :D


    Now it is back to weetabix....


    *searches in his cupboard*


    YAAAAAAY!!!! i have some Honey Nut Cheerios.


    *devours the whole box*

  4. I'm really enjoying this game so far.


    The controls are responsive and aren't complicated at all and i learned the controls with in a few minutes of playing. Proving that Eurogamer fail at Wii games!!!


    Aiming with the Wiimote works very naturally for me and i find the controls a lot easier than the Cube version. :D


    The Graphics are the same but having not been exposed to much to HD they don't look that outdated to me and still look great.


    The core gameplay is still excellent and as i have not owned or completed Resident Evil 4 before i'm looking forward to doing it with the Wii version which is awesome.


    What makes it better is that i got it for the price of 18.50.

  5. That's not insane, that's just plain wrong.


    I'd like to create a new religion, centred around one object. Claim this as a sending from God and proclaim myself that I am the new semi-god who has come down to pass judgment. Then I'll create a global pandemic saying my object posses infinite power and I'll see how long I last.


    Someones been watching too much Death Note. :heh:

  6. Any chance someone might be kind enough to breifly sum up the first 2 for me? :)



    From wikipedia


    Episode 1


    After being offered a co-anchor position on a political talk show, Kitty moves back to Los Angeles to live with her parents. At a family dinner, her four other siblings and father convince Kitty to reconcile with her mother whom she had a falling out with prior to her departure. Patriarch William suffers a heart attack and dies.


    Episode 2


    The family attends William's funeral and hears the reading of his will. Justin meets up with Holly Harper at the funeral and inquires how she is related to his father. Newly installed President, Sarah learns of the family business' financial woes. Justin is arrested and Nora and Kevin must bail him out.
