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Emerald Emblem

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Posts posted by Emerald Emblem

  1. On 12/24/2018 at 12:49 PM, martinist said:


    @Emerald Emblem

    So it arrived. All Blu-Rays are Special/Collector editions

    • Full Series of Noein
    • Season 1 of Ajin: Demi-Human
    • Season 3 of Black Buttler
    • Season 1 Part 1 of Erased
    • Princess Arete

    The problem with these boxes is that you don't know what you're getting. As such, I've ended up with two copies of the special edition of Noein...

    I've been looking into Erased and it looks like i'll be buying the second part next year or so.

    You can already watch Ajin on Netflix but it's nice to have a disc I guess.

    Princess Arete is probably the one i'm most interested in. Was looking into buying it sometime and looks like I don't have to anymore.

    This is only the first box. There should be another one arriving after Christmas.


    To be fair though, for the price you will make a profit selling that Noein set on.

    Erased from what I've heard is a modern masterpiece and was something I plan on getting at some point.

    My Copy of Hyouka Part one arrived but the box has been slightly damaged which sucks, the placeholder box is damaged too but it's only a placeholder for part 2 so not so bad, I've gotta wait to hear back from their support service for my options.


    EDIT: They are sending me a replacement after the festive period. They even replied just before midnight, very happy with that kinds customer service.

    • Thanks 1

  2. Anyone spent their points in the sale yet? I spent About 2800 gold points on these.
    (New release not in sale)




    And I have this much left over


    Not a lot in the sale I actually wanted to be honest.

    • Thanks 1

  3. Was always waiting for it to dropn under £200 and with a game for £180 I wasn't about to turn it down. Which means I can enjoy MegaDimension Neptunia VRII in all it's glory.
    Image result for wipeout omega collection vr compatible  box

    So whilst we wait for the repairman to come sort out some issues with the new apartment, one of those issues is fixing the heating in my room and the front room, I got this in order to at least keep some warmth in the place. Saved £15 off the £39.99 price tag.


    Also with the distance the sofas are from the TV, whilst perfect for VR, not so good with general single player gaming, so I got this X-Rocker so I can play single player games at a closer vantage point, saved £19.99 and an extra £2.09 with my work benefits scheme.


    Lastly as a joint Christmas present from me and my younger brother to my parents, we got an Amazon echo Spot for them in the sale.

    Non Black Friday discount purchases include these two Nintendo Switch games.


  4. On 10/17/2018 at 3:59 PM, martinist said:

    Go and buy Railgun and Railgun S too.

    How else are you going to understand this complex intertwining narrative?!

    I do own all the manga that is out so far...But my collection doesn't feel complete without the anime, so...

    Image result for certain scientific railgun dvd

    Image result for certain scientific railgun cast

    Also got this, had it on pre-order for a while and got it last week

    Image result for higurashi when they cry

    Gotta say, I did think this would be an 18 with all the gruesome, bloody violence.

    Will be back tomorrow with my Black Friday buys.

    • Like 2

  5. Leicester City confirm chairman's death
    The other 4 passengers have also been confirmed as dead, no survivors as feared. This is such a massive loss, especially for the city of Leicester. RIP.

    EDIT: All the victims have been named:
    Leicestershire Police said it believed the dead to be:

    • Leicester owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha
    • Two members of his staff Nursara Suknamai and Kaveporn Punpare
    • Pilot Eric Swaffer
    • Passenger Izabela Roza Lechowicz
    • Sad 2

  6. I watched a streamer play this earlier and I'll be honest I'm very intrigued, it's nice they haven't half assed the Starfox collab, they aren't treated like say a custom player character in a RPG. I'm very tempted, but he said if you don't care about the arwing figure the digital edition is the way to go as it has more in game content. But for £69.99 it's awful pricey.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    You can choose to roll and ally's dice. If that's not what you mean I'm confused. 

    I think Aneres means that the ally also gets to roll a die, which can mess up your target roll I'm guessing.

    • Like 1