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Everything posted by Vaati

  1. Vaati

    Fifa 10

    I think his name and where he's from kinda makes it obvious Before getting Fifa 09 the last Fifa I got was 05 as I switched to Pro Evo but Fifa now has made HUGE improvement recently and just has so much more depth than Pro Evo. This time though I got Pro Evo 09 and Fifa 09 and because the other teams have transfers between them I think Become A Legend on Pro Evo is slightly better than Be A Pro on Fifa.
  2. Lol! What's wrong with his monobrow? I'm suprised it wasn't his lips you were commented on! Just because he doesn't have a cool afro and sunglasses haha.
  3. Anyone had any problems with second hand 360 games. I bought GTA IV from C-ex exchange for £20 and took it back because it wouldn't work at all (just crashed after the black screen with © Rockstar etc.) I took it back and they wouldn't give me my money back and instead cleaned the disc for me and it worked initially but it crashed on me three times yesterday! They said they'd give me my money back if I had anymore problems so I may just do that and pay £5 extra from Gamestation instead.
  4. I payed around £30 extra at Gamestation on the £190 60GB & Gears Of War 1 + 2 & Far Cry 2 deal and so my warranty lasts for three years. Not a bad deal eh? My tag is: Grandwicky If anyone wants to add it
  5. I think motion plus gives the next game HUGE potential! The position your Wii Remote is in could reflect Link's arm in the same way with disc throwing and sword fighting on Wii Sports Resort! As long as it's good and doesn't just try to be Ocarina Of Time again like TP did sometimes (though that was still a brilliant game) I'll be happy
  6. I think people who think they've 'lost it' should read that so many times that it sticks in their minds personally. Cast your mind back to the last generation, how many Mario games did we get? ONE how many Zelda games did we get? ONE! Just because Zelda was a launch title doesn't mean they'd release another one so soon, did we get a follow-up to Mario 64 on the N64? No. Animal Crossing maybe a game that some Ninty fans don't like but at least we've got one of our the big franchises out for christmas. Nintendo haven't lost it and they'll prove it to us all with some extra awesome games WHEN THEY'RE READY I'm sure of it! For any doubters I give you one of Miyamoto's most famous quotes! : peace:
  7. Thanks, thought that might be the case :p And thanks again but I'm not quite new.. registered a few months ago, made a couple of posts and then just continued lurking really.
  8. Ok, this may sound stupid but yeah I bought a PS2 not so long specifically for Pro Evo but I bought Final Fantasy VII (which is of course a PS1 game) and I played it today but when I was saving my game it said there wasn't a memory card in either slot so am I right in presuming that I need a PS1 specific memory card to save games?
  9. If only they would release Devil May Cry 4 on Wii, that's what's encouraging me to get a 360 this year and it makes me laugh at PS3 even more because it was supposed to be an exclusive.
  10. Just checked and according to their website (which maybe I should have looked at first lol) they're not going to have anymore stock until March.
  11. That what I thought was happening anyway! When I went in the day before and asked about it before coming back two days afterwards they said if I had ordered it that day they would have probably got one for me the next weekend! Had no problems getting an N64 when it came out and only had to go in three times for a GC. Then again I've always wanted Nintendo to the big one in demand and this is what happens to me lol. Been thinking about doing that but I'm too scared to do so Might do it if I don't get it by Saturday though.
  12. They're still going within an hour of shops opening everywhere, yeah! But as I said I stopped trying three weeks ago and payed £20 for a pre-order at Gamestation who said they'd contact me when they've got one for me yet. I just thought I would have got it by now.
  13. Haha! I was actually thinking about getting that when the price has gone down on it considering to me it looks like it has some good mini games on it but I've been told it's WAY too short like the other ones.
  14. Hmmmm after reading all this I might get this afterall as I wasn't before because of some bad reviews! So now I have to decide, this or Red Steal?
  15. If I've posted this at the wrong bit then I'm sorry btw. Basically three weeks or so ago I gave up going to the stores around my town centre trying to try my luck to get a Wii (at one point being half an hour away from getting one ) and decided to pre-order one from Gamestation meaning they'd phone me when they've got one for me. I understand about the obvious how hard it is for them to get them and everything but I still thought I'd surely have mine now, has anyone else done the same thing and waited so long?
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