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Posts posted by DomJcg

  1. So plot for 7.2 (thors fear itself aftermath issue)


    As he walks the nine steps, poison seeps through his body, his friends and family appear at each step to wish him good bye. Odin appears with loki on his penultimate step and as he takes his last step donald blake appears saying they can go on this final adventure together. Thor begins to take another step thinking he's beaten the poison. He collapases dead before it touches the ground.






    Scarlet Spider anyone?

  2. Why's the bursary withdrawn?!


    You say £175 a month to live on - you need to break down precisely what that means. Nights out, of course, but what else? If you've already budgeted travel to uni and food, then that's roughly £40-45 a week to 'enjoy' yourself... Yeah it's not a great deal but it is do-able. You'll have to be selective with nights out, and really food-shop like a pr0. You'll need occasional money for toiletries... and mobile phone contract(s) you may have. I'd advise reducing any contract you have ASAP.


    And consider getting a part-time job. I totally could've done it a lot sooner in my uni career. There's a hella lotta free time, if you really need it.


    Honestly it's totally doable. I've lived on £200 a month which has included food, and it's fucking harsh but it is doable. You need to forgo a lot of social occasions. If you have a place to invite people over to then concentrate on doing that more than going out - or go out but just had a single drink/pre-drink more often.


    ... Otherwise yeah! Have fun :P This isn't the end of your life, this is going to be a good experience for you as to what real life can be like - shit hitting you from all sides. It will be long and tedious and unfair... but character building and all that schtoooof.


    I'm on a PGCE Teacher Training course, when I'm not at school 8 til 4 I'm at uni 9 til 5, while I have weekends free I use them to do work for my classes and projects for uni. They took away funding to the universities so the universities took away the bursaries. They're giving them back in 2012 because of the increase in tuition fees. I don't reeeally have the time to have a job.


    My phone contract is 13 pounds a month, and petrol is 20 pounds a week if I stretch it. Food is at 25 pounds a week between the two of us, we are having competitions to try and get it as low as we can :) parking is between 2.50 and 5 pounds a day. What else is there? Already living rent free and bill free. Couldn't do the course if we weren't.


    Thank you for the uplifting message though jay thank you :)

  3. My bursary got withdrawn before I started, I have 1000 pounds to live on until January, but I was already in debt when I started the course (400 pounds overdrawn). To get to my school placement it costs 40 pounds a week, foods risen so its around 25 pounds a week. I figure I have 175 pounds ish a month to live on? That goes after three weeks.


    Next year they are bringing the bursaries back.


    Yes it has.

  4. Hum, I'm training to be a teacher and I realise my email is the same as my forum name, can it possibly be changed to DJCG instead to prevent future employers from digging dirt on me?


    (moved it to the right place)

  5. My new DC pull list


    Justice League

    Action comics

    Animal Man

    Swamp Thing


    Baman and Robin



    Demon Knights

    Justice League Dark

    Green Lantern


    Teen Titans

    DCU Presents

    Blue Beetle

    Wonder Woman



    The Flash


    (possibly GLC and GLNG)


    DC has sold me, I'm getting more from them than before and will continue to do so.


    What about everyone else?

  6. I think I have at one point but I dont remember it all that well. Ive got issues 1-500 on a load of cds in one of those packs so ive read quite a bit.


    Id say my favourite storylines have been:


    Spider-Man Blue

    Death of Gwen Stacy

    Amazing Spider-Man #248 The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man

    Coming Home (First Morlun battle)

    Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1

    Marvel Knights Spider-Man (First 3 volumes where Aunt May has been kidnapped)


    Probably quite a few more but those are the ones that spring to mind. Really not sure which id have as my absolute favourite though.


    Whats blue like? I read the coming home volume, it was reeeeally good, loved the ending, have you read the Grim Hunt volume? Its at the end of Brand New Day spidey section and while I know you don't like that part, its still fantastic (has Ana in it who I think you like?)


    How much are those discs?

  7. You didn't like Spider-man Hap? I thought maybe the Jonah and Richards bit was a tad ham fisted. The plot may be massive, but I thought it was really enjoyable. The ramifications from the ending will also be huge. I think its shaped up really nicely so far.


    Whats your favourite spidey story Hap?

  8. I crave tidiness, my paperwork is all organised sitting next to me ready to be sorted into my folder, I have an intray, i spend 5 minutes before bed whizzing round my room making sure its tidy. I hate having junk/stuff. I like minimalist everything. A reaction against my mum who keeps everything.

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