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Posts posted by DomJcg

  1. I didn't really enjoy it, it was very americanised (i know funding etc etc) long panning shots of coversations were jarring. The constant hammering of the point that people aren't dying (three news reports? all saying the same thing?) Its like they think that we or the americans, are going to forget what's happening. It just felt hollow, I liked the Peado in a love to hate way. The decapitation was cool and gruesome. But they took all of the things that made torchwood, you know, torchwood, the sexual tension, the grey moral areas, now gwen can shoot down a coptor?


    I also hated the 5 minute 'preview' for the rest of the season, I got bored halfway through it, not excited.

  2. I must say, Schism was everything I could have hoped for, everything I didn't expect and more. AAron is on top form!


    All hail Kilgore! Hah awesome new villain, and sentinals and quire AND a very tired wolverine

    :) all points to a fantastic event


  3. isn't it that she's not actually dead? I think she's just continuously expanding in a pocket dimension using booby trapped pym particles. She'll be back eventually.


    That wasn't her, that was Korvacs wife pretending to be her



  4. I'm done with this game I think. Spent HOURS AND HOURS on it, but I haven't sorted the online out, got most of the Pokemon etc.


    My little cousin has a Cryogonal and won't trade with me. >:(


    What is that?


    Also, where do I trade? in a poke centre? or is there a weird battle hub/subway thingy?

  5. I got a Tirtouga to replace my crappy Panpour in the end.


    Just had the best battle, it was against the fourth gym leader the electric one.


    My Team


    Munna Lvl 24

    Gurrdurr lvl 26

    Snivy evolution lvl 25

    Tirtouga lvl 25

    Daurmaka lvl 26


    I throw out Munna who puts Emolga to sleep, hit it three times with a psybeam and it wakes up gets a hp restore and uses Volt switch, which throws out the other Emolga, which I then hit with the psybeam and then put to sleep, which then gets healed and switches. This carries on and on until I switch out Munna and send in the rest of the breakfast club (munna gets partial exp and grows a level, its defence now slightly higher than it was) and battle all the Volt switches. In the end I'm down to just Munna against her Emolga with her Zebra thing getting burned out by Darumaka. I put it to sleep (I'm on half health) and hit with a zen headbutt, it wakes up and hits with a Volt Switch, that leaves me on two hp. Its quicker than me and tries to use Rollout but misses and I psybeam it for the freaking win!!


    Has anyone else had epic battles like that?

  6. I stole someone's wallet in Naples. It had £50 in it too!


    Fuck you sir. Fuck you


    In a related note, is it a good thing that Dyson can turn into five bawdy italians? Text me your answer! Enter your card details to win a trip to sunny Naples!

  7. To bring this back full circle,


    It appears that not all publicity is good publicity Har Har Har


    Also it appears that to everyone's surprise, the Sun and even the Sunday Times might have hacked a certain queeny and a certain former prime minister. What good times we live in.

  8. Something similar happened to me in Geneva a while back. It kind of ruined the holiday (I was only there two days, and also got bad food poisoning :heh:), but it wasn't too bad in the end - I went straight to the police and got a report and rang my insurance, and then I got the vast majority of the money/stuff I lost back from them. I still haven't got round to getting another provisional driving license, however...


    Yeh, I reported it to the italian police, they laughed at me and when I got home I translated their words


    "Hah this idiot got mugged"


    Also, my insurance doesn't cover stolen cards and you have to pay a 50 pound excess to get back what money was taken...


    Which was 50 pounds


    Bad one Dom! They knew you needed the phone to keep in contact with me. Was it a lot of stuff you had taken?


    Um...Driving licence, 50 pounds (no euros fortunately) Debit and Credit card, student card... National Insurance card, nectar card... Think that was it

  9. Got mugged whilst I was on holiday :(


    In Naples (do not go to Naples, it is shit and horrible, there are piles of rubbish that they just burn in the street) and went to get on the tram with 7 or so other people, and 5 middle aged italians all swamped round me shouting at each other, I got pushed around and jostled and they got off as the trams doors shut. I realised they took my wallet :( but not my phone for some unknown reason.

  10. It doesn't seem like a fun discussion... all I see is daft and rez getting slightly more annoyed with each others point of view...




    by the time I come back off holiday I will have missed TWO comic book days! dammit


    Whats the worst cross over of all time? (other than Ultimatium)

  11. Didn't the tower fall before? i'm sure it did... and I liked the tower, better than that mansion anyway.


    I loved the issue, Romita was on top form and the battle was seriously immense. I know Rulks not dead but seeing Ben destroy/kill things was epic as it was heart breaking


  12. Sigh, got a fracking 2:2. I kind of expected it given that I got just 60 last year, but I was doing so well this year, the difference between my essay marks and my exam marks are ridiculous. I was most worried about telling my girlfriend (she was very proud of me (she got a 2:1, well deserved, got a 74 in one of her exams!) and my parents, who were equally very proud of me. I think i'm ok now, it was a shock but, the PGCE course I got on to lowered their requirements to a 2:2 from a 2:1 after they interviewed me (when I was predicted a 2:1). So I got what I needed, and I find myself caring that little bit less that I did get a 2:2.


    Should this even be in this thread?

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