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About LeeWii

  • Birthday 06/29/1991

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    Location, Location
  • Interests
    Drums, Music, Games, Football
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Wii, DS, GC, GBA, N64, GBC
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC, PS2, PS1
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  1. I'd have to agree. Check out these vids for some examples.
  2. Should LM2 go into development, they should include the sequel to the Game Boy Horror - The DS Fright!
  3. I loved PES 08. I'm glad they're improving the shooting and defending in this, as they were the weak spots. If they keep Champions Road, but add Master League, and the option to use your save file in online matches, plus a better edit mode, more licensed clubs and possibly championship clubs (go Cov!) I'll be happy.
  4. Two events which I know need completion on hard are Advent of the Evil King and Dark Link Duel, the latter of which I should attempt tonight. The first one is just stupid. Ganondorf (who I suck with) vs. Link, Zelda and Pit. I eventually beat it just by running away a lot and spamming his neutral-b.
  5. Anyone got tips for 100-man brawl? My best is 99 kills using DK's down-b, but I just can't get that one extra kill.
  6. Unlocked Sonic yesterday. Did it by completing Classic with 10 different characters. He's fun to use, but his smash attacks leave little impression.
  7. I've used the Classic controller non-stop, even though I have a Wavebird, and am finding it really good. Haven't seen the need to alter the controls (bar turning tap-jump off, for ease of using Meta's up-smash, which I spam a bit much ), and I find the Zr button easy to reach too, despite my inital fears.
  8. So far, and the game is matching my expectations. Before getting the game, I was expecting to main Meta Knight, Dedede and Pokémon Trainer. But at the moment, it's out of Meta Knight, DK and Luigi, followed by Falcon, Lucas, and Pokémon Trainer. I've only played SSE as far as just passing the Fox + Diddy stage, but via classic and brawl matches, I've already unlocked Ness, Marth, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Falco and Snake. Love the game so far.
  9. Friday is gonna be the longest Economics lesson I've had..... ....Worth it, though.
  10. Is it the one with the giant mushroom after the wooden bridge? Or something else?
  11. Got 2:02 last night. Could probably get 2:00 or just under but it isn't worth the stress of repeatedly pressing restart.
  12. Damn right. Had to get on the DS again the other day just to race it. That track never gets old.
  13. For God's sake, they allowed voice chat for Diamond and Pearl, and if that's not a hunting ground for dirty old men I don't know what is! So what can't they have it for MK? I mean, as aforementioned, we have parental controls. God, Ninty like to contradict themselves.
  14. Yeah, that sounds about right.
  15. I guess. It just lacked the charm for me. Like I said, maybe a VC release is due?
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