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Everything posted by Woz

  1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    You can wall jump in prime 2 cant you? or am I just dreaming it up?
  2. OMG Sony did it

    the saturn could play master sytem games as well i think......but anyway all these comments people are making are a bit childish. Calm down man.
  3. Ive watched them silent and refuse to watch them with sound, they look camper than the zelda cartoons which I actually liked. Ex-ccccussse me princess. Classic
  4. let me add something else to the discussion just to melt all of your minds; I could be making myself sound like a total dumb ass, but what about the multiple timelines that can happen from travelling back in time i majora's mask? MOOOhaahahahahahahaha, your minds are all mine. moooohaahhahah. edit: sorry if I over mooohaha-ed
  5. What if the worst happens?

    on a side note: do some people actually read all of the other posts? Because alot of people seem to be repeating what others say in an earlier post. A little thing i know, but it bugs me.
  6. Just thought I'd make a point; metroid prime was co-developed by retro and nintendo. also retro are now nintendo anyway, so therefore it was made by them. also, pikmin, zelda, are better than resident evil 4 in my own opinion.
  7. New NOM team confirmed

    Yup, they werent (towards the end anyway) as biased as some people may think. I too (probably shouldnt though) found the magazine hilarious and will miss them.
  8. Politically Correct?

    What really pisses me off is when black people call each other 'nigga' it is fine, but no other race can. Isnt that also being racist to other races? I think so. edit: I am white by the way, and I'll tell you a true story which happened the other day. Me and my white friend( who happens to be quarter asian, but still is and looks white for some reason.) were walking down the corridor at college when we heard an asian dude say " I'm not racist, but I just dont like white people." That is supposedly racist, but both me and my friend werent offended by it. I dont understand why people get offended when they get called a name like " you black bastered". Why dont people just say " yes that is my colour, and your point is exactly?" maybe its just me..... edit 2: I think this is the most i have ever typed on a post before. Yay
  9. Killer Instinct 3

    Dont nintendo own the rights to killer instinct?
  10. Revs final secret Revealed?

    I don't know if anyone can remember, but there was a patent by nintendo ages ago that said something about not needing split screen. something like that, my memory is vague.
  11. 1. Zelda: A link to the past-words cannot describe how great this game was(is).(snes) 2. Secret of mana(snes) 3.Super mario bros 3(nes) 4.pikmin 2(gc) 5. super bomberman 2(snes)
  12. Mario-whoring pays off!

    how the hell is master cheif on the list, come on, there's ay better characters than him.
  13. New NOM

    They now score games properley.
  14. Overrated

    I never said they were bad games.
  15. Overrated

    I have a theory, and I think it is true for the most part. Games such as Halo and GTA score very high on ps2 and xbox because they are some of the great games on those consoles. Ps2 and xbox dont have games such as zelda or metroid or f-zero to name a few. Say for example any of these were to appear on these consoles, I'd think that the scores of GTA etc would be lower. Thoughts?
  16. Funniest moments in gaming

    The crows where my favourite thing in paper mario 2, I laughed for about 3o mins about ll the things they said.
  17. Agree about shadowrun, really good different type of game. Scret of mana has to be the best though. ( I dont count zelda 3 as an rpg) I saw secret of mana in gamestation the other day for 60 quid, i was really tempted to buy it, but in the end i thought it was too much to pay. secret of evermore was also 30 quid. When I get more money ( donations accepted people) I may buy both.
  18. only thing that really annoyed me was that stupid bitch Xeila, ahh she had the ost annoying voice ever. It burns my ears I tell you, arghhh.....but yeah great game.
  19. The greatest moment in games

    The ending to wind waker for me was the best ending ever, therefore my favourite moment. It was just awesome hearing the king of hyrule music being played on piano.
  20. New hints at Revolution graphics?

    remember, the revolution will be at least 6 months behind the 360, you can do alot in 6 months....
  21. I just cant see nintendo messing up a zelda game, it's not possible :wink: .
  22. The Best Gaming Music Ever.

    say if you own the game with tracks on but not the the album, is it still ok to download the mp3s legally?
  23. 'May' beat revolution games? This is certain to be the greatest game of all time, better than ALTTP even.
  24. Majora's Mask
