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Everything posted by Chipseh

  1. I've got an RGB cable and it works great, much better than composite.
  2. I had the Official RGB cable for my Cube (I had no idea they were so rare :S) ever since launch, and the difference was definitely noticeable. I went onto Amazon last night and ordered one, but again I had no idea that they were sold out all over the place. It's dispatching soon... lucky me I guess.
  3. I still can't get over the fact that Parcelforce lost/stole/burned/destroyed my Wii en-route... I was one of the first to order at Amazon and now I'll be one of the last to get one. ARGH.
  4. I could go pick it up in London tomorrow SteveBe. Sent you a Private Message. Edit: Would also give you an Xmas bonus.
  5. Yep, just getting a refund... pretty crap tbh. Parcelforce will ring me tomorrow to see if they can "find" it, but it's a load of rubbish.
  6. Well I tried with Amazon, but they wouldn't let me do that because they don't know when they're getting stock in. I "preordered" (pfft!) a Wii today with Gameplay, so if by magic (it is Xmas afterall...) they have some stock left I might get one from there. Otherwise, I'll just keep an eye on Amazon.
  7. Well, I've had the worst experience ever. Ordered with Amazon, and dispatched Thursday evening. I don't have my Wii even now. I was told at various points over the weekend that I would be getting it, but I was told today that it has been lost. I have had Zelda since Friday, but no Wii to play it on. With the current stock shortages, I won't even be able to get one until the new year. Thanks a lot, Parcelforce, you've ruined my Christmas.
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