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Darth Wengle

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About Darth Wengle

  • Birthday 12/31/1992

Personal Information

  • Location
    A long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away...
  • Interests
    My hobbies
  • Occupation
    My Job


  • Favourite Game?
    Tales of Symphonia
  • Gender

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. For me, it must have been Pokemon Red.
  2. I felt that this was extremely underated. It was actually and interesting enough story and the missions in the game were very engaging and enjoyable, with very few exceptions. Its a real shame that they had so few missions, cause what they made was great. Particularly in the on-rails arwing sections, and the levels where you would carry out objectives whilst defending 2 of your teammates at essential points of the level. But the Multi-player was amazing. Like a Gamecube equvilant of Halo, but much much simpler. 4 players on the outpost map is so much fun, with the perfect balance of indoors, airspace, sniping, tactics and tanks. My mates and I would go round eachothers houses just to play that. Star Fox was far too short, but so much replay value and so much fun. 90%
  3. How the heck should I prove that?! Thanks for welcoming me all.
  4. My Birthday: 31st December
  5. Hello. I'm Wengle. I did have another account, but hardly used it, and suddenly the email reactivation didn't work and things... Anyway, nice to meet you all. Anyone from the ONM Forums (It won't let me post a link) will know me already. (And I'm sorry if there is a thread for saying Hello, but I couldn't find it.) I'll come on when I can. I'm pleased to say I'm a nintendo fan, but I have respect for the others, and I am not a fanboy. Nice to meet you all (Hopefully) Wengle.
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