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About thatguy

  • Birthday 03/18/1988

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    kollege drinkin sessions
  • Occupation
    kollege stoodent


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    ps, ps2
  • Gender

thatguy's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. if it has blood and gore im there
  2. my 52 year old father whos life revolves around work and i didnt want to tell him i bought it cos hed kill me, came home walked in turned it on and played wii golf! I was thrilled!
  3. i finished it in 33 hours, took the most important week off college and got it done in 6 days. savage game but disappointed overall not good replay value like OoT, which like most of us still play!i no i do story wasnt as grippy as WW. not enough side quests, should have tried to beat MM, dat had best side storys, and just a predictable story in general. They also need more villages though, they make a zelda, none had enough yet!
  4. seriously..... the hairy fairy? well watever u lik 2 call it but im defo de hairiest 18 year old in midlands of ireland. im d hairy mofo, just check my bebo comments left a few weeks ago!!!!!!!
  5. de blue light around my disc drive on wii only flashes on wen i turn on the console but it doesnt stay on, is yers the same or has mine a fault? everythin else works fine.
  6. gorons, no 2 g's. just in the sky temple now with ooccoo, exelent game, since friday evening clocked up about 40 hours of gaming. I should be doin college reports due in dis week!
  7. ah ale! good for what ales ya, exept if what ales ya is lack of ale! nah cos im irish and a stoodent, labatt ice, 20 euro 20 bottles,(or rollin rock) and when have money a good old pint of the black stuff
  8. if your irish, (cos apparently theres a lot of us here) post a comment here sayin were ur from and wat u at in life at the mo. im from portlaoise and in college in limerick (university, not lit). goin to teach metalwork someday
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