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Posts posted by drahkon

  1. Stupid little kids singing grrrrr.....


    You hate kids singing? Then don't listen to Dirty Harry by Gorillaz :P


    I think it's a cool track. Just like the main menu 1 song. Love the drums in Yoshi's song :bouncy:


    I hate weekends :grin: No new Smash Bros. updates. I wanna see new Items or Characters tomorrow ._.

  2. I lost in the elimination round of the crystal cup again xD Gosh, it was a tough game. Lost during sudden death after about 6 minutes of complete destruction. And then I became a bit inattentively and Luigi's team really owned me with one offensive action. Suprisingly I didn't bother that much. I was happy with my performance (and that doesn't happen a lot)...well, on to another Crystal Cup :D


    Someday I will win...someday I will go like this: :yay::D


    Btw, will there be another N-Europe tournament ever again?

  3. I have decided not to do the single player campaign.. I can't stand that idea of being knocked out and having to start over again.


    I will do the single player mode for sure. I do think it's a bit frustrating to start over again after being knocked out, though, but I consider it as a challenge xD


    Has anyone done all the challenges yet?


    I've done the first 3. Actually they weren't a problem (that has to be cause of the difficulty). Looking forward to the others, I will take them on sometime today.


    Also dr4khon I love your avatar!


    Thanks :)


    Edit: Well this sucks...I just won 2 series but there was an error after both...so now I didn't get the points -.-

    Edit²: I realized that the game says I lost these games ._. Anyone had this experience, too?

  4. I am using the WiFi connector which works pretty good - normally i have all four out of four stars connection quality. Though lag on weekends is sometimes quite annoying.


    Haven't seen the WiFi connector in my whole life :indeed: I really don't know what that is :wtf:


    Well, I made my first online game some hours ago. I have to say that it actually was quite close. Won the first match by a Golden Goal. Lost the second game the same way. And in the last one I was completely destroyed (5:1). But it was fun :yay:

  5. The Crystal Cup is one hell of a Cup ._. My first try was horrible -.- I just got in the elminiation round only because I had the better goal diferrence (can you say that in English???). And then I lost...

    Still enjoying the game though. Playing against my parents is freakin' great :D


    Didn't touch the online mode so far. I hope W-Lan doesn't lower the connection quality so much...

  6. hot damn... Peach get's kidnapped!!??.. nobody saw that one coming


    Again, the originalty in a Mario Game is amazing :D But who cares? The Story has never interested me in any of the red caps man's game...It's Mario...what more can you ask for : peace:


    do yourself a favour and get Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door (and Paper Mario 64 on VC when it's out)


    Aren't there 2 games for the GC?

    I want to buy these games (like a thousand others-.-) but i'm broke...


    they do add an element of real time to the turn basedness, basically if you press a button at the right moment you can do extra damage/take less damage, I think it might be part of what makes the mario rpgs different to others, and maybe why they're so good


    Never played FFVIII huh? Well, Squall had the same element...press R1 with the right timing during an attack and you deal extra damage...but that's about it in the whole game :D Only one character can do this. And I loved it-.- Didn't (and still don't) know why they haven't used that more.

    One more reason why I need to buy Paper Mario :D

  7. Hmmm...want to know if Okami gets ported...thinking of buying it for my ps2 (after I get FFXII that is...)

    I read many reviews saying it is an awesome game...and I personally like the graphics a lot.

  8. They will move it, there not that mean :D


    Since that is done you can leave your comments on my texts and/or post yours :) (I know they aren't mean...been reeding this forum for a long time. Now I'll probably be more active ;) )


    That's a very nice poem you wrote there killthenet. Although I don't get the lines with Stephen Fry. Don't know him...

    But the rest is good :)

  9. Hey there,

    I wanna know if you write poems or texts to deal with something, whatever it is.

    I, guess what, do. Not for so long though. And also I'm German so my vocabulary isn't that impressive (I write mainly German anyway). I'd like to show you my poems so far:




    I see your eyes like they're on fire

    trying to burn with a violent desire.

    These sun rays, they reflect your light,

    I will beat them with all my might.


    Death is rising, you do know that.

    Bleeding roses, they will all shut.

    My head is bursting as I think,

    I want to love but not to sink.


    I really love and hate to say this:

    All I wanted is just one kiss.

    You are gone and all I see

    is you, running away from me.


    It's not your fault my very dear.

    I was afraid, I say with fear.

    You are gone, I want you girl.

    Death has risen, with you pearl.


    My doleful story is not over

    with a single four-leaved clover.

    Your violence was never there,

    I realize, it was despair.


    Will it come to a happy end?

    Like the movies all pretend?

    Will I stay in my own anguish

    always trying not to perish?


    This is it, I have decided.

    I love you, I can't deny it.

    Sadness covers all my soul.

    It's over now and I am sole.




    There is something dwelling in my soul.

    In my deepest cave; it's crying there to heal.

    I fall asleep, drowning in this nightmare.

    Can't reveal what I would like to.


    I lie here, trying to scream.

    Being able to kill for my dream.

    I realize I want to slay myself

    for letting you go, you beautiful elf.


    Hear the voice from within.

    It's calling me, everyday, every night.

    The air boils, as the sound scorches my ears.

    Please leave me alone; get out of my life.


    I lie here, trying to scream.

    Being able to kill for my dream.

    I realize I want to slay myself

    for letting you go, you beautiful elf.


    Now I'm falling, getting over you.

    I'll never find the end, never find the ground.

    This drop never stops. It's infinte pain.

    I'm ready to die. Ready to forget.


    I lie here, trying to scream.

    Being able to kill for my dream.

    I realize I want to forget,

    to get over you, you lovely sunset.


    The Art Of Losing


    I have eliminated it. It won't let me down anymore. But still im sinking in; deeper into my agony.

    This phantom in my mind keeps me focused on what I feel. He shows me how miserable I really am.


    Although you're dead inside, my soul is shining. Not for you, but for me; this might be the end of it all.


    I try to justify these thoughts,

    I'll never die with a solution.

    Your life will end with just one shot.

    It's bursting out of my delusion.


    I've walked on this road once. I have beaten every trial.

    Now I'm back again. With one more test. It could be the most complicated. If the devils wake me, I will crush this tree of anger. I don't want to fade away without gaining. No more turning into dust. Into the art of losing.




    It's lasting for so long.

    Now I try to face the truth.

    Didn't ask to feel that way.

    It just came over me.


    I turn around, but don't expect me to care.

    No emotions, when you're gone.

    This forest of magic, you held me in, will burn.


    I was in a shelter,

    revolutionized my life.

    Dying of what I have seen,

    the beauty in your eyes.


    I turn around, but don't expect me to care.

    No more crying, when you're gone.

    This sea of melting ice, you held me in, still burns.


    See this life as a test.

    My fantasy fulminates,

    and it is alive again.

    It's just come over me.


    I turn around, but don't expect me to care.

    There'll be crying, when you're gone.

    I have escaped the chamber that will always burn.



    As you can see, my texts deal with love. And the pain related to it.

    If you write stuff like this you may post it :) I would like to see some works.

  10. do you have any lights pointing directly or in the direction of the sensor bar?

    It might be that, as there might be some interference with all the ir going around the place.


    There aren't any lights pointing unless you count a window to light-source xD But I wonder why this problem has only been there since I went online with my Wii. It hadn't been there before...

  11. I have a problem (and yes, I'm too lazy to search so I'll just ask :p):


    Today I went online with my Wii for the first time. No problems there at all. But after updating the Wii, the cursor on the screen was (and still is) very laggy. It hasn't been like this before.

    Do you have any suggestions?

  12. It's a really good player. Although I'm listening to the tracks via PC because I don't get my Wii connecting to the internet (I don'T know where I get the information for that...the W-lan stuff...).


    I have to say that many of the rock songs are quite good. :) I might find a new cool band. Thanks a lot.

  13. -none of the songs were what i would call 'infectious', like they were in OoT and LttP


    I haven't completed the game yet but you got a word here. But if there would be an OST I would definitely buy it. I love the theme of the 7th (I think so xD) dungeon. I just finished it and I fell in love with it :D

    I forgot to try something: As mentioned above I would like to know if it's possible to clear the game with only 3 hearts. And I didn't attempt to warp without taking the heart container :( So if anybody knows then write :D


    Thank god for Midna


    Oh yeah, she's is soooo sarcastic. I love it :D


    the end bosses


    The boss in the 7th dungeon was the best so far...not because of the fight but because of something else...but you will know why sooner or later ;)

  14. I'm in the 6th dungeon now. I played for about 20 hours, but it seems I haven't found many sidequests yet. Maybe I'm too stupid to find them. I think after this dungeon I will search every single place I've been for minigames etc.


    Did anyone play the minigame in the fishing place. Well in the house. I don't remember the name, but I think the controls are similar to the ones in Monkey Ball (still waiting for my sister to bring me this game :D ). This was quite fun to play.

  15. According to gamona.de (sry it is a german source...but I ensure you that it's right what I'm about to post ;) and sry I can't give you an exact URL because I'm not allowed to...I don't have 15 posts yet. ) Nintendo will exchange the straps used at the Wiimote. There have been reports from Japan and the US that torn straps made the Wiimote fly into miscellaneous stuff.

    But it's not clear when and how the product recall will take place.


    Can you confirm torn straps? I can't. But what I have to say is that the straps aren't really tight. They get loose (loosely? i don't know xD) very fast.


    Ok...I just saw that there is a thread...SRY but I hadn't seen it before I wrote this :(

  16. I think temples are the worst part of a zelda game.

    Frustating, hard- I always end up with a walkthrough.


    I like the bits in between... ewploring n stuff


    Do you agree?


    No...I like exploring of course, but I like temples more :) The puzzles are awsome in Zelda games. If you try over and over just to get one riddle solved. And when you get a flash of genius and solve the puzzle it just feels amazing (at least I think so :P)

  17. Man this is a great game! And I've managed to get my whole family playing it which is just insane, they're all complete non-gamers but they love it.


    If I had more Wii-Motes (second one will be mine on Monday :) ) and if we hadn't been away for 3 hours my parents would have played Wii-Sports longer. They were amazed of bowling and tennis. I personally love all of the games, but most of all golf and bowling.

    It was pretty fun seeing my mum and dad giving tips to each other at a game of bowling...and btw they kicked my ass-.-' But it was so great :)


    Wii fitness age: 60 (omfg xD) After about 45 minutes of playing I got pretty tired.

  18. Creating the Mii...Wow.

    Playing Wii Sports...Wow. (I'm loving Bowling and Tennis :) )

    Playing Zelda...Wow.


    I'm loving it :) So small, so precise, so great :D

    (after that torture in town...I went to 5 different stores (while I was being in a bad mood which was getting even worse after every store I had gone through) just to find out that the last one had only 1 (!) Wii left...and i got it :D )
