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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. I think Excitetruck looks awesome. I'm really gutted this want a launch title and despite the poor reviews I will definatly be picking it up in February. Oh yeah and Waverace was truly awesome. I was dissapointed by the last level, I think that was because it was 3 years before I managed to finally reach it...
  2. What VC games do you want more than ANYTHING??? 10) Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES) 9) World Driver Championship (N64) 8) Perfect Dark (N64) 7) Super MArio Allstars (SNES) 6) Beetle Adventure Racing (N64) 5) Aladdin (SNES) 4) Jet Force Gemini (N64) 3) Goldeneye 007 (N64) 2) Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie (N64) 1) Blast Corps - I NEEEED it! (N64) Sadly most of those games are by RARE so they're unlikely They would all be cool though.
  3. I'm really looking forward to Friday, my local store, ironically "360 Games" is opening at 7AM where I have the pre-order. This is the first time a console has launched where I don't need to borrow money or rely on my parents so I'm gonna be walking out with ---> Wii Console + Wii Sports Extra Wii-mote and Nunchuck 2 Classic controllers Wii Play Zelda Red Steel Monkey Ball RGB Scart Lead 4000 Wii Points I'm debating whether or not to get Downhill Jam though... I think it is pretty expensive but not so in America or Japan, I thik living in Britain we kind of have to expect price hikes. I'm really hyped up though much more so than N64 or Gamecube.
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