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Everything posted by rip2roar

  1. Hmmm, a Wii and...a HD-DVD drive for my 360
  2. Nintendo have never really had a habit of releasing home console sales outside of Japan. I'd leave it until after the Christmas rush, thats when they will most likely release the information. After all Nintendo have constant new stock supplied to stores which for them qualifies as "Launch" or "In The Launch Window"
  3. We are third, hear of a a little region which Nintendo inhabit called "Japan". Will it be that much of a problem though? I bought a HDTV for my 360 and I love the difference but a short-term HD-less Wii wont ruin any impressions that I will have of it when I finaly get it on December 8th
  4. Hey guys, just wanted to say that you have a nice site going on here. The chain of events that brought me to it are kind of weird. I was at the "Toys for Big Boys" expedition in Dublin. I own a site and wanted to find some images for an article I was doing. Sure enough I googled the info and found the youtube vid of the event by NE. I go ahead and watch it and see none other than my fecking self in the vid. Coincidence... Oh and to the guy who was presenting it, thanks for showing me how to get past the part in Zelda with the pattern on the floor:bowdown:
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