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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Sexist?

    But statistics would show that a man is capable of lifting more, possibly allowing him to be more efficient at a job, yet the law states either gender must be paid the same. Don't get me wrong, women might well be better at something else yet men would be paid the same. So why can't there be laws charging genders the same too? I'm not talking about age, since obviously a younger driver has less experience, and an old one might be senile. But gender is specifically taking into account the 'lads like going fast' concept, which is stereotypical.
  2. The smoking topic.

    I don't know what pubs you go in, sounds like a shit night out. The airline thing is a choice the companies made, so it's not like we should be grateful to smokers when they were allowed to smoke. Also, even if I'm breathing recycled air I'd rather do that than breathe in cigarette smoke. Such foul stuff.
  3. Sexist?

    Yeh, a job of a skydiver is a personal choice, and one that you would know the risks of before taking it up. But your gender is set in stone - and I don't consider surgery to say otherwise. :p It might also be better financially to pay, say, a female builder less than a male builder than have to pay a woman the same amount, yet laws stop this from happening. The same laws should exist within car insurance IMO.
  4. Sexist?

    Yes it is stereotyping, as they are offering a better deal to women just because they are women. You can't help being born how you are, and you shouldn't be charged more because of it.
  5. The smoking topic.

    Chavs do that on the Metrolink. A woman confronted a smoking chav once because she had a child and the chav started swearing at her and mocked her. Frankly atrocious. Chavs are such disgusting specimens, they should all be eradicated.
  6. The smoking topic.

    The point is that if it's not a god-given right to smoke, you don't need god given rights to stop it. Because smokers won't stop killing themselves. Right, you didn't understand what I was pointing out. The comparisons to heroin for instance, highlighted the example of a banned substance that does not cause people to exclaim that the government is fascist or feel that they have no rights. No, it's nothing to do with my opinion- things are banned that are dangerous to health, this has happened in the past (asbestos, anyone) so it has absolutely nothing to do with whether I think it should be banned. If the government geared towards that path eventually, they wouldn't be doing so because a guy named Daniel from N-Europe forums personally believed it was a good idea. What do some people come out with. As for your theory that something with a checklist is watching over you...could this be an argument for the 'against' side of smoking? Just kidding. :p
  7. The smoking topic.

    You're told to do lots of things and don't bat an eyelid! Don't take heroin, don't drive without a license, don't drink and drive! These are dangerous things - yes, more so than cigarettes, but still banned and people don't feel like their rights are being taken away. Cigarettes are merely a drug that aren't a god given right for people to have; people lived without them before they came into existence, and really people are being done a favour if they were ever completely banned. Cannabis is banned and reportedly isn't that much more dangerous, yet people aren't as bothered. I am not suggesting a complete halt on cigarettes, obviously I would be talking about some massive scheme where gradually you would reduce the numbers and eventually outright ban them. I realise to a smoker this seems like an infringement of their rights, but I honestly think it would be a good way to go.
  8. The smoking topic.

    The thing I was talking about, the partial ban, was the smoking in pubs etc, which has already happened (which I support). That was definitely needed because it was making people like me breathe people's smoke. The reason I think it should eventually be banned is simply because they are harmful. I know, for some this is mind boggling stuff that someone actually cares about what happens to other people. But honestly, I know deep down that there are so many good reasons for it to be gone, and a government ban of it would only lead to better health. You can say it's fascist or whatever, but if it saved lives then I'm for it.
  9. Your real life alignment

    I loved 'em, added depth to your characters. In BG at least.... It seemed quite clever how your party would disagree because of their general disposition and even attack each other or part their ways. You had to pick your party carefully...
  10. The smoking topic.

    It was a very simple and clear comparison, if you did not get it I suggest you try again. :p This again brings me back to exactly what my last post summed up. Even if one substance causes a lot of death and isn't banned, if another substance that causes illness and death is banned we shouldn't start slamming the fact it is banned (partially). I would rather at least one be partially banned than none at all. A blanket public ban was required to stop people forcing - people who forced others, even though not deliberately, to breathe their smoke. In the canteen at Tesco during break, I was forced to breathe the smoke of others even when sitting as far away as possible, since so many smoked. There is no law against smoking on the street or in your house, but smoking in a public place where other people work is actually preventing the forcing of smoke onto other people. That somewhat quells any fascist thing you have going on there. The government tells us to do lots of things, but I don't recall them being labeled fascist for each thing.
  11. The smoking topic.

    That's quite funny, it's like you just took the last part of my post and ignored it completely. :p What I said is to not try justify the banning down of cigarettes by saying we should ban everything else deemed unhealthy. It's like saying "Men, we're currently being shot at by 3 groups of troops. Now we can negotiate with one group of troops and they'll probably stop firing, resulting in less casualties amongst our men." "But sir, that's not fair, the other troops still get to fire at us!" "Well in that case, we'll not call off that one group! If all 3 cannot be stopped at once, in the interest of fairness, let all 3 carry on!" It seems as if smokers try to justify carrying on with a bad habit by highlighting that other bad habbits are allowed. If life-endangering habbits can go, let them. I realise other things like McDonalds still are allowed, and I believe food like that will change in time too. But at the moment change is directed at cigarettes. And why should people concern theirselves with other people's health? Ok, if you don't believe people care about others, at least realise that smoking affects loved ones (if you don't smoke around them, it could well affect them still if you get an illness).
  12. The smoking topic.

    Very, very unlikely, he may appear healthy but smoking damages the lungs progressively in every smoker, there's no way he would be as healthy as another version of himself who never smoked. He is much more likely to encounter problems as he gets older too. At the end of the day you can go "nanny state", but whatever the motivation, the ban has been shown to increase the number quitting which means better health for them. Sod the reasoning behind people agreeing with the ban, if it results in people stopping it's no bad thing. The problem with obesity is that it is much harder to control; you can't ban people from buying lots of food, then eating it. You could possibly ban cigarettes, or at least partially like they have done, and also increase the age (which they've done again). But what annoys me the most is when people try to justify a bad thing as OK by relating to something else like obesity or alcohol. Yes alcohol can damage you too, but that doesn't mean in the interest of fairness we should either ban all of it or ban none of it at all. I think it's common sense to limit smoking - like I say, it all works out for the best in the end.
  13. The smoking topic.

    Trust me any ban is doing you a favour. The less chance you get to inhale toxic fumes the better for your own life. Laws aren't just passed to protect other people, they care about you too you know!
  14. The smoking topic.

    I really dislike smoking, and I actually feel quite sorry for smokers. I work part time in Tesco bakery and the guy who works with me nips out every hour or so to smoke, and he has a young daughter. He's a nice bloke and his child must be under 10, and he smokes that much. I think smoking will probably cap his life, there's no doubt smoking makes you unhealthy as well as posing risks like increased cancer susceptibility. The best way to stop smokers is to stop people starting, as then there is no addiction to tackle, just idiot schoolchildren pressurising others into smoking. I have no doubt in the future cigarettes will be banned completely...but that is a far cry from where we are now.
  15. How was your day?

    I woke up at 7:20AM, got dressed for work at Tesco, had breakfast, went to Tesco and finished at 5PM. Came home, rang up Papa John's pizza because they owed me a free pizza (since they delivered the last one 2 and a half hours late). The guy on the phone said there was no note saying I was owed one, and that he was doing a favour giving me the last one free (which was free because it was 2 and a half hours later) and this one free. He then said something about how it couldn't be any bigger than a medium, so yeh. Papa John's; what a load of crap. And for the past few hours I've been doing Uni work and posting. Yoish!
  16. If your house was on fire...

    They are in water, they would survive. Or be steam cooked.
  17. If your house was on fire...

    I would take swords, but definitely not magic!
  18. N-Europe 2008 Meetup!

    What does London have? Table tennis, and rape. Alton Towers has slides! wee wa waheyyy.
  19. N-Europe 2008 Meetup!

    London? Fuck that! Alton Towers would have rocked...
  20. N-Europe 2008 Meetup!

    Can anyone tell me if there are any changes to this since the first post and if this is still on. I like swords not magic! And who will be going so far?
  21. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    There's nothing wrong with a bit of random. If games were just a match of one guy against another guy, things would get stale and predictable. It's like how people play poker; obviously skill helps but randomness adds an element of surprise to make the game more interesting. I've seen people just play no items constantly against each other on melee, they are so boring to watch. God bless thar items.
  22. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    Items are random...anyone can get them, so you can't really say they're that unfair (as long as you don't have too powerful ones on). They're just an extension of abilities, like a gun/bow attack could be like throwing an item or using a projectile item. I think it takes more skill to use your character's moves as well as these extensions.
  23. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    Wow, that is awesome...
  24. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    I think we should all praise Pit for a moment. Never has such a silly sounding noise been made during a move. His across special (B) causes him to yell "deh deh deh deh deh!!" in a hilarious fashion, gotta be heard to be believed. :p
  25. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    Stamina thing? I've not played him much so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Can you explain what I need to do so I can test it and explain more about it? Edit: nvm looked it up, well I don't think I've played it enough to tell (or even judge how easily the Pokemon are knocked about). Been playing too much Link/Marth/Ike/Pikachu to see. :p