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Posts posted by BowserBasher

  1. Got this for Christmas.


    I've breezed through the 50cc class with 3 stars on all cups, and have started on the 100cc. Set myself a few Time Trial times, and been having fun. I may not be able to join the N-E League due to working Thursday evenings, but I'll be sure to add myself as I would love to play you guys some time.

  2. Had a little test on the Stop Motion capabilities of the video recording. Made two vids, one of a DSLite opening and closing, and one of a glass of drink going down.




    Sorry for the darkness, they were literally just taken and it's not very bright in my room.



    So I realized I think I have been using the wrong 'mode' for Stop Motion. I was using the one called 'Clip Link' instead of 'Frame Pic' (why is it not called Stop Motion?) Anyway, even with that, they still turned out OK, I'll have another go some other time with the proper one.

  3. Just finished the game

    Loved the game. I loved the lead up to the last two bosses, running down from the Sacred Grounds fighting off hordes of Moblins was just great, seeing dozens suddenly come out of the darkness at you is so amazing. The Ghirahim battle was played out well, didn't really find much trouble with it. Then of course he 'perished' and it looked liked I was about to face good old toenails-furby again, but luckily that turned into Demise, and what a fight that was.

    After a few attempts I managed to get a perfect first round against him. Maybe it was because I had the Hylian Shield and just held it up all the time, pushing forward to block his attack, then pummelling him into submission. Took me a few times to figure out the second phase, then Fi told me about the lightning, and I just loved that. It was a big ol' one on one lightning bolt-filled-sword fight. Loved it.

    The ending sequences were quite emotional in parts, I think a fitting end to the game.

    I assume that Demise wasn't Ganondorf, but some predecessor to him. as he did mention about all future Links having to deal with him.

    After the end, the game mentioned about doing a "Hero Mode". I said OK to it, not properly reading that it saves over your normal game, but anywho....anyone know what "Hero Mode" is? I assume it's just going to be a harder mode. I really don't want to be starting again if it's just a harder mode. Not this soon after completing it anyway.



    I enjoyed looking for the dragons, I take it this was the big "fetch quest" some people complained about, but I enjoyed it. Only annoying part was finding all the tadstones for the Water Dragon, but at least it wasn't a simple task of just finding her where you first met her again. And enjoyed how they altered the Woods.


    I then went for the Thunder Dragon as that Goron had annoyed me earlier. Loved the little puzzle in trying to get to him with the timeshift stone. Another facepalm moment, the rock you had to blow up to get to the locked door I didn't see the bomb flower on the cactus and blew it up timing a throw with a lit fuse bomb :heh:


    It then took me awhile to figure out how to get the key... I kept trying to jump to it :heh:


    Loved the puzzle with the seed too... even though I knew exactly where to bring it already.... though disappointed it didn't become the Great Deku Tree which is what I expected... though maybe it does later?


    Getting to the Fire Dragon was the best though, being stripped of all your gear and having to sneak around was great. Totally loved that whole section... best part of it though... NO FI to auto explain stuff :D


    I then completed the song with the Windfish (Levias... seriously nobody else think he;s the Windfish from Links Awakening?) and did the last Trial. Didn't need dowsing either, there was only one island the gate could be on so it was just a simple run around that to find it... though it wasn't where I expected to be. I thought it would be by the statue. Enjoyed that trial too.... I almost messed it up getting the one on top the tower was spotted by the ghost and of course there was a gaurdian on top the tower... he missed me with his sword by an inch and I just got the tear...phew.


    Then figuring out where to put that stone thing you get was a no brainer... even though I hadn't ever noticed the symbol in the one already in the statue I knew it was there it had to go cause I've been looking at and been ANNOYED TO FRAK by that statue since the FRAKKING START OF THE BLOODY GAME. For a moment I was starting to think it wasn't part of any puzzle and was just there to annoy me as I was nearing the end and still no sign of what it was for, haha.


    Entered the final dungeon and saw the moving room puzzle. It was late so saved and quit there. Will save it for todays session so that I can take my time and not be rushing it


    I'm pretty much just after this point in the game.

    When I first completed the Water Dragons song, I thought that I'd have to be doing the same thing for the other two, finding a bunch of notes scattered around the worlds. So glad that wasn't the case, I enjoyed the other two much more than that one. Getting to the Thunder Dragon was great fun, and I knew exactly where to plant that seedling. Getting to the Fire Dragon was even better, loved the creeping and using what little you had to get to him. Also got me the fortune tellers new ball whist I was there.

    I also thought Windfish when I first saw Levias, great fight by the way when you first met him. For some strange reason I found the last trial right away, and was really even looking for it, thought it would be on a random little island somewhere. did the trial after a few tries, silly mistakes by me. and opened up the final dungeon. I noticed that statue to early on and was wondering about it. I loved the moment before the whole dungeon appeared, just after the single ball was fired off. There was the shot of Link and the statue and if felt like nothing was going to happen, it jsut stayed on them for so long with nothing happening, then all of a sudden it appears. Great timing.

    I've managed to do a few rooms in that dungeon, got the key and am on my way to I believe getting the first piece of the Triforce.


  5. Just had a 3 hour play session, and beat the 6th temple.

    I was surprised I got the thing to do, that gets you into the temple, right first time. When you had to go get the big vessel from the Water Dragon. Loved the taking it and the robot thing up the mountain taking out all the Mobblins with the bow and arrow along the way.

    Got stuck for a while in the temple in that room with all the water plants, couldn't figure out how to get one to the door to open it, then I just thought I'll stab it for fun and was very surprised that was how it was done.

    Really had the boss sorted. It took me three attempts but I really had a hold on the motion controls and hitting his hand in that first set of the battle. The arrows he throws are easily avoided by constant side stepping. Just lots of jumping and striking with all my arm swinging at any possible moment.



    Really am loving this game so far, Well worth the wait.

  6. You have to do fast motions. Just move the Wiimote quickly left or right when they move their arms. Don't try to actually move it slowly to match the movement of their arms. Did it on my first try after I found that out.


    As for the quick changes, those are simple enough once you've played the song a couple of times.


    Thanks, did it first time just now, and I still misses a few of the quick changes.

  7. Just beat the 5th temple, I think that's right

    The one on the boat

    , loved that boss battle.


    How do I do the wawing game with the harp at the bar?


    I'm having issues with this one too

    I've managed to do the first two jobs he gave me, but for the love of me, I just can't do the one where I have to play the harp with the girl. Do I just keep a constant rhythm, or do I have to be in time with the waving arms. I keep missing a few of the quick changes and I think that is what is making me fail.


  8. Only got to the 3rd dungeon last night. The whole "getting to it" was awesome and much longer than expected, yet when I got to the dungeon I thought... is this it already? As I was expecting to still be trying to get to it.


    Had a massive facepalm moment though which took me ages to figure out.


    When trying to get to the 3rd power switch, the Fire symbol one. It took me ages to figure out how to get the electric shell thing to the other side of the big hole. For some reason I thought I was meant to somehow toss it up on the big blocks you can walk across with the chest on to and carry/throw it all the way to the other side.


    I was scratching my head wondering how I was meant to toss it to the top of the blocks. Took about 10mins (all my hearts and using a fairy in bottle due to holding the thing too long too many times) before I suddenly hit myself when I realised I could use the Hook Beetle to get it across :heh:




    Me too, was doing exactly what you were before I figured it out.

  9. I was doing some side quests last night and it seems that some may have multiple routes (so to speak), I'll outline the one I did.

    Whilst walking around the Academy, I talked to the woman in the kitchen and she said she heard noises at night coming from the restroom. I went by there at night and the noise, wanted paper. Go back to day time, and I talked the the boy standing by the main front door, he said he wanted to give a letter to a girl, during the cutscene, Link looked at the restroom, and there was an exchange about not giving it to anyone else. Being the nice person I am, I took the letter to the girl, and it led to a little story of two people getting together. Anyone else do the opposite and try to give it to the person in the restroom.


  10. Just beat the first temple. Loving the game, the visuals, the music, the motion controls, I really am getting the swing of it (geddit).


    A few bits on the first temple.

    Almost got a little stuck in that main chamber, where it said about two switches, on being above, and one below, couldn't find the below one for a while, then found it.

    Those eyeball things. Love 'em, and surely a call back to the eyeballs in Super Mario 64 that you ran around to kill. The first one I encountered, I thought of those in Mario and did the whole follow the sword in a circle thing and gave a chuckle when it worked.

    The item you get is simply genius, love it, taking that little thing for a flight and taking out the Skulltulas by clipping the string.



    Taking a break for the day now, taking lots of time with this.

    Apologies if we shouldn't even be putting stuff in spoiler tags. I assume that since the game is out, we must be able to talk about it in some way like that. I don't want to venture into the other Zelda thread.

  11. I'm probably going to get it. I enjoyed F1 2009 on Wii for what is was worth and this should hold me over till we get a new home console version (that's supposed to be for Wii U).

  12. Just read through this, loved it. I love the art style, the humour, the story. I prefer that you have decided to keep away from the extreme vulgar and go with the mores strange and weird (like the hugging in bed rather than "rape").


    I couldn't see the next chapter, have you made that yet?

  13. This "Doctor Who?" stuff though, while making me facepalm and not as awesome as "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"


    :bowdown: There's a man that knows where his towel is.


    I guessed the tesselector too, though I didn't think that the Doctor would be the one inside it. Overall I did like the episode though.

    I have no problem with cliffhangers like the "Doctor Who?" question. I guess I'm used to seeing that in other shows.


    I know it's all opinions at the moment, but I really hope they don't regenerate this Doctor too soon, I'm enjoying Matt Smith in the role.

  14. Grrr... just read a few posts up.... did ye over in the UK get the update yesterday? Or was that the US update?


    It was available yesterday, though I had to do the system update even after leaving it in sleep mode for around 30 minutes.
