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Everything posted by wooks63

  1. European Event- General Chat

    Actually, you'll only need to buy 2 extra controllers as WiiPlay will be coming with a controller. I use the have an MSX (well, 2 to be more acurate). I recall they came out some time between the Commodore 64 era and the Amiga era, and at the same time as Amstrad's home computer. They had a computer keyboard and you could load games using an audio tape player (ah those were the days, waiting 30 minutes or more for a game to load), but they also had a cartridge slot which not only meant fast and reliable loading times, but some cartridges had improved sound chips etc. MSX was actually a standard, and many manufacturers made MSX machines. Whilst some were very similar, others had specialist hardware. For example, one of my MSX's was made by Yamaha, and it came with a dedicated sound chip and full size music keyboard, with programs for music writing\recording and sound creation. Obviously, compared to today's machine, the games were quite basic, but a lot of them were quite fun. I'll be looking forward to playing the likes of Antartic Adventure and Pineappling again. ***Edit*** Just looked at that YouTube video and it's reminded my of so many 'great' games on the MSX - Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Knightmare, Comic Bakery, Nemesis, Salamander . . . . .
  2. European Wii Preorders

    LOL! I've been having great fun reading this thread. You know, guys, that the world will still carry on revolving, you'll still be alive and everything will be OK even IF you don't manage to get the console on release day. Yes, sure it's nice being one of the first (but then being European you won't be!!) but the amount of paranoia being shown by some people is laughable (or possibly even worrying). I know I'll probably be flamed for not being a true Nintendo fan (even though I am), but just calm down. Having said all that, I probably will be pre-ordering, but will wait a week or so while all the companies get their bundles and prices sorted out. Oh, and can I take the crown for the youngest 43 year old?
  3. European Event- General Chat

    But VAT isn't the only extra that the government charge. I think you'll find that any foreign company selling goods in the UK have to pay duties, something that the consumer never sees.
  4. European Event- General Chat

    I don't understand why some people are moaning about the lack of a black console - when you're playing, the last thing you'll be looking at will be the console!!!! Anyway, to provide different colour options from the start would just complicate production and would probably result in fewer consoles being initially available.
  5. European Event- General Chat

    The reason why it's £179 and not nearer £150 is because of all the taxes and duties we have in rip off Britain. Don't forget, if you import it, you could get stung for import duty in which case you could easily end up losing money . . . Anyway, at least they didn't hold it back until March 2007 - something I was dreading.
  6. Loading screens from hell

    The link's not currently working. However, a couple of weeks ago I had my first experience of playing on the XBox 360 at a friend's house. I've currently got a Gamecube and DS. Now I know that the graphics on the 360 are obviously better, and on the whole I was fairly impressed (but not as much as I thought I'd be), but I was shocked at the loading times I was experiencing. Is this typical of how the Next Gen consoles are going to perform? I really hope not. I assume this video concerns the PSP. Whilst I'm more than happy with my DS, I've not ruled out getting a PSP, but I hope that, on the whole, loading times aren't too unbearable. I'll also definitely be waiting until both the Playstation 3 and Revolution come out before deciding which to go for, and just hope that these don't have painfully slow loading times. And they call this progress????
  7. I got this game along with Mario Baseball at Christmas, expecting to love Baseball, but wasn't really sure what to expect from Smash Football, thinking that I'd prefer to carry on playing Winning Eleven instead. Oh how wrong I was! I've hardly played Mario Baseball, whereas Smash Football has barely left my Cube. My wife and I both love it, as do the kids, including my 5 year old daughter! We've had many 4 player games and can't get enough. The only thing I'm not too keen on is the Bowser Attack, but at least you can turn it off.
  8. demolition of all 3 consoles

    Wow, it must have taken you ages to brush the cobwebs off this old thing! Yes it has been posted before, albeit a long long time ago.
  9. Mario Dance Dance Revolution

    I got it when it first came out and love it. It's a great way of giving me some exercise! Was quite impressed with the quality of the dance mat. Good heavy duty plastic that should last quite a while without splitting. The only 'problem' I've had is that, using the dance mat on my carpet, because of the carpet weave, it tends to 'walk' across the floor slightly, so I have to keep readjusting it.
  10. I've got Purple, Black, Orange and Silver controllers. Helps to identify which belongs to which player.
  11. Yes, that's been around for quite a while now. Still good however!
  12. iPod Video tonight?

    I don't know what all the fuss is about. My MP3 player (iRiver H340) has been able to play videos for ages now. Just looks like Apple trying to play 'catch up' to me, yet somehow the media think its revolutionary. Show's how little they really know. Unrelated to this thread, but related to my last comment, the media keep going on about the X360, and also watch out for the playstation 3, but they never ever mention that Nintendo have a new console coming out.