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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. difference between dolby prologic 1 and 2

    I'm all good, my Logitech Z-680's are THX Certified, and support Dolby Digital, Digital Theatre Sound and Dolby Pro Logic II.
  2. Isss There A God!!

    Man that makes me horny, you rock. This man is correct everyone.
  3. Isss There A God!!

    No but unless something can be proven outright, the simplest belief that requires the least amount of assumptions should be deemed true.
  4. "Did God create everything that exists?"

    This seems like the most reasonable response: "If an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, the force will simply assume a different vector. This is super simple physics at work. If you are trying to say that the force cannot change vectors then the force will simply change form such as in the form of sound energy, heat energy, light energy, whatever."
  5. Isss There A God!!

    No. Religion based threads should be bannable. >_<
  6. More Hard Drive Questions lol

    You can install them on there fine and they will work.. One thing you want to be careful of is having the external drive turned off/disconnected and having a program rely on it being there -- also make sure the drive comes back up with the same letter each time you reconnect If it changes, you can change it easily enough in Disk Management.
  7. Computer Wont Shut Down

    Some people are just born to mess their systems up. I've seen similar things happen with new PCs.
  8. difference between dolby prologic 1 and 2

    Dolby Pro Logic (Dolby Surround) uses a regular stereo input to recreate the effect of having surround sound, but only uses a mono mix for the rear speakers (so the rear speakers sound the same). Dolby Pro Logic II is the same idea, but attempts to seperate the two rear channels so they can be unique. Neither methods are anywhere near as good as Dolby Digital or Digital Theatre Sound.
  9. Replier Impotance!

    Happens to me fairly often too..
  10. "Did God create everything that exists?"

    Albert Einstein is awesome but god doesn't exist.
  11. goolockx movies

    Cat!! ^_________________^
  12. Suggestions

    Get rid of the black border then. It still looks undesirable in Firefox.
  13. Thankyou!

    Certainly very welcome. Seems the forum changeover actually brought an influx of awesome new people as opposed to retarded OMG LOL REVOLUTION IS DA BOMB kids... This is most excellent.
  14. Arghhh! I need a mac

    The iPod isn't THAT overpriced, but some of their other things clearly are. If you want to check my source, it was the apple.com/uk store. Do it yourself before you retaliate.
  15. Post your Desktop(56k no no)

    That is the Nürburgring, and it does indeed have graffiti on a lot of parts... That's my brother in his 1.7 Turbo Diesel Mark 4 Vauxhall Astra Estate... it's a company car and he caned the living shit out of it on the Nürburgring, i've got a video.... http://www.zen51445.zen.co.uk/ring I thought he did fucking awesome seeing as he had only 87bhp (he overclocked his car with a chip which visibly increases the torque curve). Oh, and it was still packed with all his Dell boxes for work...
  16. User Image Gallery

    Here's a picture of Kigan (you may know him from IRC) he wanted me to post:
  17. who likes teh chicken ?

    That's due to hormone boosting to give the chickens bigger breasts, because everyone likes eating the breasts. True. Same with milk and such. Although this isn't true of everywhere of course, some places it's frowned upon, but the larger places, I'm sure they don't give a shit about the real quality.
  18. who likes teh chicken ?

    ^__^ You're awesome. Anyway, to the question, no. I'm a vegan. Wow that killed that one.
  19. User Image Gallery

    Scared? Oh lord, these guys wouldn't hurt a fly. They'd probably put their heads down in shame if they saw an attractive woman pass in the street and quietly think about how much they'd like to bone her. Rape her? Unheard of.
  20. Thankyou!

    ... and I crave to be black. What's up NIGGAS????? [before anyone says anything, I don't really]
  21. User Image Gallery

    Bullshit. Guys write dumb shit no matter what the girls may post. If someone wants to masturbate over my pictures, feel free. Somehow I don't think they will though.
  22. Jimi Hendrix on Weed...

    Uh this really a proper topic to have on these boards? :-/
  23. Thankyou!

    5 years, how did he work out 5 years?
  24. Post your Desktop(56k no no)

    Right now... (yes I pixellated HydraIRC deliberately) Everything minimised...
  25. Thankyou!

    How the hell did you work out 5 years? You would have had to join on or before September 2000 to be here for 5 years...