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Posts posted by Blackfox

  1. ah, my friend got onto that, but shes really clever. if your not a A/B student, id forget about it. i know trhat sounds defeatist but its just being realistic.


    I got AABB at AS level, so im on target, its just the extra curricular stuff i haven't done. (they are very big on voluntary placements and hospital experience). Kinda' becuase i procrastinate, kinda' because i decided for definate later on and kinda' becuase all the career advice i was given was awful/incomplete.


    I was planning on taking a gap year anyways, so i guess that will give me time on strengthening my application..

  2. University of Birmingham; 2nd Year; Ancient History; Living at home(a lot cheaper-only pay £175 a month to my mom)


    Blackfox; I had no volunteer experience/non-curricular achievments and I still got in, maybe it's something else, were you grades up to scratch?


    But im applying for medicine. Which you need experience. There's like 10 applicants for one place.

  3. Well, although im not going to university yet, ive had a pretty big set back, i.e. my personal statement is shite compared to other kids, and i have hardly any experience or work in a voluntary placement. So i will probably be rejected. Which is gay.


    So any advice to you wippersnappers reading this thread is to plan out early, and try get some decent career advice.

  4. Good to see this thread is going again. Let's hope it can expand to be bigger and better than the old.


    btw im BlackFox13, and i play with most of the guys on here. Don't play with Jordan though - he is a bullet magnet. Your team will lose with him.
