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Posts posted by Blackfox

  1. You all know the score. Its a quiz. Rules are:


    - The poster posts 10 questions that the members of the boadr have to try to answer. One one answer per person per round please - that way everyone can be involved.


    - The questions have got to be accessable e.g. not, "what is my mum's maiden name?" Nobody will know the answer to that.


    - I shall keep a tally, which i'll update with the scores every so often.


    - PM me for who wants to do the next round, it will only take 5 mins to think of questions, and to look over the thread one evening to sort out answers etc. So please volunteer your souls time!


    - I can't think of any other rules atm. I'll add some if necessary.


    I'll get the balll rolling then....


    ROUND 1


    1) What is my Xbox Live gamertag? Done!

    2) Name the 4 members of the band NOFX. Done!

    3) Name the Dutch themed nickname that i used for a while. (its a toughy ;)) Shorty goddit

    4) CubeChris has a ghost, a panda or a pet goat at his new house? Done!

    5) Who invented the paperclip? Done!

    6) What is the only Olympic sport where the winner never crosses the finishing line? Done!

    7) Which film was based upon the book Do Androids Dream of Electrical sheep? Done!

    8) What is the common name for the drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine? Done!

    9) Who wrote To kill a Mockingbird? Done!

    10) Final question, what is the capital city of Burkina Faso? Done!


    Have some fun and join in! :)


    EDIT: first person to post that correct answer for the question wins a point. Sorry, should have pointed that out. Just posts answers in the thread.


    Scoreboard - after round 11.

    BlackFox - 8

    Meik - 8

    gmac - 7

    Zatoichi - 7

    Athriller - 6

    Bowser57 - 6

    Haver - 6

    dukkadukka - 5

    Johelian - 4

    Monopolyman - 4

    Eenuh - 4

    Platty - 4

    Raining - 4

    Emo - 3

    soag - 3

    Noodleman - 2

    Zakatu - 2

    Arragaun - 2

    CubeChris - 2

    Tom - 2

    Mr_Odwin - 2

    Kopo - 2

    Cheapshot - 2

    Oli - 2

    Bluejay - 1

    Tendo's Missus - 1

    Shorty - 1

    masaki 86 - 1

    Ashley - 1

    guaglio - 1

    Tys - 1

    Twlight Link - 1

    Woosel - 1


    Round 1: BlackFox

    Round 2: kopo

    Round 3: gmac

    Round 4: CubeChris

    Round 5: Platty

    Round 6: Athriller.

    Round 7: soag

    Round 8: dukkadukka

    Round 9: Meik

    Round 10: Monopolyman

    Round 11: Emo

    Round 12. TysOnToast.

    Round 13: Zatoichi

    Round 14: Tom

  2. The real reason behind the IRA decommission is infact - they are skint. They no longer have the good old "American Irish" donating in their thousands due to the fact they are a terrorist organisation! And the Americans can't be seen sponsoring terrorism. Golly Gosh!


    There's also the odd conspiracy rumour that the bank job they pulled of is their "retirement fund".


    I do believe that they have decomissioned, they want a free Ireland, and the only way this can be achived is through the ballot box. I just hope the Unionist Paramilataries realise what big ****s they are, and decommission to.

  3. I saw this film called Contact once and that was about that kinda jargon. Wasn't bad, anyone else seen that?


    Ive seen it,


    Wasnt bad, isnt a great film, but watchable!

  4. And no thanks to me? The crazy assed mod of old?

    Ah well, nice to see you like the place. This is my 5th year here, can't wait for another 5... if we aren't all dead by then.


    EDIT: Also, Bowser is a very nice chap. Especially on Halo 2 over XBL. Great fun.



    Your a new mod Gringo. Just becuase you moderate like, 7 forums.


    Yes, Bowser 57 is the King of sarcasm and Halo 2. Nice chap.

  5. This is the exact reason why Christmas has just become a bullshit holiday. People making present lists already? Jeez. Christmas is meant to be about Jesus and all that & the season of goodwill. Not by adding to consumerism by making plans to force mummy and daddy to pay hundreds of pounds for your gifts.


    Come back and make a proper Xmas thread around the 10th December.

  6. Hehe, i think i made a thread liek this ages ago on CE :P


    Anyways, i love the stuff. Apple summed up my feelings exactly.


    I do like marmite, but if butter is included in the sandwich as well I find that it clashes with the marmite (the same goes with peanut butter, well, I wouldn't have that with marmite, the no-butter rule applies to it as well).
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