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Posts posted by Blackfox

  1. Facebook for me all the way. Apparently they're bringing out a new version soon which puts all the applications into tabs - so they don't load when you go to stalk.. go on someone's profile.


    I have a MySpace that is slowly rotting away too.

  2. 100% English, and I quite like being English - great place to be from! Pretty much English as far back as we know.. just have an Irish surname from somewhere...


    Just wish people were more proud to be British.. as Andrew Marr put it, "Being born British is an incredible stroke of luck" (or words to that effect). SNP can fuck off.

  3. Probably going to give up on it to be fair, might keep it for the dual boot times. Will keep on lookig it it as I'll move over to Linux once it becomes a bit more n00b friendly for me! Cheers for yer help though.


    Found a Compaq windows disc in my drawer.. will install that then remove all the third party shit they bundle in with it.. joy..

  4. Haha shit, it's Tendo :o


    I remember playing Forza with you and Steve on the odd occasion (I think it was you, might have been zeik thinking about it O_o)


    And me too! I was clearly third best.


    Been re-playing Forza again this summer holidays actually, strange co-incidence.

  5. Ok, replaced my dead laptop HDD. Now I need to install windows on it, unfortunetly I've left my backup disc in uni and the fucker won't install windows. So I was wondering if its possible to download Windows Xp from a legit source, or an illegal one? I have the serial codes so I have bought it, just don't have the CD accessable.


    Its either that or I'll have to install 98, or try Linux. I fucking hate computers at times.

  6. Yo,


    Dunno if this has ever been done before, and if it has - don't really care! Anyway, the purpose is to copy my drawing below, and add something on to it. Then the next person comes along as adds something to that.. eventually something cool is meant to come out of it.


    I used to play it ages ago as a kid and I'm unsure whether it'll work on here.. but I'll give it a go anyway..




    Rules.. copy the pic and play around with it in paint. Only work for 30 secs max on it as you don't want to become too complicated too quickk. Hopefully some fun shit will come out of it.. we'll see anyway!



  7. I occasionally drink to get drunk, why the hell not?! Its nice to blow off a little steam, then go home to whack on some Pink Floyd and wake in the morning to discover you've ordered the entire Bornemouth home kit (happened to my friend, haha).


    However, its nice just to have a drink for the flavour of the drink. Good times relaxing in an old man pub, listening to the jukebox quietly in the corner and having some banter with mates. You don't have to get plastered, just take it easy and let your liver pick up the slack. Drinking with meals is boss too.. love a glass of red (Rosé is shit) with meats.


    As long as you're not an arsehole when you're drunk its cool.

  8. Depended on what TV I used to watch at the time:


    First wanted to be Thomas the Tank, the actual engine. Even started calling the members of my family the names of the engines (Dad was Gordon) and used to get pissy when they got the names wrong. Luckily that phase died out fairly soon.


    Also wanted to be a pilot due to war films and watching planes on TV. Had that dream for a while.


    Then started watching Casualty.. started doing medicine. Casualties gone shit.. luckily medicine hasn't!

  9. I get frustrated at the lack of activities on a Sunday, but appreciate the fact its a day in the week where people more or less have the day off, and one that companies cannot exploit to drive us to a 24hours consumerist nation.
