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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Printer Advice

    The Christmas season is approaching and my grandad said he will buy me a printer for the PC. Now, since i haven't had a working printer for months - it'll come in useful. He's basically told me to find the model, and he'll buy it for me. The only thing is i am a total printer neophyte (big word of the day )and know sod all about them. So your recommendations please! I would want: - good print quality (preferably photo quality or adjustable) - maybe one with a scanner inbuilt onto it. - one that's less than £100 - one that's economical to run (i.e. i wont have to fork out for a new cartridge everyweek) So yeah, any brands/recommendations/stuff to look out for - I'll be most grateful!
  2. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    Yeah, i had given up hope really with the quiz. I PMd Tys, but he didnt respond so i passed it onto Zatoichi, but he's gone walkabouts. Does anyone want to help revive this and take on a round?
  3. Printer Advice

    Cheers, ill look into all the ones suggested.
  4. Msn buggered?

    I hear a lot of people are having trouble with their msn, and even having to start new accounts to gain access, hence why i haven't installed 7.5 yet.
  5. Rate The Above Posters Popularity

    Tphi, 6/10 - only because i've not seen you around much.
  6. The stupidity of some people is unbeliveable!

    Haha, pretty stupid. But its also sad that she resorted to that.
  7. technically we are all emo

    Moria isnt. /insider joke.
  8. The Anti-LOL Campaign

    He's only having a laugh. Chill everybody. And tbh, he has his points, it does get pretty un-funny when someone uses it in a normal sentance: "yeah, my day was pretty crappy lol" "lol, how are you?" "your mum's fat lolololololol"
  9. Where does your money come from?

    Well spare a thought for the bright and clever kids who wouldn't be able to go to college becuase they cant afford it. Yes, i know that people abuse it, and £30 is too mucht o give kids - but its a good idea in principle.
  10. The School Thread!

    I go to college. Its alright. Currently doing: geography, chemistry and biology. They can be good subjects but can also be hard and full of work. I also have a shit load of homework to do. 2 tests on monday, and a few case studies to write up. Im in year 13 btw.
  11. Renewing internet security?

    Norton gaave me nothing but problems. I use a combination of AVG and McAfee firewall now. They seem to get on well, and my PC (touch wood) is alright.
  12. Overrated

    I quite liked GTA 3, sure the graphics were great but it was the first 3D GTA. It had fun missions and was just generally a godo fun game for me. GTA:VC, now, everyone loves this game. Although i haven't played much, it just doesn't feel 'right'. It seems as if Rockstar have tried to make it more complicated. GTA3 still wins over GTA Vice City.
  13. Where to go on dates?

    Ths thread went from being good, to fucking hilarious. Kudos to Offerman, Dieter. Jordan and Piro. + Fake rep for all.
  14. Desert Island Game.

    I was thinking of buying this, might have a bit more of a proper look.
  15. Firefox - disappearing bookmarks

    Its happened to be before too, but i dont have that many bookmarks - so i wasnt badly affected. But cheers for the info in the future Mr O.
  16. Favourite Film Quotes

    Simple as, just post your favourite quotes. I'll get the ball rolling. From apocalypse now: And from The Rock:
  17. Where to go on dates?

    for good Sir.
  18. Where to go on dates?

    Oh how i wish that laughing smiley was here right now. Awesome reply.
  19. Lookalikes

    http://www.splitting-images.com/dr_evil.html I cant tell if he's the real one or not!?
  20. The Ultimate Feel Good Thread!

    Hahaha, quality. I wasn't really asking for it, just answering the thread...
  21. The Ultimate Feel Good Thread!

    Prozac. In truth - I guess i just like being appreciated. That makes me happy.
  22. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Just use a crossover cable. Available from all good independant PC shops for under £5.
  23. Favourite Film Quotes

    Why, I blatently stole the idea off Darkzero. Least im honest!
  24. do you have frequent problems posting?

    Yeah, fucking up for me too. keeps linkiing me to the database error thingy, double posts, post not shown as updated.
  25. Jessica Alba naked

    Haha, nice, i fell for it